
Discord ID: 292733321190965250

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2019-12-27 16:46:57 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

i love boris

2020-01-02 20:14:10 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  


I managed to work my way into a socialist activist group chat and look at this shit ๐Ÿคฎ

Going undercover Bois ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Rip now u got nothing to wipe that cum off when u fap to Melody

Remember that guy who got suspended off of twitter because he said Greece has a right to defend their borders ๐Ÿ˜‚

Was a YouTube comment bte

That would be unethical mate come on ๐Ÿ˜‚

Only the ones who try to sneak in illegally and don't ask to see the migrants office

Or whatever it's called

Also Syrians technically do have a reason to flee, the Turks just started another fucking conflict with them

Anyways that's my take



Your so based it's amazing

I can't be saying that or my mum would kill me

Ikr white Japanese people are the besht <:Pepe_of_akkad:462279833511264257>


I need to spend more time on this server but I gotta go back to being a Muslim now, cheerio

^communist scheme

<:Communist:462285823824494592> <:coolgon:549370575701803019>

2020-03-04 14:06:38 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

PMQs is a nice live drama show

2020-03-04 14:07:20 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Imagine unironically saying fuck fascism in today's day and age in the west

Can u imagine the sleep paralysis of having 1700 people watching you

You have superpowers

> I found a new hobby.
> I go to videos of Priti Patel on youtube. And when there is a comment from a lefty calling her a horrible bully. I spin what they say in them discriminating against a brown Hindu immigrant woman and then accuse them of being racist and sexist.
@suroj >Brain cannot compute, initiate reee response, too much oppression!

Anybody watched PMQs yesterday?

I only lasted 10 minutes in the shitshow

I sneaked my way into a socialist WhatsApp group and every now and then I just vomit out socialist garb

But I've been trying to understand their 'reasoning'


i sent it to 100 muslim friends

2020-03-06 14:01:32 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

reminder to sign the petition

Fuck off Urinalist

Had to scroll down a bit but fucking hell i knew this journalist was upto something

God Bless the Queen

Damn someone's based

I need Dread Pirate Roberts to help me get a copy of Doom Eternal for cheaper, it costs too much for a plebian like me

Even if our queen was autocratic she holds hardly any power anyway

all because of good ol' king charles

i think she's too old to recall anything


wys i wasnt given an invite

Im Brown lol

wa'akalaikumussalam akhi

akhi meaning bro

wtf man i aint interested in them hoes xD

^thats what i like

how does one exactly pillage a whole wife, there's not much to pillage is there

holy shit its past 3am

i was playing subnautica below zero for ages

u on the filthy west coast?


with a little weiner



What are the chances of west coast voting republican in the next 12 years

> Bigger than yours @Padorubrahim
@KyonJ true

anways have a good evenin



dont care tbh hahaaaa

PragerU sure follow some weird people, I guess they like keeping tabs on crazy, but not sticking their dick in it

<:sadgon:544640228166598657> mods are included in this video


He did strip them of their organs

Or at least some of them I never knew people actually did group masterbation sessions...


I have no place in this high iq conversation, sayonara

Fyi that article popped up when I searched Loli hentai in duckduckgo

I'd fuck president pelosi too

Tulsi however is responsible for 1000s losing no nut November ๐Ÿ˜”

The biggest problem is how the economy is going to recovery

Depending on government programs it could either bolster a better economy or cause a crash

After the Corona season that is

The commies would rather a global economy crash and millions of lives ruined than let trump get re-elected

Watch their policies next few months in blue states

3000 people is still 3000 people too many that died

Nigga what ๐Ÿ˜‚

Found this on BBC iplayer

Also shouldn't the description say welcome to London ๐Ÿ˜‚

Hah Ive had my fun, time to go Tesco to see if there is anything left on the shelves

112 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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