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So, this was basically the end of the arguement. Now they're upset I called the Belgian's dutch in joke reply. And this was the best reply.


nothing's a burden, when you can laugh at 200 rounds per minute in the congo.

Regardless the Green person's argument is that. more or less. you can't argue an industrialized nation with better standards of living can be viewed as a "Net positive"

So, me conquering Algeria and industrializing it to the biggest vacation spot in the french empire isn't seen as a "Net positive"


Basically they argue improving a nation's quality of living and industrializing it isn't a positive for colonialism. As the inherent going there and colonizing the place and conquering the natives is just so terrible that all colonialism is evil because of it.

Have I given you new technology, have I improved your quality of life, can you eat food and have clean water and sanitized life. ARE YOU NOT LIVING IN A MUD HUT

and do you have infrastructure and are not a fucking cannibal anymore

Look, Despite the negatives of the enslavement, the cutting off the hands to maintain quotas, the extermination of cultures, etc. I still say the overall improvement is worth the cost.

If the galactic empire of starwars came tommorow, and promised us good tech, a galactic economy, and the ability to get into the greater galaxy at the cost of being a vassalized world to provide it with raw resources. I would be tempted to take the offer.

We ended slavery, i'm not saying it's right, but cost wise I consider it a minor cost to what the alternative was

the alternative in my eyes was that if the Europeans didn't do it, the Arabs or Asians would in time.

and we were smart enough to abolish slavery

and now we know, not establishing quotas in the congo is bad

I want the Rubber, Diamonds, and Salt of the congo G

no one can stop me

I wanna build an armored train to run along the congo and utilize radiation weaponry to fight off the cannibal tribes

No McNuke, I gotta wait for the Mcnuke to wear off before I go in.

Yeah, and by that time the UN would have probably put me on trial

I say we don't let the Asians in africa

Not less they are loyal to the Europeans or Americans

If you aren't loyal to America or Europe, then I can't let in the chinese until they have a new Emperor

Ill accept the Japs if they become a Neonate

I want power to the Samurai Again in japan

I wanna see nintendo and Sony go to war with Samurai covered in advertisements in Neo-Tokyo

I say we don't nuke africa, but we instead build a Cult and conquer africa by war and faith

create a Warrior Religion in Africa and use it to take over, we must establish the Trade Federation and build a new Holy book to go with it to manipulate the 3rd world to build an arm of power and financial resources.

Nooo, not the Imperial truth.

I wanna use Orange Catholic Bible

it's Mahayana buddhism (warrior buddhism), Catholicism, Zen, and Sunni beliefs.

Look, we just teach people their Messiah was a reincarnating Warrior who will re-appear every so many generations and etc. to lead them on grand crusades and etc. or in times of strife

Nah man, we add the one thing from mormonism that's cool

@Laucivol thats the thing, Mahayana buddhism believes buddha was a warrior. And he reincarnates every X years to go and bring balance to the world by war

In this faith, we will incorporate the one thing of mormonism that is good

If you are a good warrior follower, he gives you a planet to rule over and defend as a reincarnating warlord

Mormons say you get your own planet, with a heavenly harem for you and your wives, if God, Jesus, and joseph smith judge you worthy

and you are god of this planet

Its the same how they believe Blacks are the angels who did not fight alongside god nor satan in the war in heaven and are that way for being neutral.

Mormon Mythology of how humanity came to exist is literally, you are either Black for being neutral. or one of the other races for fighting with god.

Ie you are an angel who fought against satan alongside god

So if you fought alongside God against satan, you are white, asian, etc.

If you played it neutral and took no sides, you're black. Welcome to africa.

If you fought with satan then you're a demon and should be in hell right now.

Laucivol, you're the warrior god of another planet. You probably don't gotta worry about enemies if you makeup your own Reincarnating warlord to do your job for you

I would prefer being a planetary warlord who reincarnates compared to being in a boring paradise of peace

Dude, in 40k your afterlife depends on belief

most people think they'll fight in the Emperor's army in the warp once they die

So imagine all the babies in the warp fighting demons. Gumming them to death or piling up in the swamps of nurgle as they vomit everywhere

Nah, he just eats your ass to death

Dunno, but I think that starting a trade federation would be great for us to overtake the economy

we seduce the demonic talking door, french kissing the lock until it comes unlatched.

look, the door can't seduce us

Its like, I played a game once where a DM had a Siren attempt to seduce me and I passed my will roll with a crit success.

