
Discord ID: 372513679964635138

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2017-12-24 21:37:49 UTC

they become a bigger burden on us for something minor

2017-12-24 21:38:12 UTC

So just decriminilize drug use

2017-12-24 21:38:23 UTC

I love the british care more about innane shit than actual criminal activity

2017-12-24 21:39:01 UTC

yeah... because drug activity funds terrorism

2017-12-24 21:39:03 UTC


2017-12-24 21:40:04 UTC

depending on what drugs, it does

2017-12-25 08:26:45 UTC

America is 56%, but the police are largely uncucked and do their job. Western Europe is still around 90%ish, but the police are cucked beyond belief

2017-12-25 08:55:50 UTC

^race realist over here

2017-12-25 13:19:16 UTC

<:bleach:382980734035689473> <:bleach:382980734035689473> <:bleach:382980734035689473> <:bleach:382980734035689473> <:bleach:382980734035689473> <:pepe_why:378719408367075333> <:pepe_why:378719408367075333> <:pepe_why:378719408367075333> <:pepe_why:378719408367075333> <:pepe_why:378719408367075333>

2017-12-25 13:19:21 UTC


2017-12-25 13:20:57 UTC


2017-12-25 13:31:14 UTC

I agree with image above

2017-12-25 13:59:17 UTC

Of killing yourself?

2017-12-25 14:29:05 UTC

Upon seeing that image above that one, perhaps

2017-12-25 19:11:08 UTC

good story, for those who don't know it

2017-12-25 19:11:14 UTC


2017-12-25 19:24:44 UTC

She is a real idiot

2017-12-25 19:48:18 UTC

I agree entirely, but I also think it's a good story

2017-12-25 19:48:41 UTC

there are lots of nuggets in that text that are interesting

2017-12-25 21:14:11 UTC

The story of how SJWs were created ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-12-25 21:14:13 UTC


2017-12-25 21:15:48 UTC


2017-12-25 21:17:23 UTC

She is exactly how i imagined her

2017-12-25 21:17:38 UTC


2017-12-25 21:18:31 UTC

Entitled, condescending, and a thot

2017-12-25 21:20:16 UTC

**Thot** Patrol

2017-12-26 23:15:06 UTC


2017-12-26 23:15:10 UTC


2017-12-26 23:18:07 UTC


2017-12-28 01:02:07 UTC


2017-12-28 01:11:35 UTC


2017-12-29 04:44:36 UTC



2017-12-29 11:01:34 UTC


2017-12-29 12:15:27 UTC


2017-12-29 12:15:54 UTC

that's actual code from live .gov site

2017-12-29 12:16:08 UTC

anyone worth their salt will instantly see that it's broken in at least _two_ ways

2017-12-29 12:16:27 UTC

so whoever wrote it is either a obama holdover reeee'ing at the assignment, or incompetent

2017-12-29 15:25:05 UTC

Love Dawe and Clarke.

2017-12-29 15:30:41 UTC

Hey, who heard of the MGTOW movement ?

2017-12-29 15:35:04 UTC

Sounds a little too fresh, hip and happening for an old fogey like me

2017-12-29 16:04:33 UTC

MGTOW ? From what I've found it's been on for a few years, but we can see this comportement with men for longer now. Men choosing to live almost like monks just being alone to focus on them and their work, and avoiding women, to avoid being screwed by the system and being divorced rape

2017-12-30 04:15:06 UTC


2017-12-30 04:18:31 UTC

Iโ€™m pretty sure haaretz is a left wing Israeli rag

2017-12-30 05:18:10 UTC


>two CODtards wager $1.50 over a game
>they get angry
>CODtard 1 threatens to swattingize CODtard 2
>2 gives a fake address to 1
>1 calls 911, says that he shot his dad and doused the house in gasoline
>trigger happy cops show up at the fake address, which is actually someone's real address
>homeowner (with two kids mind you) gets fatally shot
>1 admits everything, no plea bargain for him
>1 is now arrested

RIP this poor dude

2017-12-30 05:18:31 UTC

if it is not put in greentext mode

2017-12-30 05:18:35 UTC

i cannot watch it

2017-12-31 14:58:43 UTC

welp, now that the season of peace and goodwill to men is over, back to our regularly scheduled programming

2018-01-01 09:19:11 UTC


2018-01-01 09:19:15 UTC

They do realise that by pandering to the SJW's narrative of "black people aren't doing well today because they were oppressed 200 years ago" they are giving the alt right exactly what they want, an argument for ethno nationalism

2018-01-01 09:19:16 UTC

Especially if this country is so amazing and better than America or some shit like that

2018-01-01 09:20:08 UTC

And I guarantee they're not going to paint this black ethnostate in a negative light

2018-01-01 09:54:44 UTC

So what would SJWs look like in the ethnostateโ„ข anyway?

