Garlic the Soviet

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потом опять видео с Поповым продолжились выходить

как-то странно очень

да я о том же

не знаю о чем

не слежу за поповым

имхо очередной "марксист" на зарплате у государства

more like CancerU

what did i think before

indeed u r right

wtf i am capitalist now


on full seriousness all canceru cunts deserve to get cut on pieces alive

Какая игрушка если не секрет

Насколько я знаю роботам не платят зарплату

Роботы по сути те же машины только сильно усовершенствованные

За ними тоже надо следить и др.

Это та область в которой капитализм теряет смысл

Если автоматизировать производство по максимуму то количество работников сократится к минимуму (управляющие роботами) и производительность труда будет стремиться к бесконечности

коммунисты и сталинисты отдельно


это как некоторые левые делают отдельные категории "ленинистов" и "марксисты-ленинисты" чтобы угодить троцкистам

типо второе - не первое

discrimination of bourgeois

as i understand it

if you own MOP and hire people, you are bourgeoisie

you dont own MOP and work for wage, you are proletarian

bourgeois can be big, medium, very big (etc) or petit bourgeoisie

petit bourgeoisie is bourgeoisie that owns MOP, hire people but doesnt extract enough surplus value because it owns few MOP and he has to work himself

basically small business

if you own a MOP and only work yourself here

you are self employed

which is technically a petit bourgeois but you are like the smallest bourgeois possible

peasant who works on his private piece of land, even if he is very poor, is bourgeois

just very small

if peasant works on someone's else land for wage, however, he is proletarian

this is why Lenin said that peasants have double heart

my father is very bright example of petit bourgeois

he is director of small factory

but he works himself in the office

what kind of question is this

i have no idea what you are talking about

we are not in middle age

everyone has factories

let me just remind you

that we had industrialization in 1930s

and evne though we had some catastrofic things going on in 1985-2000, not all factories are rip

i think it was in 1920-30

doesnt matter

will you live according to proletarian interests?

Lenin was a nobleman

he could live like an aristocrat

i didnt finish my thought

bourgeoisie can be petit bourgeois, self employed or regular bourgeois (that doesnt have to work himself)

and proletariat has a subclass labor aristocracy

which are priveleged workers who work for wage but they live in better conditions

so basically

petit bourgeois can live poorer than labor aristocracy

poor peasant can live way worse life than high qualified worker on a factory

i dont know much about him

but basically

there can be bourgeois with proletarian interests

and proletarian with bourgeois interests

when poor peasant goes on war with kulaks and whiteguards, he is following proletarian interests

even if he is petit bourgeois

when worker of USA joins army to invade vietnam or any other country that was invaded by the US

he is proletarian who follows bourgeois interests

you are not ultimately rich parasite that needs to die if you are bourgeois, and you are not the ultimate hero revolutionary if you are proletarian

i think they are mostly scum

but that depends i think

some people are just fooled

if you live in a priviliged imperialist country you can simply be not aware of why you live such a good life

its hard to blame someone for not knowing something

people in imperialist countries would be more revolutionary if they would see the exploitation of 3rd world out of their window

lmao its literally the opposite

typing what?

i am not typing anything

you are scaring me

i just want to warn you

i am straight

restoration of capitalism began a lot earlier than gorbachev

gorvachevs perestroika was just a final phase

говорят что этот харпал жуткий анти-семит

цитаты приводят

я хз








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