Director Dicknuts

Discord ID: 140633117110173696

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I choose the <:honk:565270395251589124>

I'm probably close to Doomer

But I look like <a:PepegaPls:564240292614504448>

Ohana means gang gang

And gang gang means no one gets yeeted

Yeet me

"You know what happens when you get out of the Marines, Brad? You get your brain back."

Generation Kill has been describwd by all my combat vet friends as accurate as fuck

Same guys that made Band Of Brothers

"Ray what the fuck are you doing?"
"MRE cookies!"

*Whole fucking base is on Alert*
"Iraqis are sending a fucking battalion of tanks!"
*Brad walks up and uses his scope*
"That's a fucking village."

Same though

I knew a guy, Marine, two tours in AFG, he quoted that scene

I heard all the actual Marines portrayed fucking loved the show

Kk bb

"If you fire that AK one more time..."


If it says anytbing about the show, my wife normally isn't one for military shows

But she LOVED the character dynamics

We binged the whole show one Saturday

Dude fr

I spy some neighbors in voice chat

I might crack a bottle of wine and hop in to rant about retarded shit

I live far behind enemy lines

... Pray for me, brother

Drop me a tactical nuke tbh

I'm 30 mins from SF

It's ok

I know what must be done...

Dude I still love that that actually wasn't in the script for Iron Man 1

RDJ had his lines on cards and threw them aside, essentially setting the tone for all future Marvel movies in that the heroes are unapologetically superheroes

Man you guys are making me wish my waiver got approved

I tried to go Marines out of Highschool and got yeeted because of my eyesight, which looking back, a bit of a blessing because I literally was Trombley

But tried again last year for Navy

Wanted to be a Corpsman

Still yeeted

MEPS is like prison rules

Veat up the buffest applicant you can find

I thought he was gping Navy

Not Marine



Fucking asshole beat my last score by one ๐Ÿ–•

Jkjk good job bro


Boogaloo me, daddy

Joker or bust, Neighbor

This is so sad

Can we hook Boomers up to an automatic assfucking machine?

Because get fuck't boomer

Please, tell me his name




*Decides whether to turn this into an extremely racist joke*


Guys I'm making mistakes

But ai am the autists

*And that means...?*

M e


I'm all the fuck way in CA


Squid, get the FALs

We're going innabush




It's beautiful

It will happen again

Take a shot everyone screams D bois at spawn

Take a shot every time chaos works with the SCPs

Take a shot every time the MTF kill a D-boy instead of detaining

Take a shot everytime someone closes the door on you while running

Take a shot everytime someone says something nonsensical over the intercom

Take 2 shots if someone is sacrificed to contain SCP-106 without 106 actually being in the match
Take a shot for every door sad boy breaks
Take a shot for every SCP waiting outside 914
Take 3 shots every time you escape 106's pocket dimension
Take a shot every time a D Boy threatens to rape a scientist
Take 2 shots everytime someone locks themselves in the nuke room without actually arming it.
Take a shot everytime a zombie kills themselves
Take a shot everytime a human attempts to negotiate with an SCP. 2 if they actually open a door for them.

-play Cum Zone

I'm gonna say it now

Fuck the newguys! ~~jkjk y'all are welcome unless you're soup~~

Fuckin Newfags

Best I can offer is the E-Tool in my trunk

The only thing I use my hands to dig through is my ass cheeks because toilet papern't

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It's patriot heavy. Dare I say a W A V E of Patriots


Will I Still get my fucking patch?



@Dudesman I'm coming for your Five-seveN

I need to complete my Sam Fisher LARP

Better be ready to defend it, boi

Cuz I'm coming for your gat harder than Beto โค๏ธ

Discord Furfags can come and lick my asshole clean

Any Discord Furry willing to buy my silence for a whole week will have to literally eat my ass like groceries

Why do that when I can strip a discord worker's pride in the process?

Fuck yes it is

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