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2018-06-23 15:05:36 UTC

A human can survive a few minutes in space

2018-06-23 15:05:41 UTC


2018-06-23 15:05:43 UTC

how do you know she wasn't trained in the thirty fucking years between

2018-06-23 15:05:51 UTC

and she spent most of the rest of the movie in a coma

2018-06-23 15:05:54 UTC

because the movie doesn't tell us mate

2018-06-23 15:06:05 UTC

how do you know that she *was* trained in the thirty fucking years between

2018-06-23 15:06:09 UTC

Does the movie have to tell Luke that he can force-pull his saber towards him?

2018-06-23 15:06:11 UTC

If Newtonian physics applied, Luke would have been crushed by his ship's weight while lifting it.

2018-06-23 15:06:14 UTC

He had zero training to do that!

2018-06-23 15:06:23 UTC

How does he know that's a thing?

2018-06-23 15:06:24 UTC

he doesn't!

2018-06-23 15:06:28 UTC

and yet he does it!

2018-06-23 15:06:30 UTC

have you seen MauLer's review of TLJ?

2018-06-23 15:06:32 UTC

go watch it

2018-06-23 15:06:32 UTC

on instinct!

2018-06-23 15:06:44 UTC

and you will understand why your arguments are shit

2018-06-23 15:06:52 UTC

I can't be bothered arguing it properly with you

2018-06-23 15:06:57 UTC

it's 1am, I have better shit to do

2018-06-23 15:07:12 UTC

Luke didn't force-pull his saber until after Yoda trained him.

2018-06-23 15:07:16 UTC


2018-06-23 15:07:20 UTC

Nigga what

2018-06-23 15:07:24 UTC

What about the ice cave

2018-06-23 15:07:28 UTC

right BEFORE he was told to go meet yoda

2018-06-23 15:07:36 UTC

What fucking movie did you watch

2018-06-23 15:07:48 UTC

Oh, that.

2018-06-23 15:07:53 UTC

TLJ is a garbage movie with inconsiquential plots where things don't matter and fans will defend it to the teeth because it's not the prequels

2018-06-23 15:08:07 UTC

His only use of force before that was a bullshit bomb-redirect at the death star and deflecting some lasers

2018-06-23 15:08:23 UTC

So how did he know?

2018-06-23 15:08:26 UTC

clearly he's a bad character

2018-06-23 15:08:39 UTC

you really need to watch MauLer's videos man

2018-06-23 15:08:42 UTC

Are you actually comparing a weak force pull to being able to fight a well trained dark side user?

2018-06-23 15:08:45 UTC

We don't know how much training he got from Ben.

2018-06-23 15:08:51 UTC

Are you fuckin' retarded

2018-06-23 15:08:58 UTC

because you cannot see how bullshit your argument is

2018-06-23 15:09:03 UTC

it's just whataboutism

2018-06-23 15:09:14 UTC

>We don't know how much training

2018-06-23 15:09:17 UTC

with no justification as to why it's ok when *your* guys do it

2018-06-23 15:09:21 UTC


2018-06-23 15:09:26 UTC

they had thirty fucking years

2018-06-23 15:09:34 UTC

Why would you think she *wouldn't* learn some shit?

2018-06-23 15:09:40 UTC


2018-06-23 15:09:57 UTC

TFA went out of its way to tell us Han and Leia divorced ffs

2018-06-23 15:10:00 UTC

She's a force user, and was in the original trilogy for sensing shit

2018-06-23 15:10:01 UTC

The whole ice cave thing was an improv because Mark got into a car accident, and ended up with a scar.

2018-06-23 15:10:08 UTC


2018-06-23 15:10:13 UTC

you telling me that TLJ couldn't even bother to mention something much more important than that?

2018-06-23 15:10:17 UTC

the lightsaber pull wasn't a required part of that DKO

2018-06-23 15:10:21 UTC

that didn't need to be there but it was

2018-06-23 15:10:23 UTC

Ah yes, the famous forcefield Force move

2018-06-23 15:10:40 UTC

they gave luke new powers without obvious foreshadowing

2018-06-23 15:10:42 UTC

oh the noes

2018-06-23 15:10:43 UTC

Pulling a light saber is a parlor trick.

2018-06-23 15:10:44 UTC

whatever shall we do

2018-06-23 15:10:46 UTC
2018-06-23 15:10:54 UTC

Yeah that force trick was absolute shit

2018-06-23 15:11:03 UTC

your argument is shit
these videos will explain why

2018-06-23 15:11:06 UTC

holy fuck why is it six hours

2018-06-23 15:11:25 UTC

because it takes more time to unpack bullshit than it takes to say it

2018-06-23 15:11:36 UTC

and he is unpacking a *lot* of bullshit

2018-06-23 15:11:44 UTC

and longform is kinda his thing

2018-06-23 15:11:45 UTC

that too

2018-06-23 15:27:41 UTC

@nic schooling a nigga on why tlj is complete garbage I see

2018-06-23 15:29:03 UTC

I prefer the term "native nabooian"

2018-06-23 15:34:49 UTC

So one of the points in part 1 I already agree with, and have always agreed wiht

2018-06-23 15:34:53 UTC

"why do we care about these sides?"