I ate fish that day

@Connor pearson all i did was kill the siren and eat it

I think he means like, trap golems with a vice inside the body to latch on and keep you stuck there

that way the other monsters can kill you

A big titty book shelf that reads to you?

I draw too, albiet I don't draw a whole lot lately and i've been writing instead.

Also, Laucivol, that GM basically had every monster be female, everyone but me was female, and I was the lone human fighter with a Greatsword and a whip. I wore Mithril plate.

So yes, I killed everything I could succeed a will roll against. And I invested alot in will-bonuses until I got the advantage to ignore seduction entirely

My Whip did Fire, Holy, and Electric damage

Tbh, I didn't even know what the game was about when I played it. He called it "Monster Girl Quest" and i didn't know what it was until like 2 months after it ended from my consistant "Kill or be seduced" policy as a Chaste knight.

Could be worse though, it could be like how I played Dark Heresy as an assassin in an Armored body glove. Which can be summarized as an Armored Gimp suit, while armed with a silent sniper rifle and sword.

Yeah, 40k PnP for that one.

I use the Body Glove and Chameleoline coating on my gear. So i can gain +40 stealth bonus

Oh, another game I did was I played a DUNE campaign.

I remember I also had a GM ragequit deathwatch

It's 40k but as spacemarines. I made a Librarian blood angel. I rolled my basic stats (before adding the chapter mods) and i got between 43-50 on my stats. Near perfect

then I rolled my armor, my armor was a MK 4 suit and I got the best armor histories ever. I got +20 to strength bonus from my Armor history as it said "Strength bonus" rather than strength in rites of battle. Then my armor gave +20 charisma by default (25 if i wore no helm), I got +10 agility from corvus legs armor history, and +1 fear factor as my armor is always covered in blood and it never comes off.

So at the start i'm a psyker with 50 strength, (30 strength bonus), 53 Agility, and 75 charisma without a helm.

the Armor by default gives Charisma bonus

the older the armor, the more charisma

then my armor adds +20 to strength for default. So my strength in armor is 70, with a SB of 5*

whoops, forgot you don't do 10s

so I add +7 to all attacks in melee damage

which is doubled for being a marine

so I got +14 to all attacks, and I add my Psy bonus for being a psyker which is 2. I got +16 with a force sword. Its perfect

So i go the whole game, never using psychic powers without the Chaplain telling me to use them

Then I gained artificer armor 2 months in, got another +10 to agility, and 2 more armor histories. Which got me a Mk 3 helmet, and a modified MK 4 chest piece with an Iron collar. The helmet gives an additional +5 charisma.

The part where the DM rage quits, is the last time I use psyionic powers was when I already hit fear rating 4 and I use "VORTEX OF DOOM" which lets you insta-kill anything that fails an agility role by this black-hole you opened for 1 round.

the Older Helmet did lower Defense but give more charisma and my Iron Collar can deflect headshots to the torso on a roll of 1d10 (5 or less it goes to the chest)

all MK 3 gear is basically the same as wearing MK 2 but better armor on the front vs back.

It lowered my perception bonus for "Auto-senses" and it has less armor, like 1 pt less of armor.

But becoming artificer armor it becomes 12 DR all around.

Mechanics wise, in lore, mk 4 is the best armor of all the armors as it's the height of technology. In the PnP system it does have slightly less DR than mk7 but it has the best Life support, better perception, etc.

so its got 1 point of armor less than mk 7 all around, but its got everything else as better rule wise

if you are suicidal and wear mk 1 you got the weakest armor but a +30 to charisma with everyone around you

The Older the Armor, the more respect you got.

Its the respect you get for wearing an older suit in game

you're only talking and dealing with other marines in game. The older your shit is or the more decorated, the more charisma you can get.

only armor which can't be upgraded is MK 1

and it's incompatable with all other armor types in the rules.

So you're fucked because if the ship is depressurized you can't survive in space.

nope, its because the suit's mostly with leather and chainmail. Only the torso is powered on mk1

the rest is just mega heavy plating held together by chainmail and leather

Yeah, in lore MK 1 power armor only hsa a powered torso

MK 1 is from an age of technobarbarianism before man returned to space

MK 2 is the power armor used in Space and taken off of earth. MK 1 was only used for parades after it was used to conquer the earth, moon, and mars

MK 2 is also the only one which allows you to fight in a non-atmospheric zone

The mars and moon do have atmospheres built up in 40k. And yes, mk 1 is called "Thunder" pattern for that reason.

mk2 is crusader, mk 3 is Iron.

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