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2018-06-23 14:52:04 UTC

>Using a force ability previously unseen, which is not bullshit and was instead fucking cool?
yeah, forcing yourself to death is totally not bullshit

2018-06-23 14:52:27 UTC

and him actually *not* being there in person is totally cool, and not incredibly lame and completely pointless

2018-06-23 14:53:00 UTC

His ship was underwater.

2018-06-23 14:53:06 UTC

And presumably has been for years.

2018-06-23 14:53:14 UTC

and don't act like the New Republic being met with difficulty is a new concept

2018-06-23 14:53:23 UTC

He seemed fully intent to never leave and Rey took the only shijp on the island back to *the plot*

2018-06-23 14:53:36 UTC

>his ship was underwater
hmmmm if only we knew that jedi could lift large objects from underneath water hmmmmm

2018-06-23 14:53:54 UTC

Presumably, if a ship has been udnerwater for years, it may be a little waterlogged?

2018-06-23 14:54:00 UTC

maybe damaged? Maybe unable to fly anymore?

2018-06-23 14:54:02 UTC

then don't do that then?

2018-06-23 14:54:07 UTC

don't write it like that?

2018-06-23 14:54:08 UTC

He never intended to leave.

2018-06-23 14:54:23 UTC

Which is a douchebag move on Luke's part but it's how it was written.

2018-06-23 14:55:16 UTC

two small changes and this is fixed
luke lifts the x-wing out of the water after his talk with yoda (and yoda *doesn't* use the force to summon lightning, that's stupid), and leave R2 behind with him after he requests it

2018-06-23 14:55:33 UTC

there is no way that R2 and Luke cannot repair the ship that they used for decades

2018-06-23 14:55:46 UTC

even if it's only a temporary fix

2018-06-23 14:56:03 UTC

In the time that they need, I doubt it. And plus, this trilogy's point is to hand it off to the new generation.

2018-06-23 14:56:14 UTC

Would you prefer Obi-Wan not sactifice himself to the force and instead tag along as daddy gandalf?

2018-06-23 14:56:19 UTC

sure, but there is no reason not to have luke there in the flesh

2018-06-23 14:56:32 UTC

no, but obi-wan took direct action and died *there* from that action

2018-06-23 14:56:51 UTC

luke went home, sulked, jerked off, and then decided he'd meditate or something see if that works, and then dies

2018-06-23 14:57:06 UTC

one of those things has a bit more weight than the other

2018-06-23 14:57:40 UTC

Obi-Wan's death was to help Luke escape the death star, to escape Vader

2018-06-23 14:57:49 UTC

he laid down his life to save this farm boy

2018-06-23 14:58:05 UTC

Luke's death is him deciding he'll skype kylo and then kill himself

2018-06-23 14:58:26 UTC

Luke had lost all faith in himself, because he had failed to prevent the rise of the next dark lord. Rey helped him regain some of that faith so he used his tremendous amounts of force powers to taunt Kylo and buy time.

2018-06-23 14:58:28 UTC

Here's another angle.

2018-06-23 14:58:52 UTC

again, there is 0 reason why that couldn't have been done in the flesh

2018-06-23 14:59:01 UTC

luke should have been cut down by kylo in person

2018-06-23 14:59:04 UTC

Luke made a point that there's this huge legend about him out there, but his life wasn't nearly as good as the legends would have you say. Him appearing as an untouchable holographic projection adds to how legendary he is.

2018-06-23 14:59:19 UTC

that's a gay reason

2018-06-23 14:59:22 UTC

If Kylo *had* killed him, it would've
A) sent Kylo further to the dark
B) Made Luke a mere mortal

2018-06-23 14:59:34 UTC

Luke *was* a mere mortal

2018-06-23 14:59:35 UTC

instead, Kylo can't kill the past he wants to, and Luke's legend is made more legendary.

2018-06-23 14:59:42 UTC

Luke is, but his legend isn't.

2018-06-23 14:59:52 UTC

It's that whole hope thing the movie tlaked about near the end.

2018-06-23 14:59:53 UTC

that's all he wanted to be
he was a Jedi, but he wasn't this invincible thing

2018-06-23 14:59:59 UTC

Also, we're totes gonna have force ghost luke later

2018-06-23 15:00:02 UTC

he never taught her lesson 3

2018-06-23 15:00:15 UTC

Luke wasn't after fame and glory.

2018-06-23 15:00:36 UTC

Why would he care about being a legend?

