
Discord ID: 460154602071916556

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Are you guys real Communists or just larpers?


Who the fuck well over throw our fascist governments then!


you fucking racist

You guys are communists?

A comrade.

Looking to expand his mind.

You guys sound like Nazis


I don't know what that is

What's goyim???

You guys are anti-Semitic

You guys are talking about alt right conspiracy theories

You said Jews control both sides. What does a religion have to do with anything.

What's wrong with being a Zionist. I want Jews to not be genocie


We are supposed to oppose racism and bigotry in all forms

Palestine attacks Israel all the time

Can some explain this stuff to me? I don't understand

That's just a conspiracy theory goyim

Things like that will make another shoah happen

And there were a lot of Jews in the bol revolution. And Karl Marx was a Jew so how can you be anti semtic and be a Communist

What about the Holocaust? If you dont like Jews then do you support Hitler killing 6 million

Do you support that?

That's a far right conspiracy

Your a holohoaxer?

What's the difference between NatSoc and nazbol?

I'm just playing I'm a NatSoc. I just wanted to know what you commies were up too lol


But you're right. Holocaust didn't happen. Wooden doors, fake chimney, allied blew up train tracks.

I don't really see where we disagree on though. I believe in a socialist state and know about the JQ

If Communism is revolutionary why do but business's support you? And attack Nazis so much.

And Jews never talk shit about Communism only NatSoc

Lol ohh a few Jews that are gate keepers playing the kosher sandwich

Lol had to have capitalist Jews help out the revolution

Communist and capitalism two sides of the same shekel

Britiain and USA both zog had to help you put down Germany

Okay another question. Not debating just want to know at this point. 20 millions Ukrainians died. How does that fit in.

I'll look into this. I might be a Communist and just don't know it.

Antifa? Controlled op by Jews?

Also are niggers, fags, tranny's, feminism allowed. Antifa is a bunch of fags larpers

The police protect them

Fbi doesn't call them out


Lot of fascist started as Communist

But I need sleep been up long time. Will take tomorrow though. We like to know more about this. I joined natsoc because I agreed with Jew hating and being anti degenerate. If you guys are the same I'll listen

*talk not take

2019-08-03 21:12:22 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]

2019-08-03 21:12:30 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]

The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." - Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

Who are they?

I'm from Kansas. ((()))

That's a beautiful poem.

Jew calls other a jew while he rejects being a jew _-----_

Spoken like a true jew

2019-08-04 01:33:37 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]

2019-08-04 01:34:07 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]

2019-08-04 01:35:15 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Nah I'm not a communist a believe in private property and somewhat of private business.

2019-08-04 01:35:58 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

lol commies1

2019-08-04 01:35:59 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


Real communist are jews. Hello fellow comrades.

You seen the mass shooting? 2 in 24 hours


Wheres the other one

Texas, Ohio, wheres the 3rd


The are going to start cracking down on white nationalism.

They are saying white nationalism is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism. So im saying prisons might start taking us in. They already passed a law in florida where you cant talk shit about jew

Nah we live in 1920 Germany


Im talking commies vs nationalist

The entire world is going to have uprisings. We live in crazy times. Europe is going to have a revolution too.

I didnt condone.

I dont want a race war.

27 million people identify with alt right values.

We dont have the government. We can only put them into practice in our own life.

But we fight the same enemy. Jews and capitalists

I know

Yea thats true.

What does NazBol disagree with NatSoc.

Alright mate

@T. Raven so they're based then

@T. Raven thats true

If you're a fascist and dont call yourself fascist then 2 things 1. You either dont know what it means 2. You're a pussy

Feda are on riot, gab, discord, twitter, Facebook, instagram,

yea feds aren't as stupid as you think.

Theyve been waiting for the right wing to do this.

The USSR put people in America a long tine ago

2019-08-05 06:04:06 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

@conklava what happened

2019-08-05 07:43:41 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Video showing the christ church shooting was staged.

Because of monkeys fucking of course

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