
Discord ID: 434247508214939649

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@ๅ Brigadenfรผhrer Shรผltz ฯŸฯŸ What's your PayPal man? I'm ready to make that propaganda for you but it'll cost a small, reasonable fee

We must denounce Satan and embrace Jesus!

I feel like praising Yahweh ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ โœ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ

85% of "hacking" *is* social engineering





Yeah, pretty hot 5/5

@Hamtaro The most arduous role is easily Islam and you'll gain a much greater breadth of knowledge and insight otherwise inaccessible had you opted for any of the other suggestions. If you do choose the Islamic route, whichever madhab you opt into, dedicate your entire Being to it, live it, dress it, completely consume yourself into it. The Anarchist role may provide a similar challenge if your worldview is militantly predisposed to a more NS orientation and your tolerance for utter retardation of the lowest order is low, in that case it would be a distinct challenge against the self; otherwise the Anarchist role is extremely easy and very little knowledge will be gained. Further, beyond those suggestions, really anything that you devise that stands either in stark contrast to your own Being and/or would serve to really scathe and challenge your sensibilities is a good option.


Throwing free advice around

Alright I'm about to rape both of you


True but the purpose of an insight role is to challenge the self and gain otherwise inaccessible knowledge, experience and *insight*.

I went for Hanafi madhab, lasted almost 2 years.

It's one of the four schools of thought.

Not very fun... 2 years wasted in a sense but also a world of knowledge gained.

I even had the ridiculous Sunnah beard

The Hinterlands



We all are

I still have a beard, just not a retarded one

It happens man

I talked to some 13 year old for like a month before she admitted her actual age

Then her dad confiscated her fucking phone



No shit



Huh, no that was some Finn

You can actually invoke a so called demon **without** even trying

I made this pfp for him

No I made it on Wire for him

Before blocking him

Advice from Blitz

I didn't even know the kid when he contacted me

Yeah he brought me in there, him and Necromancer

Necro seemed solid but Vlach was sketchy as hell

No they just liked me

I liked Necro but something about Vlach was way off

No, I actually lost contact with him when I deleted Wire

Heil Odinn my fellow white people

Hope I don't end up in fucking 'Valhalla'

Good that excludes me, next order of business

If things go as planned, I should be absorbed into the Void itself for eternity

It's the core definition of black. Absence of everything

@aloys The vast majority of people doing the Void's bidding are entirely unaware of the fact

@Hamtaro If you leave I will hunt you down and rape you


@Carpathid Based purge, sir


@Echo I can do edits of most anything. DM what you have in mind.

The 2018 edition finally arrived...

I'm not familiar with GIMP, only Photoshop but for me it's not really a formula. I know Groz and a few others followed a formula (mostly) but my stuff is generally intuitive and based solely on the subject or desired effect.

Yeah, just DM me whenever. I can shoot you some examples of different styles I've done in the past.

Eh, I'll DM you some stuff to this account tonight and you can look through it whenever. There's a few ways to achieve the style I think you're going for.


Really now?

Tell me more about that...

Is that a fact?

Gheg or Tosk?

You asshat!

You're screwing up the game.

So, you have any connections?

You know, anything profitable in the Balkans... ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Hehe, I know the routine ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nah, I need you first. I'm always first in line.

That's Runes โ˜๐Ÿฟ

I can't get the hoes off of me man...

Had one earlier going off for 6 fucking hours, sending these 30 second videos licking a goddamn lollipop.

As always....

Probably going to meet her again around Feb. 3rd or 4th.

No, this is actually one of the rare few I respect, I've met her before, just shag her, get drunk and go home.

Vex thought I was some guy called Larry....

Ahhh I see, okay, just more nigger shit.

Nah, that's Standast, one of his mentally deficient friends

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