
Discord ID: 155655087639756800

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hitler didn't support christianity in whole

yet adolf hitler didn't support it and declared the reich as an athiest state

**Communist** or **Socialist** or **Other**

stalin, seriously?

that was towards the end

fake tho

just another conspiracy theory

it's possible but no

it didn't happen, the "photos" are clearly fake

most likely thing is that he killed himself like history calls it

@Deleted User and what is there to confirm that this cia document is not a ruse planned by the US government for another plan

Yes, but based on records it was clearly impossible

do you read how it says someone **claimed**

and then was hitler classified as an illegal immigrant

he would have shown up in censuses

lol that


and that picture could easily have been twisted

it would be pretty hard not to

rex the thing is that what about his family

mentions no shit about family or such

so that's another theory there

when was it declassified

also the CIA can't do anything with the claims provided

it was proved false by snope

search it up


anarchist? u crazy

mao invaded korea it would have sparked war




The Iktursk southern russia area o.o(it has strong communist standings)

russia's oligarhic


dokdo back to south korea

(i mean japan should stop claims)

hell nah

japan should stop all their territorial claims



realistically though that's crazy

japan needs to stop having disputes with every single of its neighbours

but china didn't lose ww2

so is japan lmao

japan spends 130 million on their dumb islands so they can claim it's japans

honestly BS

2018-04-15 20:24:35 UTC [/leftypol/ International #korean]  


2018-04-15 20:24:39 UTC [/leftypol/ International #korean]  

real korea is south korea

2018-04-15 20:24:46 UTC [/leftypol/ International #korean]  

north korea isn't communist at all

2018-04-15 20:24:59 UTC [/leftypol/ International #korean]  

i mean neither is south korea but what north korea does is highly imperialistic itself and fascist

2018-04-17 23:26:47 UTC [/leftypol/ International #russian]  

looks like a wargame ocunter

to call marx garbage is degrading to the entire field of philsophy

lmao 99% of marxists are marxist-leninist

I'm probably one of the only marxist

other than those who join this for a meme

Not necessarily trap

he was until he invented the imperialistic theory

Leninism observed that Marx was wrong and outdated

he found out that the fight is more between the rich first-world nations and the poor thirdworld

He might not have but he definitely supported it, and he did redefine the fight for power

Marxist beliefs were outdated according to Lenin's beliefs, lenin believed that it was no longer a proletariat to bourgeois

He had his own beliefs and was heavily influenced by Blanquism

Although he was essentially Marxist

Leninism supports a vanguard party to work *for* the people, unlike Marxism, which supports direct action *by* the people

@Deleted User You keep referring to traced back, yet it wasn't really. And Marx would not approve of Blanquism, it was a socialist ideology that Marx was verbally against - and I have read Marx, but not Lenin

@Deleted User No, Lenin actually derived quite a few of his main beliefs from Blanquism. Kautsksy opposed Lenin and the October Revolution's ideals and was critical of it



^^ expected this to be like serious

this one is fine

it's not dead

2018-05-09 20:15:03 UTC [/leftypol/ International #korean]  

fuck you

2018-05-09 20:15:08 UTC [/leftypol/ International #korean]  


nobody will have anything to contribute to the reasonable discussion

lmao or commie memes

on the bdsm

2b2t lmao








what is it

no pinned messages

It says it's pinned ๐Ÿคท






dagging everyone so cancerous ay lah

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