Rich Off WACKD

Discord ID: 616240727604723725

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pee pee poo poo

nigga coom

okay this is epic

white niggas

I hit a rabbit with my car going 45

lol furries do like killing animals, killen and fucken animals

I'm over here trying to summon some booty

@๐ŸˆI Love Kiara ๐Ÿˆ did you read it hehe out loud?

retards think it sends you to hell if you read it out loud


thought they were just pagan

the jews say one thing

oh what's this a blank page, better try to replicate this hand writting


the jews are kind of dumb though, remember what happened with the feds and 8chan

with their thread logs and the fact that forgot to remove the (you) on their posts

yeah it's gone

that's gross

too busy cooming

for gamers to rise like that

but incel rage they have


you know I don't have any problem with female bronies and in the same regard I have nothing wrong with people who like cartoon animals, but it's a slippery slope


dog fuckers get the rope

that's gross who cares what the dog wants

the dog eats its own shit

you're comparing us to dogs

I mean degens r

lets see a dog build the infrastructure required to get to the moon

bark bark that right you can't stupid fucking doge

that's crazy person speak

all I hear is ooga booga

ook ook


slippery slope

niggers gonna make a cum tribute to a humanoid rabbit


alright coom brain

make an mlp cum jar kek

I shouldn't be giving you ideas

seriously though ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿ”ช

I'll varg you


fascism is just spring cleaning ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

I'm sharpening my knives



Here have this @livid_scrooge answer you white nigger

Reddit and Ifunny


Fags r pedos, but they don't reproduce. They need us.

@Jokerfaic furnigger or shitpost?

@Hexidecimark is there an inside joke there or is your name just concatenated with hexidecimal

At everyone

Ah shit i didn't realize I was misspelling hexadecimal the same way you habe your name

Fat fucking thumbs RAAAAAAAAAHHH

Ching chong

We need a rice hat emote

Yeah dude has 16 dicks and it's a counting game

Proper spelling

Unhyphenated fago

No comment

God damn it feels good outside

My states weird it'll bounce from cold to hot in a day

poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo

pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee

If you believe in Allah put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in the Quran if you deny him, he will deny you in front of his son in the gates of paradise. This is the simplest test. If you love Allah and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord server

nigger coom

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