2018-06-23 15:00:41 UTC

right, because the legend of Obi-Wan was diminished when he *dueled the most evil man in the galaxy on board of the most destructive superweapon in history to save a farmboy*

2018-06-23 15:00:44 UTC

oh wait, it wasn't

2018-06-23 15:01:04 UTC

The galaxy may not even know much of Obi-Wan anymore

2018-06-23 15:01:07 UTC

Luke's legend wouldn't have suffered from him facing kylo mano el mano

2018-06-23 15:01:12 UTC

most would presume he died during order 66

2018-06-23 15:01:18 UTC

and after that a shitload of jedi stories got purged

2018-06-23 15:01:23 UTC

also, luke never even taught rey lessons 1 and 2

2018-06-23 15:01:28 UTC

luke didn't teach rey shit

2018-06-23 15:01:33 UTC

fuck tlj nothing happens

2018-06-23 15:01:40 UTC

Nothing happens?

2018-06-23 15:01:53 UTC


2018-06-23 15:01:55 UTC

the resistence gets reduced to a handful of people, Snoke gets chopped in half, Kylo becomes supereme leader

2018-06-23 15:02:12 UTC

Luke dies, Rey learns her parents were nobodies and she doesn't have to be someone special's kid to be special

2018-06-23 15:02:13 UTC

the resistence and the first order are in the exact same position they were in at the beggining of the movie

2018-06-23 15:02:22 UTC

Finn learns that there are peaople dealing weapons to boths ides

2018-06-23 15:02:24 UTC

luke contributes nothing so his death doesn't matter

2018-06-23 15:02:24 UTC

the exat position???

2018-06-23 15:02:29 UTC

there's a total change of leadership@

2018-06-23 15:02:30 UTC

finn has no character arc

2018-06-23 15:02:37 UTC

a fuckload of people died on both sides!

2018-06-23 15:02:40 UTC

yes, the exact postion

2018-06-23 15:02:49 UTC

the first order is still impossibly massive

2018-06-23 15:02:56 UTC

the resistance is still impossibly small

2018-06-23 15:02:59 UTC

Rey can probably lift an entire planet with the Force by now.

2018-06-23 15:03:03 UTC

leadership changes happen all the fucking time

2018-06-23 15:03:15 UTC

But that's a change

2018-06-23 15:03:18 UTC

you said nothing changes

2018-06-23 15:03:18 UTC

the first order still has their huge fuck off star destroyer

2018-06-23 15:03:22 UTC

nothing changes

2018-06-23 15:03:24 UTC


2018-06-23 15:03:27 UTC

because the change doesn't matter

2018-06-23 15:03:28 UTC

you mean the snokemobile?

2018-06-23 15:03:31 UTC

it was sorta... cut in half?

2018-06-23 15:03:31 UTC

if the change means nothing

2018-06-23 15:03:37 UTC

or were we not watching the same movie?

2018-06-23 15:03:43 UTC

yeah, but did it explode?

2018-06-23 15:03:45 UTC

Rey can just snap her fingers and wipe out half of the First Order.

2018-06-23 15:03:48 UTC

No but it's fucking chopped in half

2018-06-23 15:03:51 UTC

because nothing has ever been repaired, ever

2018-06-23 15:03:56 UTC

I doubt it's going much of anywhere fast

2018-06-23 15:04:05 UTC

the *vast* majority of that ship is still functional, and not gone

2018-06-23 15:04:06 UTC

Dude, the first order won this round, that was kinda the point too

2018-06-23 15:04:21 UTC

They reduced the resistance to enough people to cram into the falcon

2018-06-23 15:04:22 UTC

TLJ was just a shittier version of Empire change my mind

2018-06-23 15:04:43 UTC

Empire followed a cookie cutter plot that has become one of the most over-troped twists of all time.

2018-06-23 15:04:44 UTC

everything you're saying is completely meaningless

2018-06-23 15:04:54 UTC

"so many people died!" and yet *nothing fucking changed*

2018-06-23 15:04:54 UTC

We already saw Leia Poppins. Rey can now force-fly through space.

2018-06-23 15:04:55 UTC

Fite me IRL

2018-06-23 15:05:02 UTC


2018-06-23 15:05:03 UTC


2018-06-23 15:05:08 UTC


2018-06-23 15:05:14 UTC

and if there's no GRAVITY

2018-06-23 15:05:17 UTC

you get pulled TOWARDS the thing

2018-06-23 15:05:20 UTC


2018-06-23 15:05:25 UTC

yes, but how did she survive the vacuum of space?

2018-06-23 15:05:29 UTC

that's my biggest issue with that

2018-06-23 15:05:31 UTC

she's human

2018-06-23 15:05:33 UTC

she's untrained

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