
Discord ID: 540305836740837391

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All for a couple hours of being in a car chasing storms

Sounds like a very easy money maker to me

I mean, imagine not cleaning up Joplin immediately after it happened.

See how your ok? Is the only thing you can respond with. Typical of someone who follows the confederacy and would get his ass kicked in another civil war

Because the only state that wins the next civil war, will be Kansas

Yup. It is nice to know you donโ€™t have the same rights as me

Because youโ€™re own by the liberals

Says your state. I mean, you donโ€™t have constitutional open or conceal carry. You have to beg your senators for a AK-47 to be legal

I can take out my AR-15 and shoot it up in the air right now and not get any flack from any neighbors

You beg to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi

Imagine not knowing who those people are

Thatโ€™s like not knowing who President Trump is

Iโ€™m guessing you are the one on the left right? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Thatโ€™s your band clearly

Thatโ€™s why you have the same name

Deflecting is so easy to see on discord ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Yup. Keeep saying ok? While Nancy Pelosi takes away more of your rights

The speaker of the house

The same house that your autistic failure of a father dropped you off at before he ran off.

Yup. Since you donโ€™t know basic US History and the basic House and Senate speakers, Iโ€™m going to block you because clearly you lack the intelligence to have a conservation about politics

Ah the sound of silence

He is a simpleton

2019-02-05 22:04:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

@Deleted User has autism. Thatโ€™s why I blocked him

2019-02-05 22:10:20 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Nope but what is a hangable crime is treason and thatโ€™s what everyone from Don Lemon to Sean Hannity should face

2019-02-05 22:10:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

In fact, once we get rid of the 24 hour news networks, the world will be a better place. Then we can bomb the confederate states some more

2019-02-05 22:12:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

In fact, if people bombed Kentucky, Tennessee, and the Ohio valley, nobody would give a shit because they are all shithole states

2019-02-05 22:14:35 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

You can disagree with the statement all you want. The confederacy will never rise again

2019-02-05 22:15:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

@Children.Deserve.Cancer.REBORN someone is upset they lost the civil war

2019-02-05 22:15:29 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Yeah because you lacked the testicular fortitude to join the military

2019-02-05 22:16:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

I mean, imagine having your AVI as a black 7 year old ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-02-05 22:16:26 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Is that your baby mommas kid? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-02-05 22:16:43 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

How much child support you owe negro?

2019-02-05 22:17:05 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

About how much of a failure you are because youโ€™re triggered about the civil war

2019-02-05 22:17:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Doesnโ€™t hurt my feelings that your state lost to Kansas

2019-02-05 22:17:50 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Yeah buddy

2019-02-05 22:18:03 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Any of the confederate states

2019-02-05 22:18:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

All those people are autistics if you are born or live in any of them

2019-02-05 22:18:21 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

From the shithole of Louisiana

2019-02-05 22:18:27 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

To the Shithole of North Carolina

2019-02-05 22:18:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Only short responses is what you got

2019-02-05 22:18:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Clearly the beta cucks ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-02-05 22:19:17 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Are you an American or no?

2019-02-05 22:19:37 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Then why are you for the confederacy

2019-02-05 22:19:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Yeah you did

2019-02-05 22:20:13 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

No. Your exact words was

2019-02-05 22:20:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

โ€œIโ€™m glad trump is president, these negros down here in Alabama deserve to be sent back to Africaโ€

2019-02-05 22:20:45 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Yeah you did

2019-02-05 22:21:03 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Itโ€™s fun to see the confederate fatty run away from the argument

2019-02-05 22:21:14 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

All because his shithole confederacy lost to Kansas

2019-02-05 22:21:20 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Iโ€™m sober as fuck and straight edge

2019-02-05 22:21:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

We need to bring back prohibition of alcohol

2019-02-05 22:21:42 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

As there are still dry counties in Kansas and alcohol was only legal to serve here in 1997

2019-02-05 22:22:24 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Because Kansas is the supremacy state that all other conservative states try to be

2019-02-05 22:22:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

85% white

2019-02-05 22:22:34 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

No crime

2019-02-05 22:22:36 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

A surplus in state budget

2019-02-05 22:22:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Federal contracts worth billions

2019-02-05 22:22:57 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

B-52s on the state line

2019-02-05 22:23:06 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

More than 60% of the state has been active military

2019-02-05 22:23:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Imagine responding with 1 word comments

2019-02-05 22:23:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Typical of the liberal whoโ€™s upset the civil war was lost

2019-02-05 22:23:51 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Maybe next time, you wonโ€™t let a nig lover like Robert E Lee run your shithole army

2019-02-05 22:24:10 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Yeah about as noted as your absentee parents

2019-02-05 22:24:43 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

I like how you post Sure. It means you agree that your alcoholic of a mother and your failed step father donโ€™t give two shits about you huh buddy

2019-02-05 22:25:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

But then again, who would want a seed that believes the confederacy was the best part of American history

2019-02-05 22:34:42 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Yup. B-52 bombers

2019-02-05 22:35:36 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Canโ€™t wait till we are dropping these all over the south

Letโ€™s bomb the south

He changes his name every hour because of how often he gets banned from other servers it seems

You should try studying the Patrick Mahomes problem instead

And how heโ€™s better than any โ€œall powerful Jewโ€ that you think controls the world

I mean, imagine being more threatened by Jewish Wolf Blitzer than Patrick Mahomes

Imagine thinking a dude who has his own cereal by Kellogg is โ€œIrrelevantโ€

Guess babe Ruth was also irrelevant in the 1920s and 1930s

I have DDosโ€™d @Deleted User

Meaning youโ€™re not an American

@McBacoon I thought this was an 18+ server. Why are there 9 year olds from Great Britain on here

@TheNobody maybe do a better job not having 8 year olds from Britain join our channel then

@McBacoon you should ban his candy ass

Well youโ€™re the owner. I mean, I was able to doxx him simply by his #number and find out his age and where he was located. Itโ€™s really simple.

Mcbacoon. You arenโ€™t giving out your discord number on Reddit on Yuri Fan Fiction like that other autistic

You arenโ€™t saying, here is my discord number, invite me to the server

And the fact that he left the channel proves that my doxxing worked

We can say the same for the states in the confederacy

They shouldnโ€™t have the right to vote

The reason most Americans donโ€™t believe in it is because of Al Gore

And all the bullshit retoric by both sides on the issue. Remember that Miami and LA were both suppose to be 30-50 feet under water by this point

Because people as far back as Reagan and jimmy carter tried to peddle the lie

Yeah there are

The 13 states of the confederacy got their asses kicked

And we will slaughter them if they dare to threaten Kansas again

2019-02-07 21:06:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]

2019-02-07 21:07:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

How I envision all of you

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