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Itโ€™s in the interest of Jews to did so

@Pelth So you subscribe to the left right paradigm?

Wtf I love @CallMeTruckson now

Donโ€™t forget goyim Jews culturally invaded Europe first as early Christians then they were expelled because of corruption and usery

Then figures like Oliver Cromwell brought them back

At least Muslims are honest when they hate you. Jews lie when they have power and what theyโ€™re doing with the power

โ€œThe Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.โ€

^You only need to go to twitter to see what I mean by that

The majority of Jewish in America feel attached to Israel

Yes thereโ€™s a disparity but theyโ€™re still loyal to Israel and supportive of Israel

That isnโ€™t because itโ€™s far right

Itโ€™s because they have an ethno-religious stake in Israel

Peak Jewry

Itโ€™s that expensive so Jewish boards can haggle over the cost of it

The vast majority > some

Itโ€™s of massive consequence

Well for one if Israel no longer exists, the US government would also no longer exist in turn since they are part of the same system.

The problem is that the system is fundamentally evil

And thus it needs to be destroyed

Good and evil are also descriptors

So people who cheat lie and steal is better than people who are honourable, fierce and meek at the same time? Are you saying that itโ€™s a fair fight between a couple million white nationalists and fascists between a state with 70-75 nukes, a government that receives 8 billion a year in aid from the US, and a fully equipped military.

This dumb frame of argument you have to put yourself in to justify the behaviour of Jews, hurts Europa.

They arenโ€™t parasites who have only known lying and stealing for 2,000 years

Thereโ€™s more or less guilt

They share the bulk of it

If you are then you would logically conclude that Jews ought to be exterminated by having all of their crutches removed

Which isnโ€™t something I support

I think thereโ€™s environmental and genetic factors into it

Some Jews are able to break free from their parasitic nature

Like Otto Winiger

He wrote a book about this

Jews need to actively criticise their nature and break free of it. Then they can either assimilate or form their own community on which they can root themselves into laterZ

Europe deserves to be destroyed, but it isnโ€™t because of hubris of Europeans necessarily. It was Jews exploiting that hubris through liberalism that caused the downfall of the west in 1945.

During the boog, would you boys kill this woman and her boyfriend?

@Mee6 You have 3 cool titles





Whatโ€™s wrong with capitalism lol

Supreme entitlement



Imagine being sexually attracted to a walrus

Thatโ€™s nasty

Imagine acknowledging that class interests and preferences ences exist, but not racial interests and preferences

Heโ€™s insecure

I thought you were Russian for a second

Heโ€™s trying to use psychoanalysis on you

Yeah thatโ€™s actual pseudoscience

Psychoanalysis has never been clinically proven

Itโ€™s homo

Your ideology is gay

Therefore u gay

No my ideology is straight

Then how can you have an ass?


You donโ€™t have any epic privileges

Whatโ€™s wrong with Fascism?

Okay pick something

If theyโ€™re wrong about everything then you should be able to tell me one thing

Bruh this is boring

Just give me an example of something thatโ€™s wrong with Fascism

Or any other criticism

Thatโ€™s dogma

How is it logical?

Fuck off

Itโ€™s illegal to be retarded on this server

Whatโ€™s your objective world view?

This is some Randian bullshit

Then the Anarchist narrative must be objective

If it is objective it has to be absolute

This is circular

How is my world view objective? Because the anarchist world view is. How is the anarchist world view objective? Because my world view has no rules or laws therefore objective.

Circular bullshit


Anprims shouldnโ€™t be on Discord

The liberal catlady left are obsessed with Donald Trump being gay with Putin and Bibi.

@.Brad Get out of my server Casey Neistat

2019-09-24 23:33:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

@Dr.Cosby Itโ€™s hard to have a good faith conversation with a person that ad Homs as much as you.

2019-09-24 23:34:05 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Hey buddy

2019-09-24 23:34:07 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  


@.Brad What are you?

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