DylanThe fastest sip in the west

Discord ID: 286702408040448000

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heres a weeb meme then

one of my fav memes

turn down the volume

ram ranch intensifies

dead meme but still gud


red dead is a buggy masterpiece smh

the crashes are only sometimes worth it

but you can download the video this way :0

oof i gotta repost it

did it work this time?

idk on my end its working

ok now i see what you mean

i thought you meant it fucked up

did someone say cbt?


that meme is gold clinton

no offense to the furry here just like the meme

<a:crabrave:585575950377418762> christ is dead

the closest thing to it i suppose, but we are deeply flawed sometimes.

we went in with good intentions, but yea

the colonist did but ok

they defended themselves though

washington was literally a vetran of the 7 years war in america

<a:thinkEgg:569455697649991681> i mean you could have had alot of other empires as the current hegemon of the world rn

or rainbow dildos and sunshine

lots can change in 300 years

every 100 years in american history has at least 3 decades of political divide js.

and only once has resulted in civil war so idk your point

tea belongs in a harbor :v

leaf juice < hot chocolate

ima get out of this piss contest now

god fucking damnit i'm a zoomer ig

teutonic order modernish?


its silly alt history flags

fascist australia


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