
Discord ID: 288825653271461888

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It must be all those shamans at work. Science can't explain it.

At this rate it might be first bot next

@!GPT not advocating for it but you scared of those nasty hate facts?

short pregnancy probably 30ish weeks same as twins+

precocious puberty is a thing


@Ethaneth has to be British with humour that dark

Bull, I don't believe it.

What's your opinion on poutine? that's the real test.

He passes

he's one of them.


So how likely is Trudeau to get re-elected with all that's gone on. I think for anyone else it would have been career suicide but I don't know this time.

definitely pro-empire, need to get those pesky 13 colonies back first.


how do you even judge that.

Why is he still pro labour?

UK over here, I feel you. Minarchism now.

mentioning Curry tomatoes and chilli are not native to India, they are south american. Portuguese brought them over so Indian cuisine is another western invention.


Arabic numbers were stolen from India by the Arabs

God a Fin as well. We are a very ((diverse)) group.

got it India created T-Series.

semifore I think

I'm saying yes, change my mind.


So all male spiders are literally dickheads?

So universal agreement on anime girls but I think this one will have more if a split.

Are aboriginals black. I'm saying no.


only some how you figure?

man things with Greta would have been so different if Epstein was still around.

Not sure given all the weird 3d recently.

Berserk anyone

because alt-right cucks like japan and its ethnostate - why aren't they gushing over bagels as well then?

@Engineered Eldritch Catgirl just wait those thought crimes are coming and you know what you did.

What was the first anime you all watched mine was


Poor kid

Actually are we counting Pokemon?

I'm going to say sub counts dub doesn't

Inspector conan?

No idea i'm afraid sound okay though.

@Captain Jean-Luc Picard I think you mean does not.

@Captain Jean-Luc Picard Do not correct me....

@Snake I know what you mean I'm the same with Mr and Mrs hedgehog from animals of farthing wood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxj9PrKknfA

@Captain Jean-Luc Picard yet you coudn't resist feeding me. haha

@Captain Jean-Luc Picard you don't feed trolls.


@Captain Jean-Luc Picard AP English lit and doesn't know a metaphor. School system nowadays


Nice some what about ism

Those sunni are not true muslims then

Just remembered what this channel is


there is in the old testament though and you can't just ignore it. sorry but can't let that slide.

Deus Vault


change not one jot or tiddle

sell your cape and take up a sword

there was no church Jesus was a jew

he was against the money lenders in the temple

not the temple

@UnfilteredGarbage then the argument becomes what is the temple is it the people or the building or the concept and ideal

Can we at least all agree that circumcision is barbaric and should be made illegal.

wasn't that due to the puritan movement though?

Spicy take but was it the romans though. I've seen passion of the christ.

or do you mean ((romans))

๐Ÿคฃ I crack my self up

to Jerusalem

it a guy!!

it's bob from fightclub

I know just a sensative bitch ๐Ÿ˜›

need to start handing these out


drawings don't have birthdays

very different vibe if she was wearing a strap on

I don't know a woman with a man's brain sounds more gay to me than a trap

I ain't X

She can still be married in Spain

Too many Krauts in here.

2019-10-12 13:55:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

This was surprisingly interesting, here are my results if anyone else would like to give it a go.

2019-10-12 14:20:17 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I'm pro defence, anti aggressive wars

2019-10-12 14:22:14 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

It is weird though I am pro-national service for those out of work, training or education and those commuting crimes as an alternative to prison time. Plus I am pro trident and want to increase the percentage of GDP spent on the military once the deficit is cut.

2019-10-12 14:23:38 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Mavalance isn't that the Canadian way, and how many wars have they lost? (obligatory screw Trudaeu)

2019-10-12 14:33:49 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Nathan James 123 how very Authoritarian of you.

2019-10-12 14:47:06 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Mavalance Can you explain what you mean here "Yet my thinking does lead me to believe that there is a path of strength women can take that does not have to be the same as men."

2019-10-12 14:48:30 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Nathan James 123 Actually might be a legitimate reason for MI6 but not the Army. In fact didn't the Russians train there female spies in seduction.

2019-10-12 14:50:24 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Mavalance If women are not as physical capable in the whole then why should they be in the military. Soldiers don't carry that which is not needed and if a woman cannot carry this weight then they are not suitable. It's purely a case of combat effectiveness.

2019-10-12 14:52:52 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Mavalance We aren't arguing that women should be in non-front line rolls we are arguing that they shouldn't be in front line rolls. That is what the article that sparked this conversation off was about.

2019-10-12 14:55:03 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Joshu bad enough PMS could lead to it being directly when you have an SA80 with you.

2019-10-12 14:57:42 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Mavalance I see your argument as I am quite libertarian minded however here we have the rights of the individual conflicting with the responsibility of the government to protect the people as a whole and I am coming down on the governments side of the issue. It's simply that I am being a pragmatist and looking at what is best as a whole for society rather than the choice of the woman in question, the stakes are simply to big.

2019-10-12 15:01:20 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

@Mavalance Also from what you said to Nathan you are looking at this from a purely mechanical point of view. Even a woman who is for the sake of argument identical to the average male recruit physically still wouldn't be as well suited since they don't have the psychology for it. Women are more prone to sympathy and caring as well as being more susceptible to psychological trauma.

2019-10-12 15:01:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

So many reasons

2019-10-12 15:04:11 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Plus it's a lot of money to get all those custom pink rifles ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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