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2018-09-05 23:11:53 UTC

2018-09-05 23:11:53 UTC

2018-09-05 23:11:54 UTC

2018-09-05 23:11:55 UTC

2018-09-05 23:11:56 UTC

2018-09-05 23:12:22 UTC

Hey everybody

2018-09-05 23:12:31 UTC


2018-09-05 23:12:51 UTC

Just thought it was a good time to wipe.

2018-09-05 23:13:00 UTC

The channels get so congested

2018-09-05 23:15:31 UTC
2018-09-05 23:15:36 UTC
2018-09-05 23:15:49 UTC


2018-09-06 03:10:40 UTC


2018-09-06 05:20:14 UTC

SHOCK PHOTOS: Kavanaugh 'Protesters' Caught Getting Paid Hard CASH - Big League Politics

2018-09-06 05:21:02 UTC

SJWs Eat Their Own, Wil Wheaton Forced Off Social Media - Big League Politics

2018-09-06 05:21:27 UTC

WATCH LIVE: Facebook, Twitter and Google at the Senate Intelligence Committee - Big League Politics

2018-09-06 07:33:48 UTC

OAN News had an exclusive - Microchip is Q (he and a friend) He came forward to stop people from being mislead. Must see the OANN report on their regular news program . Wikipedia - which is not 100% reliable, has said that the pedo claims vs. Deep State folks is unproven, and has been debunked. They list many Qanon "errors" Microchip is on GAB where he's taking a lot of flack over coming forward. He and a friend started the QAnon effort. The most positive thing he said on tape:
People need to do something - They need to get out and vote or work for change.

2018-09-06 07:34:37 UTC

Wikileaks also has a youtube from mid May debunking Qanon

2018-09-06 07:35:29 UTC

q predicted this

2018-09-06 07:53:56 UTC


2018-09-06 08:15:15 UTC

America doesn't have source protection in constitution though so the doj could probably just sue the nyt for the source

2018-09-06 08:16:26 UTC

or like subpoena them or whatever you do

2018-09-06 13:24:31 UTC

whyis main chat the lowest one

2018-09-06 18:18:51 UTC

why tho

2018-09-06 18:24:30 UTC

<:arrowup:381061979537670146> scumbag booker

2018-09-06 18:37:16 UTC

New here I can't figure out how to set up role

2018-09-06 18:44:57 UTC

@Maxie where r u from

2018-09-06 18:45:15 UTC


2018-09-06 18:45:32 UTC

Fixed it

2018-09-06 18:46:05 UTC

I also can't figure out how to chabge avi

2018-09-06 18:46:28 UTC

Thank you

2018-09-06 18:46:59 UTC

not sure what u mean @Maxie

2018-09-06 18:47:22 UTC

I also can't figure out how to chabge avi

2018-09-06 18:47:32 UTC

On the role or on my profile image?

2018-09-06 18:47:49 UTC

1 sec

2018-09-06 18:48:09 UTC

Thank you

2018-09-06 18:48:26 UTC

user settings lower left

2018-09-06 18:49:03 UTC

then my account to change avatar

2018-09-06 18:51:34 UTC there is no voter fraud

2018-09-06 19:08:08 UTC

Larry Elder
Verified account

23m23 minutes ago
(Overheard, II)

I returned a pair of Nike shoes yesterday for a refund, and the clerk asked me what was wrong with them. I told her they hurt my feet when I stood up for the national anthem.

2018-09-06 19:20:10 UTC

Desperado thank you

2018-09-06 19:44:09 UTC

Got it

2018-09-06 20:22:18 UTC


2018-09-06 20:43:34 UTC
2018-09-06 21:06:43 UTC
2018-09-06 22:12:07 UTC


2018-09-06 22:39:49 UTC

2018-09-07 00:55:52 UTC

<@!317045572802707456> sup Wayne

2018-09-07 02:27:42 UTC


2018-09-07 02:55:28 UTC

when did wayne join?

2018-09-07 02:57:24 UTC

@doofface99 months ago

2018-09-07 03:05:56 UTC

Did i do it?

2018-09-07 16:55:08 UTC

Trans woman? Call him what he is. A man. Silly brits

2018-09-07 17:54:03 UTC


2018-09-07 17:54:10 UTC

fight me britbongs

2018-09-07 21:06:28 UTC

In voice ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-09-08 01:05:23 UTC

2018-09-08 04:38:58 UTC

@rsashe1980 I am outraged!

2018-09-08 04:39:04 UTC

There are not enough Trump memes!

2018-09-08 04:39:15 UTC

The people demand more Trump memes.

2018-09-08 04:39:20 UTC

This needs to change TODAY

2018-09-08 06:47:31 UTC

"how absolutely dare he" -liberals and cucks

2018-09-08 06:55:18 UTC

It's pretty funny "Give me money for wall" sorry no "Okay give me more money for military spending" sure "Okay now mattis build the wall"

2018-09-08 06:56:29 UTC

The wall is defensive so he should just give it to the DoD

2018-09-08 15:46:32 UTC

lol sweden is up on the drudge report

2018-09-08 16:53:19 UTC

2018-09-08 16:55:14 UTC

2018-09-08 17:00:17 UTC

โ€œour Country has TREMENDOUS FUTURE POTENTIAL. We have just begun!"-Trump

2018-09-08 20:15:10 UTC Is this fuckin asshole for real

2018-09-08 20:19:42 UTC the more this asshole talks the more nails he drives in the libturd coffin

2018-09-08 20:40:16 UTC

12,150 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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