Discord ID: 486840766375788545
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Sorry, ja ne rozumiyu polskie
ja only know how to pierdole
@jakub stachurski swedistan
@jakub stachurski dzienkuju
Y'all virgin kissless bois 'n girls thirsty for DAT PUSSY or DAT COCK why don't y'all become volunteers for this shit -
Find your love in Poland
Jesus, this story of yours
Imagine being cucked by a dude named cooper
Deep fried butter on a cat
@PandaTanner sorry for interrupting your comfy conversation, but did you ever think about a way to retaliate?
it's hot actually
I think so
Imagine a weak femoid is struggling with you while you've pinned her down and manhandling her
I think that would be hot irl as well
just do it bro
many femoids are actually quite ok with male violence, it's just that only chads can get away with that
>snapchat thot
Oh god, only tinder roasties are worse
lmao you boi
You do know that they say such bs only to beta cucks?
Chad get's far more hotter passages
I don't know who is that snapchat thot, if that's a trap then I dunno...
*are you mad, human boi?*
@rogalik Iโm an important thinker. Iโm a creator, INNOVATOR, artist, idea. But above all else, Iโm a passionate, child-like innovator. Iโve been all around the gerlobe.
Look at 5:28 in the video, I've noticed this channel has been low key pushing miscegenation
@Jansaf eat soy baby, save 'em animals
@rogalik I know only of based WW2 time German scientists who weren't leftists
Have recently found this channel, damn I love it
Nope, but have no issues with pest control, rats are like niggers of animal world. Or rather chinks
Also love them qt minks
cleans up backyards of farmers with a trained tag team of a mink and a dog
cats are lazy assholes and also a cat could consider mink his prey
Can't trust cats
I got what you mean
Cat can only scare away some rats, but cats can't catch rats who hide in holes, but a mink does it
that's why that man hunts rats with mink, mink can squeeze into rat holes
But only female mink, male mink are double the size of female ones
It's almost the same with men
We are stronger than femoids in every aspect, but we have cucked ourselves by allowing feminism
@rogalik it doesn't mean that there is no rats, they are active at nights
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