2018-06-23 15:35:19 UTC

```DKO GamerGator - Today at 1:02 AM
Rey can probably lift an entire planet with the Force by now```

Did anyone read Jedi Academy? Good trilogy right up to the end

At which point Mara Jade *force-pushes the entire Imperial fleet away from the planet they were attacking*

2018-06-23 15:35:22 UTC

I've heard that the new between-lore has a bunch of cool stories about the new republic smushing what's left of the empire but having a hard time of it, allowing it to exist in pockets

2018-06-23 15:35:51 UTC

and on how Leia's status as a politician of importance was shattered once the truth about her father was #Leaked by someone

2018-06-23 15:36:04 UTC

I haven't heard much about Luke's new order, though.

2018-06-23 15:36:25 UTC

Yeah, I think I would've much preferred a trilogy about the between-years, but ford, hamill, and fisher were too old for that

2018-06-23 15:37:04 UTC

Regardless of the objective failures, though, I enjoy a good spectacle movie and TLJ and TFA had some great scenes that I can still enjoy.

2018-06-23 15:37:40 UTC

IMO the one huge change that should've been made in TLJ is that

2018-06-23 15:37:48 UTC

you can keep Holdo as this other general who's important

2018-06-23 15:37:52 UTC

but let Ackbar do the suicide jump

2018-06-23 15:38:10 UTC

It's a mon calamari ship ffs

2018-06-23 15:38:18 UTC

*t h e n d o n ' t m a k e t h e m o v i e s*

2018-06-23 15:38:43 UTC

Have him say that the resistance is surrendering, and spin the ship around to be boarded, but just as he's about to jump the first order computers detect that the ship's charging lightspeed

2018-06-23 15:39:10 UTC

And if you wanna *do the thing*, have Hux say that it's a trap and then have Ackbar blow the snokemobile clean in half, down the middle

2018-06-23 15:39:22 UTC

interesting point you raise

2018-06-23 15:39:24 UTC

and maybe have the *whole thing* get destroyed as Rey and Kylo duke it out

2018-06-23 15:39:36 UTC

Because the lore behind the 'new' universe helps to make sense of all the questions that were raised in the movies

2018-06-23 15:39:52 UTC

Except you shouldn't need to know all that shit in order for the *films to make sense in the first place*

2018-06-23 15:39:53 UTC

It's information that we needed *in* the movies, obviously.

2018-06-23 15:39:58 UTC


2018-06-23 15:40:28 UTC

Maybe dedicate a nice quiet scene in TFA to Leia talking to Finn and maybe Poe about the first order

2018-06-23 15:40:47 UTC

before the rescue mission but not so close to it as to make it seem like a weird stop

2018-06-23 15:41:07 UTC


2018-06-23 15:41:12 UTC

takl about how the empire was harder to get rid of than just destroying one battle station, and that the republic refused to become a new empire and so allowed chunks of it to survive

2018-06-23 15:41:16 UTC

"ohhh, so the Republic is cool and actually 'in power' but you've got this kinda-covert ops thing going on with 'the resistance' against what are supposed to be remnants of the Empire that exist in various sectors or something, cool"

*meanwhile in the film*


2018-06-23 15:41:20 UTC

and from those chunks the first order came in

2018-06-23 15:42:21 UTC

prequels > sequels

2018-06-23 15:42:32 UTC

Okay no, but it's very close.

2018-06-23 15:42:50 UTC

there's actually a cool idea about where Starkiller base came from

2018-06-23 15:42:51 UTC

```The problem with the political scenes in the prequels wasn't the political scenes themselves; it's that they were jarringly displaced by all the other elements that tried to market the films at a younger and younger audience; in that sense it was like the prequels didn't know to whom they were trying to appeal (or a more classic case of trying to appeal to everybody and thus not being particularly appealing to anybody)๏ปฟ```

2018-06-23 15:43:03 UTC

yeah true

2018-06-23 15:43:37 UTC

>there's actually a cool idea about where Starkiller base came from


2018-06-23 15:43:44 UTC

<:thronk:441701565607444482> <:high_iq:382980759012638731>

2018-06-23 15:44:29 UTC

the thought is that Starkiller base was a planet that the Jedi once used to mine Kyber Crystals, hence the supercannon that uses kyber tech

2018-06-23 15:44:45 UTC

yes, this is an old theory

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