
Discord ID: 412105687024533509

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We out here zoomin

Israel is an illegitimate state

Israel should burn and make way for a Palestinian authority like it should've always been

Astaghfirullah, furries are the scum of the earth

Israel will be a thing of the past, full Palestinian authority a thing of the future. A new golden age rid of that pesky illegitimate state of Israel

I mean you aren't wrong

If you bring up the low unemployment rate as an economic success of his you may suffer from stupidity, because despite the low unemployment, nobody has confidence in the economy

That was a few months ago

And what's your point?

The chinese are a resolute people and will not cave. You are an idiot if you think they will

They won't. That is a guaranteed fact

Dude China is literally gonna pass our economy in the next few years. They're absolutely cruising

Why is Muslims having babies a bad thing?

Based trad muslims will save Europe

Guys, you're just sad that an Islamic caliphate will be glorious in europe in the next like 100 years probably

Based trad muslims establish a caliphate in Europe and actually are gonna be traditional and conservative unlike Europeans.


Based trad muslims are more conservative and traditional then western "conservatives". Maybe they can teach us a thing or two about conservatism

Muslims are amazing people.

They're amazing. You've just never had the pleasure of having one as a friend

Good. Europe had a good run. Now it's time for an Islamic caliphate

Can we all just admit western traditionalism is dead and that the middle east is the last vanguard for traditionalism and conservatism on earth?

Wdym? Are you talking about ISIS? That's been denounced by most muslims? Ahh okay

You mean isis that is destroying ancient islamic architecture? And also btw killing muslims as well?

And why is that a bad thing?

Astaghfirullah, that tranny is committing haram

Islam is based. Muslims are amazing

Yeah UK needs more Islam

Hi everyone.

People have their certain roles and they should follow them

Ahh election night bois. How's it over in the UK?

When nigel Farage gets btfo'd

Blyth Valley flipped. Which is historic since it has voted labour since 1950

Yeah isn't there an anti semitism controversy going on in the labour party?

And Jeremy Corbyn was asked to say sorry for it?

Yeah I don't keep up too tightly with britisj politics, but this election has spurred my interest

You see that geeky stuff conservative party put on their official Instagram?

Who all here lives in the UK?

Jacob Rees-Mogg is cool, except that grendfel tower comment he made

Yeah. I forgive jacob for that comment. My teacher was like "Oh well that still does show his inner feelings and his character". I'm like bruh, so we can't forgive people anymore?

Who all here lives in the UK?

Corbyn getting btfod

Corbyn is gone for good. His political career is done

Didn't take long

Labour salty

From me, an American

Jesus christ.


Pakistani labourers that desperate? Lmao

Bruh what's with these British Muslim labourers and Canadian's?


I have no idea. Probably just some Arabic term @Cryosite

Can someone give me more info about NHS? I'm American

I'm not a socialist, but this is pure cringe

Jesus. Labour mad af


This guy is a Pakistani Muslim dude

Watch the suicide rate jump by 32.2%

St. Ives is the last constituency

Will it go conservative or labour?

Ahh yes, the Scottish




Nah the British have a lot of chads

Jacob is Chad. Fight me on it

Did someone just diss our lord and savior Jacob Rees-Mogg christ?

@Bones I'd like it better in black

She is awkward as hell

I've seen that guy. He's bug eyed

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