Romulus Uzurpatorul

Discord ID: 622098019222945812

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what are those

you just lost 50% your masculinity

you will have to call 911

by the time

you done

i have a fitting name for you

spergosaurus rex

never knew

learn something new everyday

its like going on 4chan all over again

you already did son

and we are all proud

not in the next 24 hours

he wont take you seriously :()

death live on discord

no more responses



kinds and kinds of people man

halt untermensch



religious shitfest

i was literally making jokes on everyone

@IliasSpook how did the soy thing go?



more like rapetown

its funny


convert to epic zamolxism

jk jk dont

only if you are prepared for the truth

that the dacians built the pyramids

Im at the point of no going back man

I cant become any other religion

I care for everyone

In essence

That is what you pray for



Politics is the spell of Satan in my eyes

Only the ones chosen to lead will lead

But in Politics you arent chosen

You pay your way and sell yourself to get where you want to get

I dont understand why you worship this

What is your motivation?

Christian higher ups bruh

Those are just corrupt satanists

Look at the patriarch of Romania

Most churches dont support the values of christendom

You know that in the Hellene world degeneracy was widely accepted?

Holy rpg meme is autistic and not funny

I hate secularism

That is why there is so much degeneracy

hey man dont be giving off to me just because there are many paintings of faggots in ancient greece


they still do

and why discard your christian ancestors

like justinian the great

it wasnt super gay

but it wasnt as hated as christian greece

I dont follow a corrupt church but also being secularist

is just like saying

you are a half baked sceptic

original ancestors :)

what makes an ancestor original

The Church should be the state

I believe in theocracy so

Monarchic Theocracy

I dont care man

I follow the principles of Codreanu

He was a monarchist


I believe that a strong man dictator should establish a monarchy

I dont care about old jewish aristocrats

People who deserve the throne get it

But the fascist state usually lasts as long as its ruler does

and that is my problem

you need to preserve fascism

no power struggles

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