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Combine the best/worst qualities of both for proper nightmare fuel.

Maybe add some viciousness and territoriality of africanized bee

I just ate some japanese chicken curry I've made yesterday, I'm good

Also, eat people - wasn't that another thing some enlightened university prof suggested?

commies taking 'gotta eat the rich' too literally


For a moment it looked like just some display of a shop you can pass by on the street.

That would be probably 'murrica dream - you stroll down the street and just notice heavy ordinance promo at the display or recent market

"Honey, buy some milk and maybe some HE shells when coming back from work, will you?"

so that Paul "brahdudefam" guy actually did have a boxing fight with some other eceleb?

Well, better that than laughing at hanging corpses

That looks like some really awesome cake.

soft sponge biscuit, layers of cream, chocolatey from the look of things

Yeah, that. Maina engrishu bad bad aaa-uma

It just sounds weird for me to say "it's a cake with layers of sponge cake"

"the car is made out of car"

Let me find some of that cheese theme for you.

Fucking delicious, artery-clogging goodness.


and since it's SFW food porn time


Not sure how good of an idea that is

Wouldn't consider doing so myself. I'd rather make pancakes the regular way and have both the cheese cake and a pancake for variety

Donkeys: diversity is their strength

"I like a piece of bacon in every forkful of pancake" says the chubby woman with a happy smile.
Welp, now the "chubby" part is not a mystery.

I am at about 4th minute, so far she done it the best

Even the first 'pro cook' one fell kinda apart.

grandma done it well

Yup, I did.

And he burned his shit, he stopped himself

at least the first one he burned

And then the pro cook said how she puts a pitcher of syrup next to pancakes beside just pouring some on the pancakes because there's never enough syrup. The jokes write themselves.

@Danacrag Would consider, especially since I never started poting about it. But she has to eat _all the eggs_

Well, could be worse, they could just go: "Ahh, nothing like properly ketchupped steak on my pineapple pizza, while I chill in my socks and sandals. Bowl of milk I pour cereal into as a dessert."

to be honest, it's more like that russian thing, that pancake, forgot the name of it

And I know both russians and polish made it also the same way - just thin batter on hot pan, then just put some jam on top and roll it

or white cheese, I guess

That astronauts shooting each other scene is from what? Looks pretty nice if that's a movie

Thanks, will look it up

the loss of calories isn't too much of a problem though - average person can load up on shitloads of those from anywhere. Carcinogens I'd be slightly more concerned about

Yeah, I think it was you I've talked with yesterday about how experiencing living in other cultures helps one notice both the good and shitty parts, and you've mentioned Malaysia

the name's so retarded that I'd try it just to see what it's all about

white sausage's pretty good though, but I prefer those just boiled

It's made out of delicious


Dunno about white sausage being already cooked, possibly. I actually could also buy one that I was told needs cooking.

@lunemarie Eh, we'd need to talk details but grant me a peaceful barony and I may consider bending the knee

Oh no, social credit is kinda crap.

@Uksio Will keep that in mind next time I'll have an opportunity to grab some.

Being shot for breaking marriage vows seems suboptimal to me. Punishment should be there but I'd rather still use otherwise functional person and for example, have them pay both their partner and the kingdom some standing fee for the transgression.

Now, here it's gamey because people like different things and even with state-declared ugliness factors, some folks would just be fucked

plus, eh, if someone's really intelligent, awesome as a person, hard working etc - I'd rather have them be parent of some kids than good looking, bick-dicked retard

@lunemarie I'm fucking trying to save yours with proper advisory. Now give me a fucking barony.

Crossdressing is not enough for a proper trap to pass. We have standards for letting other guys suck our dicks - what do you think, that we're some kind of fags?

You didn't really have to answer it, the joke should be obvious enough!


@lunemarie So you'd face death by your own law?

Oh, wait, it wasn't death for being too short I think.


Well, in the long run, probably, by the proxy of angry citizenry the laws would kill you but directly, I just forgot punishment for the height so there's my bad

Guess your streaming services are kinda humble then

Not enough money for your twitch to prosper

The moral good outweights the monetary loss.

No, but it does sound good as a premise of some lewd doujin

Mostly it's quality drawn fanfiction of a manga, but often nowadays it also means lewd short manga

@JackH670 I don't know how much it does to me. I was friendzoned in a way that we kinda establish we both just want to be friends for the girl later to actually want to get into my pants.

Hm, maybe it meant I just friendzoned her.

That kind of shit happens to me. With sex it only happened once but more sadly, it also kinda happened with a woman I actually wanted to build something lasting with.

She kind of started having doubts at some point so we called it off but she got cold feet on her cold feet or something and in days she wanted to be back, but by then I had to admit I cannot be sure if she wouldn't pull similar shit in the future and so I couldn't trust her anymore enough

@Uksio That'd be hilarious. Guess it's one reason now why I can excuse existence of traps beside "bros make better girls than hoes"

Meh, I can understand. Casual sex goes usually only as far as getting your rocks off. If you actually give a shit and are ambitious enough to seek something beside it, it's very likely to leave you disappointed.

Not to mentioned the fact that you cannot really trust girls nowadays with casual sex, everytime you do that with someone you cannot trust, you're risking being fucked over in some way.

Super fan?

@Hommedaction "Hah, you're good, but you're not good enough. In the time you've threatened me with this, I came 5 times without pulling anything out!"

Well, aside from shitposting places like this one I do believe that everyone deserves modicum of respect until they prove otherwise.

I respect all women! They just somtimes immediately help me realize I was wrong to do so!

@Goddess Tyche Don't hit on me, silly boy!

I'd like to ask you to not posts dick. The world is full of them, we've seen plenty, you dicks.

I will fault both your logic and your morality!

@Redxl I was made to see something like this in an 'art' I didn't ask to see. And that became another reason for me to believe why furries are degenerates.

@Redxl that line reminds me of a greentext I've seen not long ago, let me find it.

I think what really kills me is the money guy earns.

4k? I bet I could survive for quite a few months for 4k of dollars given prices here

after conversion at current going rates, I mean

@Nat Considered that myself. It's just.. mindboggling. You draw retarded shit and get paid _much_ more, working far less, in much more comfortable environment than in a job where you save lives.

Isn't Labour the hard leftie guys? If they lose then there's no loss - no free shit would be available anyway, but there's also less cancer now

@Danacrag I'd like to know why would I be interested if I am neither interested into blackmailing traps nor a trap to be blackmailed?

@Danacrag In answer to your suggestion of linking discord full of traps where traps are blackmailed.

@Danacrag Ah, wait, it wasn't you, it was Bobby. Damn anime avatars

You anime girls all look fucking same to me

@Danacrag Apologies.

Anyway, so @Bobby - I'd like to know why would I be interested if I am neither interested into blackmailing traps nor a trap to be blackmailed?

Supposedly the stereotype got some canadians so mad (or just outdated) that I've heard tales of average canadians being far more rude than US folks

Kawaii, Boomer-chan

Speaking of the meme though frankly, it became slightly overused and is losing the appeal.

Et tu, zoomer?

xoomer? The hell is that? Generation X?

Aren't those X-men?

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