2018-01-01 09:55:00 UTC

inb4 photos of soaps and lampshades

2018-01-01 15:53:40 UTC
2018-01-01 20:59:52 UTC

Lmao you pick the lowest hanging fruit and pretend the ideology is the product of the movement and not the other way around

2018-01-01 21:00:02 UTC

(((intellectual honesty)))

2018-01-01 21:40:18 UTC

What is the highest hanging fruit of social justice?

2018-01-01 21:42:14 UTC

critical theory

2018-01-01 23:04:15 UTC

It's me @radeon

2018-01-01 23:04:36 UTC

I am the almighty overlord of SJtopia

2018-01-01 23:05:43 UTC

Really is that you Marx?

2018-01-01 23:10:02 UTC

Are traps gay?

2018-01-01 23:12:06 UTC


2018-01-01 23:52:53 UTC


2018-01-01 23:53:33 UTC

My name is Che Marx Stirner Lenin Ghandi

2018-01-01 23:54:00 UTC

And I am a libertarian communistic SJW revolutionary egoistic anarchist

2018-01-01 23:58:00 UTC


2018-01-01 23:58:11 UTC

Not even engals

2018-01-01 23:58:22 UTC

Filthy casual

2018-01-02 12:03:25 UTC

Engels isn't even a real communist

2018-01-02 12:03:45 UTC

He was just a translator for marx smh

2018-01-02 19:52:59 UTC

Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, eco-terrorism, Islamic State in Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL), Boko Haram."

2018-01-02 19:54:54 UTC

"... this is possible notably through Global Citizenship Education
(GCED), which seeks to nurture a sense of belonging to a common
humanity as well as genuine respect for all."

2018-01-02 19:55:01 UTC

Global citizenship refers to a sense of belonging to the global community
and common humanity, with its members experiencing solidarity and
collective identity among themselves and collective responsibility at the
global level."

2018-01-02 19:55:20 UTC

"GCED is an emerging approach to education that focuses on developing
learnersโ€™ knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in view of their active
participation in the peaceful and sustainable development of their societies.
GCED is about instilling respect for human rights, social justice, gender
equality and environmental sustainability, which are fundamental values
that help raise the defences of peace against violent extremism. 12"

2018-01-02 19:55:27 UTC


2018-01-02 19:56:05 UTC

quoting from the UN publication "A Teacher's guide on the prevention of violent extremism", 2016

2018-01-02 19:57:59 UTC

this is just absolute horseshit from start to finish

2018-01-02 19:58:09 UTC

people are paid for this shit - that is to say, our countries pay for it

2018-01-02 19:58:12 UTC

"UNESCO and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum developed
in 2015 a new training programme entitled Conference for International
Holocaust Education to assist education stakeholders from all parts
of the world in developing new pedagogies using education about the
Holocaust as a prism to tackle their own traumatic past of genocide and
crimes against humanity. This approach has proven particularly effective
for communities that have suffered mass atrocities."

2018-01-02 19:58:32 UTC

_has proven particularly effective_, they say about something that was implemented in 2015

2018-01-02 20:01:28 UTC

one of the main objectives of the programme is that pupils should "Develop skills for critical thinking and analysis", which - silly me - I thought was already one of the core principles of all elementary education

2018-01-02 20:01:55 UTC

"Develop attitudes of
empathy, solidarity and
respect for differences and

2018-01-02 20:02:09 UTC

these fucks dont even know the difference between empathy and sympathy

2018-01-02 20:04:36 UTC

I'm surprised they didn't include Trump in the list of violent extremism.

2018-01-02 20:04:47 UTC

Oh wait it's there, "neo-nazi". ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-01-02 20:05:30 UTC

you're an english native speaker right, can you please just confirm to me that "develop attitudes of empathy" actually literally has no meaning?

2018-01-02 20:06:24 UTC

I just find that sentence hilarious

2018-01-02 20:10:30 UTC

"Freedom of expression and the internet - to explore with learners
how information is offered, structured and relayed; how it can be
manipulated for violent purposes; and how new sources of information
compete with professional media. Addressing online media literacy will
help learners use the internet and social media in a safe and effective
way. This can be linked with citizenship education on human rights and
the difference between lawful free speech and hate speech."

2018-01-02 20:11:14 UTC

"Gender equality and gender-based violence - to help understand
the root cause of the problem; challenge certain attitudes about the
status and role of women; and empower boys and girls alike to take
constructive, non-violent action against extremist arguments promoting
violence, notably against girls and women."

2018-01-02 20:15:55 UTC

"Cultural diversity is a common feature of most, if not all, societies around
the world. It is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature."

2018-01-02 20:16:12 UTC

holy shit this is priceless

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