Magnus the Rad

Discord ID: 189172435386499072

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Hitler and Stalin were two sides of the same coin


I'm just saying we should work together

Nazis and commies fundamentally want similar things right

The deposition of a global elite ruling class

Nazbol gang for life

Sounds like freedom to me, little zoomie

But I understand if you can't hear it

Go listen to Lil Fiftysixpointnine Percent or something

@Internet Tough Guy fuck off you sound like a nigger

Ok still sounds like a nigger

Probably still taller than you






No no silly

We get the nazi punks to fuck off

And then we kill the commies

I think kvlt is the true redditor here

He was so quick to jump to that


That is innovation though

She has developed a new way to exploit beta cucks

Do you think after this line succeeds she'll make more specialized ones

"Post BBC Fuck Musk"

"Premium Gamer Greywater"

This is just the logical conclusion of those guys on the internet who buy used panties

We live in an age in which men cannot even muster the gall within themselves required to steal women's undergarments

If you believe in Allah put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in the Quran if you deny him, he will deny you in front of his son in the gates of paradise. This is the simplest test. If you love Allah and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord server

It's impossible to find anything on the Rothschilds because they don't want you to, you goober

ISIS takes credit for everything

They're the biggest posers on the terrorism scene

Who knows what they actually are and aren't doing

@Deleted User t. buttmad commie

t. moonbrain

sounds like someone's jealous their neurons aren't as tightly knit together

Look at the absolute nonsense this moonbrain is spouting

I guess that's what happens when your thoughts are gravity-impaired

They float all over the place with no rhyme or reason

The Story of the Eye was just prototypical guro for the bourgeoise

>all whiteoids

Where my mutts at

Being a feminist as a man is fundamentally cucked, its aims run directly counter to your own interests

Screenshotted and saved

Couldn't have said it better myself

What the fuck is that hunk of meat on your desk

Where is new Roman empire

Well fuck the law

I'm a free nigga

I unironically miss when that was how it worked

Monarchist ganf

It hasn't though

Their problem was nationalism, not fascism

He looks kinda like a hamster

Or gerbil

Point is I'd like to keep him in a cage and feed him treats

I hope you die

Fracking is great though

It already is "normal"

Only retards still stick big stupid pipes into the ground

Me when I discover that Elvis Presley was kidnapped and raped to death by aliens

Exactly and that's why I'm dressed as elvis and wearing green makeup to make myself more appealing to the aliens

God that must be awful

Political intrigue is bad enough as is but imagine how much worse it gets with women and their constant drama-mongering

2020-01-01 22:07:42 UTC [Anarcho Fascism #anarchy]  

@Monolith you get what you fucking deserve

I'm hyped to murder brown people

How does that even work though

Like that's a really stupid business model

One screenshot and no one has to donate anymore

It won't soon when it burns down

Based Leftover Crack shirt

I love that band

Literally on meth

I think Kobe faked his death to escape more rape charges

Now he will be remembered as a tragic hero


@Tabbot Suicide, mass murder, and terrorism are a great way express yourself and have people listen

That's such a bad argument honestly

Like just because they're in office doesn't mean every single person they represent voted for them or even agrees with their actions

Should have called for the mod to be keelhauled and electrocuted too

That's your mistake

Imagine raiding a dead server

I like hitler superman better

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