S K E L L Y Ivanthenotsoterrible

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I have an extremely controversial question

North or south?

Itโ€™s legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow in York excluding Sundayโ€™s, just reminding you all

Guys, Iโ€™m gonna say it I have no clue what the hell CANZUK is

Yo, I thought Iโ€™d come see how the maples are doing

Howโ€™s oโ€™canada doing

What about the first lesbian pโ€ฆwait you already did that one

<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> that honestly bonkers

We have yet another 50-60 years old prime minister we didnโ€™t vote for #just English speaking things

Itโ€™s okay because orang man bad

But hey look on the bright side

Weed is legalised?

Is that even good idk

Your leaf on the flag Ment something else all along

The only people that donโ€™t wonโ€™t the drugs legalised are the people that profit from it

Waht lol

I donโ€™t want to know what the red means lol

Howโ€™s Quebec doing

To keep the frenchies out

Even across the globe, all English speaking countries hate french speaking countries

Error 404, co-existence has stopped working

Only when the french and English are working together to take someone down, theyโ€™re not trying to take each other down

Pretty much

Two wrongs make a right, and that right was still a flop

Listen, I hate french as much as I hate my tea gone cold, but friends of convince are friends of convenience

Jesus Christ that was too British lol

Back to Canada

Whatโ€™s a tommy

Canzuk sounds pretty chad tbh

Right right right

Slide to the right, slide to the left

Criss cross!

Ima keep it real w you

I searched up PPC and the first definition I saw was pay per click, Iโ€™m useless I know

Nothing like having your political goals float away due to the voting system

Is the workers revolution going to spark in Canada, sounds as if itโ€™s going to happen at this rate

The french even pass on their socialist tendencies

The Canadians dismantle themselves before anyone else can, checkmate

Thatโ€™s some 4d chess right there

Ignoring your provinces so much they just leave your country

Letโ€™s be real Siberia probably gets more attention

I honestly donโ€™t know what to say, I thought youโ€™d finish your quarrels in a cabin and call it a day, thatโ€™s probably what the government does anyways

โ€œOh yeah weโ€™ll pay attention to those provinces tomorrowโ€

Donโ€™t tell me you have those leftists that say anything they want but wonโ€™t get criticised since they โ€œcanโ€™t be discriminatoryโ€

Same here

I see so many of them being extremely racist, but since itโ€™s not towards minorities itโ€™s fine

Best part of Canada?

I hear thereโ€™s some really good camping spots

My image of a Canadian holiday is; too walk into a bar(made mostly of tree wood) in the middle of a forest next to a road. The bar is dimly lit and the fireplace is considerably large with a deer head trophy above it, there is plenty of animal game and big burly Canadian hunters with cross-stitched jumpers, very polite and friendly people. Have pancakes with maple and drink cider

The real image of Canada sound like a bunch of degenerate university students and immigrants

I mean Canada canโ€™t be bad, you guys have some great maple syrup and hockey

Yeah boi

A day in Canada(according to my stereotypical experience) Tall big Lumberjack, eating pancakes with maple syrup, then plays Ice hockey

I might end up going to Canada for a holiday, I wonder what the locals would think of a tommy walking around

Sound like plenty of places sound nice to go

What do you think of Brits

A man of fellow culture I see


Damm you Canadians are great

So, thereโ€™s this north/south is better thing in the uk. Is there anything similar in Canada?

South is of course better

Canada sound significantly less Canadian nowadays

โ€œWe weโ€™re immigrants, so does it even matter?โ€

But hey, at least you have

What do you guys even have!

That is way too American, what Canadian things do you have!

Exclusively Canadians things

Aw man

Quick hide the evidence

All I know is tea, good shows, derogatory language and constant complaining

English culture in a nutshell

Tea without milk is for the strong, and polan strong

I usually have breakfast tea, two sugars honey milk and a few biscuits

Way too much sugar in one drink tbh

I donโ€™t know why, but most people Iโ€™ve met Iโ€™ve always found out which tea they prefer

Every time

The last guy I met preferred bubble tea

The one before that was Irish black tea

The one before that was breakfast tea without milk

And so on

It also depends on the water

One day I will have the perfect cuppa, and I will be complete

Whatโ€™s with this whole Trudeau blackface thing

Iโ€™ve been hearing it a bit lately

What do you think of Trudeau

So heโ€™s the waste of crap, wow that really is terrible

No good candidates eh

What about a new, improved royal family that will rule youโ€™re sovereign nation for the greater good of the empire and will restore democracy and favour to your naโ€ฆ Iโ€™m beginning to sound like a monarchist. Dammit

The queen probably couldnโ€™t do a better job tbh, sheโ€™s too busy figuring out what horse to bid on at ascot

Same here

Except there is no law in place saying the queen can not take full control of the country and rule the uk, which is very wacky

Whatโ€™s that

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