JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.)

Discord ID: 299910735046246401

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Co'mon, goy, sing along

waifu is a jap body pillow

or something

Chapman married his waifu

Something like that. I'm honestly not totally sure as I am an old bastard. I just youtubed "my waifu" to see what would come up.

yes itis, butit gives new meaningto"pillow talk."

What is Yvette exactly? Is she a flip? Part beaner?

She is tall enough to hold my beer on the top of her square head

She keeps guards around herin a circlenow

The Eye of (((Soros)))

People on DS are complaining that they wanted to register but no one has gotten bak with them

What should i tell the?


For Pikeville? The DS guys went through tradworker and haven't heard anything

I payed thru tradworker and do not hae a ticket

Well, I hope this won't be a problem when we pull in. I a just trying to find out how these DS can register/why no one has responded to them.

I don't want to pull up and have some NSM dude checking eeryone in, telling me I can't get in w/out a ticket or that i have to pay again.

Yeah, I told them camping. Just surprised there was no confirmation email.

I used the link theyprovided in the members newsletter that skirner got

Already did. Just membership confirmation, and me trying to register but the link was down, then it worked.

I payed by card

I'll hope for the best and know by the 26th i suppose.. I agree w/ ops but i am also trying to make plans. I stress too much

i found it shit. My bad.

Yep. Sometimes I miss what is right in front of me

Dunno. I like naps.

Are you under the same name on gab?

Hola! Que Pasa, essay!


WHere are you at?

That sucks. A bus takes forever.

No idea. If you could make lynhburg you ould stay here and then ride with us


Yep. I did a bus to indiana from here once. Had to pass rochester and change over near you. Long trip.

Don't know. I'm new.

There are 2 of us in my town.

20 bucks

Will cover, change the adidas logo

@parrott @Skirnir42 said he hasn't heard back on registration

Sweet. Thanks.

Are there any logos/sticker you do not want on helmets? I might be able to convert one on the back to the tWP forks

Had to fash it out


hope it's OK, because I don't want to take them off. Heh.

helmets are good if antifa are throwing rocks and bottles, which they do. unless you have a chin strap it will prob come off in a fight.

I just went to dick's sporting goods and tried on the cheap batting helmets til I found one that fit well and was comfortable, plus looked good

A helmet would have helped that kid hit w/ a u-lock

@Skirnir42 You hae gps?

So we can sever the head of the (((beast)))

skirner and I will be arriving at the conference location around 6. Will be easier than doing the caravan in.

Figure it is a 5 hr drive

Where my Nazi's at?

Why so sleepy?

DId the beaners runyou too hard today?

Tsktsk. We are children of the sun. But yeah, that would suck.

Can we leave at 1130?

Instead of noon

Cool. You have a sleeping bag and some shorts for the camping?

I am bringing a couple of changes of clothes because it is going to be 90

Is anyone camping over Sat night too?

bring lots of water. I don't want you turning into a potato chip, salty.

Is it OK to go straight to the campout spot? Are we staying Saturday also.

@My Name Is Hate That's fine. W/out knowing the itinerary I was just trying to piece it all together. Started packing the car today.

Yeah, stay home and make the wife happy. Besides, I don't know sign language.

Here, this Jewy looking guy wants to help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csaYYpXBCZg

Basically, the video's alternative title could be "How To Be A Mime."

See you tomorrow! Will be getting in at 6.

@parrott Are we still doing the food drive?

Will do.

just returned home and showered. Had a great weekend, goys. Good to meet some new brothers and sisters.

Oh yeah, please put me in vetted


The house? No. I went up there also as we first on site. It was slippery.

The camp site was furthur up the road.

Not at the trailer

About a mile or so

uh, where did you go if you never made the event?

Oh. Yeah, up the road from there.

Private land. No trespassing. I followed the NSM guys who arrived first. Helped with set up.

Instructions in email said not to arrive till 6pm friday night

Me brudda

@My Name Is Hate Ha! First rally and they liked my helmet more than my beautiful mug.

@Skirnir42 Thanks. We will make you one.

hardhat of course

I watched their extended vid of the rally. They act like they have no clue why we are there.

He scared me.

I felt unsafe.

Plus he was 6,000,000 inches tall

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