
Discord ID: 273649897926819841

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no, but once I got high in the middle of a forest and had a helicopter chase me

those damn feds

@Spooky Melon those memes are fucking golden omg

@andraflandra no but that sounds interesting

climate change activists make me want to die

@Louis Im a grass smoking hippie who wants to save the bees, but

natural gas is actually cleaner burning than any other form of energy

**** I meant as far as non renewables go

and I want nuclear energy too, but

Unrelated, but California is so fucked, its so full of illegals I can't turn it red

won't u look at that

I am farming all of melon emperors memes

This motherfuker talking about his Katana collection


sargon has been traditionally bad at debates imo


He might be better in this debate , im just sayin

i love sargy but i don't want to swaddle his cock too much

uhhh Styx

@Louis Styx is fucking awesome u gaylord ๐Ÿฅ„ ๐Ÿฅ„ ๐Ÿฅ„

@Louis I misunderstood u, u beautiful retard

@matroyshka Styx is Libertarian Wizard, don't mess with him jagass

@Louis I am a devote clanker, what must i do to prove my allegiance

@matroyshka He is the wood warlock of vermount, don't make him cast a spell on you

i like his opinions, he is also a literal occultist,

Im some kind of pagan probably

Its the hair and the nose

the fuck was the message of that ad

I got here yesterday and Ive already debated a KKK member and got labeled as a pedophile

I have to google your fukin gay ass slang term one sec

it just means commie, I thought it was british

@Ralin Storm U got me <:thinkcide2:462282425486147585>

I want to be a gay vigilante who hunts his own kind

I don't get it @matroyshka

@Louis U caught me, I am a coomie

@Louis I haven't coomed in the last 24 hours


are the mods descending on this chat now?

a hearty chuckle

aight its been real, <:thinkcummunism:462305204877131786>

he is antipedo

So jack, someone needed me to talk with u coz apparently I am a pedo

I want to say some gross stuff

but that is awful

Well, you know, if their age is on a clock...

but without being a fucking terrible person

Transgenders are mentally ill

if my son ever calls me a faggot, im going to kiss him on the mouth


i need to go to sleep

baby yoda was implemented as a marketing plow to attract women to The Mandalorian

i cant wait until my exams are oveer

there are taxis in scandanavia?

I thought y'all just have tauntaun

My lift driver was a fat middle aged woman, we talked about the renaissance faire

yeah, it was chill

@MeMSix There's not enough alcohol in the world friend

@matroyshka is turning the entire server homosexual,

Sargon needs to be stronger on his immigration policy

Its also, as we know now, a choice

thanks gender studies

A bad choice

autistically wholesome

I would like some assistance in my suicide please

baby yoda revived me

what do u meme

thats crazy bruh, I literally a reptile

Thats what HP lovecraft thought

ChInEsE bRaIn LaSeR

Soft all the way bb

I'll never beat my wife


Bro, I don't even want bitches and yet I got 'em

A couple

I got bitches for Idek why

hey, if u are good with dogs, what kind of dog is this

the fuck is this dog breed

forsure, she just looks strange and we don't know what exactly she was

He can't help himself


well, im glad that is settled

she is the result of a massive dog orgy

under a year

2019-12-02 02:10:41 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  


2019-12-02 02:11:27 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Thats nuts if true, we were just getting them to vote republican

2019-12-02 02:12:19 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I agree,

2019-12-02 02:12:27 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

with @Brue

2019-12-02 02:12:45 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Scott has a thing for me I think

2019-12-02 02:13:49 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@Brue yeah, I can't wait to see how demographics switch in a couple of years, its going to be great

2019-12-02 02:14:40 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@UnScottable I will continue to give u ammo if you'd like, but it will all be sexual harassment targetted at u

2019-12-02 02:15:42 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@UnScottable oh wait, u said u were underage <:peperage:588019564575457311>

2019-12-02 02:17:21 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@Brue I hope latinos start considering themselves white; I live in an area that is highly Latino and the way they act and think about themselves is highkey making me kind of racist

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