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at the end of the day, the 'new deal' is almost entirely still T.May's deal, with all of the fuckery involved, such as the EU court of justice having supremacy over UK courts

4-8 years after the end of the transition (which may never end)

I've got my own summary of T.May's

oh yeah, there's an article in the withdrawal agreement which means we have to ratify to the EU's geopolitical actions

and cannot outcompete the EU for contract procurement

hopefully i'm not doxing myself here

there's my summary

and france?

basically disregarded any hint of democracy

yup, media is trash. Still no coverage of Yemen to be seen

of course, an overwhelming Saudi allowed to join to help 'end the war'. Only bombs airports and docks to starve them out

genocide in simple terms

@Storin with regards to the queen I agree, she has the mandate and should've dismissed parliament when it showed to be subverting the referendum. However, doing so could easily be the end of the monarchy

I wouldn't be soo sure

the best system is the current one, where there is a parliament and monarchy both fighting for public support

then if either become tyranical the 'people' can turn to the other

the problem here is that our current monarch is apolitical

push democracy too long and what happens?

look at france

for the past 200 years they've been through how much civil unrest

the reason they collapsed in WW2 was for that very reason, no one wanted to fight for the broken government

british constitution is the most stable in history

that's the difference between british and germans, british are adaptive, germans are hard coded

american system rests on a knife edge because one tyranical governemtn and it's civil war

the british constitution avoids the civi war, simply public opinion will sway towards parliament or monarch, after which the losing side will have to concede

it won't explode into war

although, saying that, there was the spanish civil war...

which had a similar dual government to britain at the time

@S K E L L Y Ivanthenotsoterrible I think there was a multitude of reasons, mostly anti-status-quo, anti-immigration, pro-labour, sovereignty, anti-EU-federalisation

those may have been, but its clear parliament has no intention of fulfilling those desires.

with regards to Romans, I'm no fan of their system, it may have been the longest civilisation in recorded history but I have my doubts

although I'm not read enough, ask me about the british or umiyads and I can tell you a fair amount

but parliament electing a dictators sounds like a bad idea, dictators have to be de-facto and from the public

I think monarch is the best 'dictator' because it is their children who will inherit the country, and so is in their best interest to keep the country friendly

but monarchs have to have competition

that's where parliament comes into play

yes, but if she has public support, then there will be no issue so long as she rapidly arranges new general election

but i agree, she is currently unlikely to have enough support

why change a habit of a lifetime?

look at teh graffiti

not eastern

likely european

these don't look like art

koi happily live in ponds, why wouldn't a basement suffice?

all it takes is one joker to introduce a mating pair

then 20 years and the place is at capacity

so what's your evidence for it being chinese?

just the fish?

can't really make out vegetation, but you're right about the need for flow, but could this be done by overflow (with rainfall)?, I've seen plenty of those type of koi in the UK, not sure about construction, you been to ireland?

agree to disagree


epigenetics is just an excuse for geneticists to avoid the question of eugenics

at the end of the day we evolved from lesser species, which has genetic basis, the majority of our consitution is genetically pre-determined

whilst there are wierd epigenetic feats such as the famine thing in lithuania I think, but for the most part its used for political purposes

@Coolitic my lecturers have said there is no difference between peoples, said it's all epigenetics and nurture, completely ignoring evolution and genetic variation

so epigenetics is used for political purposes

remind me, what is any benefit of bullpups?

allied losses were ~500k in WWII

*excluding Russia

anyone else believe hundreds/thousands of litres of blood could be HIV positive?

took a bullet near teh spine for his beliefs

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