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bois what do you think about Destiny? He has some dialetic reasoning and attitude that can win irl discussions and bluepill people into disillusion with the right

I got pretty excited seeing a leftist own discussions like these in bulk by forcing classic logic against the cultural propaganda the right offers

That's what I used to think, I tried basically employing his reasoning tactics and managed to steer some of my friends out the /pol/ brainwashing train

it's not about convincing them

but pointing out how it's so based in feeling that-

No, not really

But he is good at debunking nazis

and that's a useful skill

not debunking but ownin dialectically

true, but that's not the point


but that's exactly it

are you familiar with the Breitbart kind of explanation of how politics work?

wait 1 sec, gonna get the Yt link

It's supposed to start right around the part where he explains it

I'm from Brazil and our left managed to take hold of the meme lulz thing pretty good by using degeneracy as an aesthetic and demonizing rich people

one of our main chans are actually leftwing

based on religion, not lulz and memes. Internet culture is still dominated by lefties

and we didn't have political correctness to the extent america did, so our humor is actually effective

fat shaming the fuck out of right wing people, etc

I dunno, I think if we just got rid of PC the left can take hold of the cultural war

I'm a monkey, so sorry for my bad english cc:

I'm struggling to find words in english but I'll try

Lula's arrest was heavily supported by the media/elites and got popular support by strawmanning that brazillian corruption was his fault.

If you try debating with anyone about this they 90% of the time delete the post because there's no proof of anything

Brazil didn't have a right/left distinction until this year, it's more about populism/elites

PT (workers party) was and still is strong in poor states but the sentiment of richer places was basically "We're driving the country, these scum are leeching off of us, etc"

Sorta, he used to be pretty niche, he supported nazi events in Sao Paulo and was mocked for it as everyone there looked borderline black

Not really

Running on a 'death to all criminals' speech made him win centrist support

Dilma or Marisa?

She got impeached by a technicallity

she used bank loans to pay for internal debt, wich was something every president up to her did

but the economic crisis was enough to build a strong opposition to take her out of power

The average bolsonaro supporter fell into mostly 2 beliefs, PT was responsible for corruption that prevented Brazil to grow and Leftists were trying to turn the country into Venezuela

sworn in?

the left pretty much did nothing, we're opposing him peacefully

I'm trying to steer my university out of idpol and into populist leftism

public unis are way stronger and prestigious than private ones here

yes, but idpol didn't really take hold of our leftism that much, it was mainly college grads


I actually went on a debate with the students representation

about how idpol was seen as elitism, and if we wanted to win something we had to enter propaganda war

I managed to change their minds about it mostly


redpilling people about Lula is possible

there's this kind of rush from discovering one of the biggest polititians in the country was arrested unjustly

he doesn't do debates anymore due to how many voters he lost

now he mimics trump but instead of tweeting he streams on facebook

I think we gotta use disinformation


because the left doesn't have enough propaganda rn

we got a hold of meme culture but they have propaganda

PT is in office for 13 years and he managed to convince they would throw a communist coup

meme culture doesn't latch onto baby boomers here

just plain propaganda played the biggest part

sort of, he's trying to 'redpill' people into thinking it was actually a pretty chill time

I think scare mongering the left/ the poor is the way to go

there's like tons of videos on police brutallity, shit like cops shooting an old man with grocerie bags in the slums

that was effective propaganda but lefties usually don't spread those

I was reading some stuff about the Cambridge Analytica thing and how Steve Bannon frames his right wing populism and thinking about how the left could build it's own pageantry

maybe coding bots redpilling ppl about how Lula is innocent

using Machine Learnig to determine what to respond or something like it

Why do you say that

Justice ruled he is unnable to give interviews in prison

it was all pretty ridiculously unconstitutional

They deemed him as a threat to public peace and refused to let him speak, that hurt PT a lot in this ellection

he has great oratory and would beat bolsonaro eady



bolsonaro was promising to end crime in Brazil and leftists were too PC to approach it properly

Usually they wanted to defend how different economic backgrounds pushes people to crime ( correct ), but with people who are bombarded with videos of people getting shot by criminals

That was a horrible approach

Instead of fear mongering people about what would gun reform and police brutality


I actually started agreeing with Bolsonaro until one leftie girl said to me "It's not about having pitty for criminals, it's about me selfishly not wanting to be robbed or killed by them based on what works" The left didn't even try to sell it's solution as the true road to end crime but just focused on how criminals are victims of the system

yeah but I don't think it means much compared to Bolsonaro

PSOL is mostly idpol

at least that's how its perceived

People are now calling everything that goes against him as communist, I think that can be used to take the meaning and fear our of actual communism just like idpols did with nazis in the US.

out of actual communism*

Some of his speech were socialist, in execution he was as far as you get

Some of his speeches were socialist, in execution he just cuddled with industries*

He promised land reform but never came around to doing so

ehhhh I can't see how anything he did was socialist

did, not said

no, Perturbator

responding the hittler as a socialist

What are you exactly on leftie politics?

Your basic political labels Cogitatio


I'm whatever New Zealand and Canada is because those seem like pretty cool places to live in

but China is making a pretty good point about taking a dirt poor country and making it a powerhouse in little to no time

but I don't know much about how China's economy works

true, but no country takes more people out of poverty than China too

Do we even know what we want tho

from the state

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