Auf WI

Discord ID: 158056665680314368

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Ew they got Paul Ryan in stage now

They keep pronouncing it as mosinay


To go along with the Mattis tweet

High tech is fine. As long as we are the ones to control it.

It's very possible to be an advanced society while retaining proper social and educational policies that we would advocate for

yfw the announcement tonight is so spoopy an email got sent out

I got intel the announcement is to tell us its Halloween

screencap this

cant deport her if you cant id her

Most recent poll has Walker and Evers tied here

Exactly but depending on the poll you can still determine whether or not that specific area the poll was taken in is correct

Trump says there will be up to 15.000 Troops going to the border, thats 1 every 700 feet if you spread them out, and thats not including border patrol staff already there

Give the UP back to us and maybe we'll send a few R's your way

It's our hat

MN and WI wouldnt give up all that waterfront.

did someone say


Kringle is better

Understandable but I think it was pretty obvious it was a stock image

Considering the discussion



2018-11-01 00:20:04 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

tfw 5'11"

All wimmen here are shoulder height, i dont understand. must be the flouride

IE rompers in member shop????

~175 people in chat

Very ominous

matt is just gonna say "happy halloween"

All this foreplay

Will the location be announced after the late fee date takes effect?

I call dibs on that couch again @Papa Pizzagate

Just read Fox had more views than MSNBC and CNN combined

Just voted blue, drumpf btfo

Damn all those ballot had nothing but English on it

that exit poll at the top


It was much busier when I went to vote today than the general. But it could be because I voted after working hours

GA and FL house starting to come in

I'm pretty sure the roll of stickers from the 2016 election is the same one they were using today

at my place

>a peach

impeach the peach now

GOP in lead for house so far

actually for all they are

Tfw no GOP person ran for congressional district 2 here.... just gave it away to Dems

I swear to god if Tony Evers wins Gov I'm moving

I wont live here under his rule

Getting spicy here... they called WI for blue gov but then they just took it off

.9% difference for gov.. still 27% to go report...

Holy cow Walker might pull through.. only .4% difference now

Walker and Evers tied... Ive never seen a closer race

I dislike a few hundred more people now

RCP just refuses to call Wisconsin lol

Theres alot to report still, you Montana boys still have what, 20 more people to count? /s

Close is an understatement

42 vote difference now

Never even heard of them

They weren't even on my ballot

It amazes me that the GOP wouldnt even try to find someone to run

District 2 here had no GOP member running, as I mentioned earlier today

I wouldn't know the costs but even garnering support is pretty easy

bad news so far Dem gov up 30k votes

Alright im done...what state do i move to?

Patrick arrives at the WH 20 minutes ago and Sessions resigns 10 minutes later?
Coincidence? I think not

I voted yes for my county to legalize medical, but I know there will be repercussions

Woah no Heightism in MY discord chat

Well the Nordics were tall

Everyone else were manlets

Top anime battle ever? @AleisโŠ•ccidentalis

foshizzle time to disbandizzle


Very thorough and well thought out survey

Its 17,665 where I live

Per capita income is an areas total income divided by population


46k household here

No kids in Seattle I guess

Tfw never have to worry in my 99.17% white village

@godric it's in the backyard its fine

Gotta watch the venison on the grill

All in all income doesnt matter though, when you consider living costs. I can afford housing here easily but if I were in, say, Seattle, I would not be in a good position

Anything in a 50 mile radius of Chicago should be off limits

Good thing I'm not polish or I'd be a bit sweaty now

Well you clearly have a disdain to polish people

Gary is where its at

Self hating pole


Going back to the follow posting, just unfollow them to remove the boomers

Tfw euromutt

And get paid to get bad joints, ask my dad lol

Those group of boys here in WI doing a certain symbol with their hands are protected under free speech. Just seen the article

Of course, but still a free speech win

That's a big steer

Too bad you cant breed that boy

That's not a heifer

Its good

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