
Discord ID: 462280013031669760

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India still has a sizable population that believe magic is real.

So if he based it on that I could understand

Well it's worse in India

They try child sacrifice still, probably succeed in less populated areas

Creepy 16 year old

Bags under their eyes at 16? Too much meincraft?

Venezuela owes a lot of money to China

They are there to protect their investment

If the US materializes hard force that would be China's bluff

You can get a harness for a bird and put a leash on it.

Some larger birds do well with this, smaller birds probably not.

I wouldn't get a parrot or other life pairing bird. The problem is they want to bond with another bird and kind of need to. If that isn't available they'll pick a person. Parrots will aggressively protect their relationship and immediate territory, which is your house basically, from other potential mates. So anyone they perceive as a potential competitor for you they will attack. And if you keep them from doing that they'll assert themselves with you aka biting. Dogs don't do this if you keep them in the appropriate part of the pack hiearachy which is easy to do. Are birds domesticated? Only if they pair bond with you is the best way to put it.


cause he died

They do know that bond films were based on books.

Also your parrot may not be into you specifically so you might get a bird that costs several hundred if not thousands of dollars that just tolerates your existence.

It comes down to optics

Ultimately I see it as Germany being a very competent nation vs Italy which is known for its pizza and gelato

Yeah I would agree with that. Also Mussolini had impracticle goals while Hitler's goals were daring, but not beyond possibility.

Hitler accomplished all of his goals but his interference in his own plans ensured he couldn't hold onto them.

He also shouldn't have redirected his assault on Moscow when they were only 50 miles away with almost 0 hard resistance

In the beginning definitely

Germany's army was not mechanized.

The English and French were and their biggest blunder was not advancing into Germany. They would've easily dominated.

To me it looked like Austria was kind of meh about it.

Most articles and books I've read mostly focus on the invasion of France

Probably an imagined fear which materalized into a completely different one.

I know people fled Austria because of the civil unrest.

There was this Austrian guy who immigrated to the US and joined the Marines to go fight and ended up in the Pacific.

No he was Jewish

He didn't like the idea of hearing people singing about jewish blood flowing from their knives outside his window at night

SS were the top Koolaid drinkers


Swallowed the poison dong

He did a cyanide capsule then went bang

That's what his secretary overheard the DR telling him.

Yeah the Russians didn't see CSI yet


i haven't heard of that

Pretty sure he was furry <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

Brianna Wu's claim is like people have never done this before?

Is she fucking dumb

Remember when people stalked you from your window

good times

Dam free tickets who could pass that up

Wait are they defending the guy?

Or are they defending online stalking?

You want to get laid, but ugly? $$$

That is dark

You can't help anyone, they have to believe you can help them

They have to want to be helped too

People are fucking weird

Gotta be safe for work

Which kinda removes most of them

Sounds like he wanted attention.

Yeah he should castrated in public.

If he didn't bitch out


Well he doesn't deserve jail but he'll get life in prison and probably get a padded cell.

There are better vacations

"No one falls in love faster than someone looking for a place to live"


I hope Nancy and AOC get to duel without Trump busting in on it.


@juryrigging even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Ever since Glenn Beck went fucking psycho on cable tv he's been radioactive af

because my feels

AOC is trying to get traction because she's probably going back to bar tending.

( ) ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐Ÿฟ ( )
((( )))

I was trying to do it without other bullshit but it wouldn't take

Also not worth my time to figure it out

They are according to that one movie with the Mona Lisa

This guy needs more cocaine

God should decide your health coverage <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

Jayjs wasn't bullied

He was a self hating incel

She wants your D as in dollars

Anything north of York is barbaric

So is NY and London

Washington Post is fucking disgusting

@Mikey visit Kentucky if you want to see super rural or Nebraska

Kentucky is a really cool place

Except its humid sometimes

Texas is for steers and queers

He doesn't care

Everyone who isn't Elizabeth Warren is non-white tbf

He's being hyperbolic

Well go back to England


like in time

Trump is trying to be a disruptor in the democrats politics and keep them from booting the identitarians before the next election

You can't fix what was engineered to fail

You should and go back to England

No one cares in this chat

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