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2017-12-23 18:38:48 UTC


2017-12-23 18:38:55 UTC

I think that's the one?

2017-12-23 18:38:58 UTC

I thought it was Gowdy

2017-12-23 18:39:00 UTC


2017-12-23 18:39:15 UTC


2017-12-23 18:39:20 UTC

don't think it is

2017-12-23 18:39:25 UTC


2017-12-23 18:39:28 UTC

gonna have to rummage now

2017-12-23 18:39:42 UTC

had a tweet about doing up his shoelaces or something random go rather viral on twitter

2017-12-23 18:39:45 UTC

Yea you are right

2017-12-23 18:40:10 UTC

I do like Trey Gowdy

2017-12-23 18:41:10 UTC

thought he was a bit of a dick to Martin Shkreli during his hearing (or whatever the fuck it was), but I guess noone's perfect

2017-12-23 18:41:45 UTC

yes but martin is also a dick

2017-12-23 18:41:54 UTC

Rand is guud

2017-12-23 18:41:55 UTC

that's his natural state though

2017-12-23 18:42:04 UTC


2017-12-23 18:42:08 UTC

A dick but i dont think he deserved prison

2017-12-23 18:42:13 UTC

I think ted Cruz also has an interesting Twitter

2017-12-23 18:42:21 UTC

I agree with that, but he is a dick, and I don't fault people who treat dicks like dicks :P

2017-12-23 18:42:38 UTC

point is gowdy is awesome

2017-12-23 18:42:59 UTC

jim jordan is getting good as well

2017-12-23 18:43:00 UTC

Reminded me of Pat Lundvall being a complete dick to Nick Diaz during his NAC hearing

2017-12-23 18:43:08 UTC

kept having to say over and over that he's pleading the 5th

2017-12-23 18:43:14 UTC

And they kept asking him questions anyway

2017-12-23 18:43:16 UTC


2017-12-23 18:43:21 UTC

It's like what the fuck is the point of this

2017-12-23 18:43:26 UTC

apart from moral preening

2017-12-23 18:43:46 UTC

also I liked that guy who quit, the mexican-looking guy

2017-12-23 18:44:35 UTC


2017-12-23 18:44:45 UTC


2017-12-23 18:44:57 UTC

him and gowdy are best buds I think

2017-12-23 18:46:00 UTC

I remember the videos of them grilling the shit out of people

2017-12-23 18:46:14 UTC

They were top shit

2017-12-24 20:56:56 UTC

Cenk did 9/11

2017-12-24 20:57:15 UTC


2017-12-24 20:57:16 UTC


2017-12-24 20:57:48 UTC

convo dead ๐Ÿ˜›

2017-12-24 20:58:51 UTC

Yea but still britbongs aren't free

2017-12-24 20:59:07 UTC

Be American, get shot

2017-12-24 21:00:03 UTC


2017-12-24 21:00:32 UTC

at the end of the day

2017-12-24 21:00:33 UTC

be slovak

2017-12-24 21:00:38 UTC

next to shitkraine

2017-12-24 21:00:56 UTC

if any government wanted to just kill someone, youd be dead

2017-12-24 21:00:58 UTC

Be European, get raped by migrants

2017-12-24 21:00:59 UTC

noone would kno

2017-12-24 21:01:04 UTC

youd just be forever missing

2017-12-24 21:01:18 UTC

so gov already has the power

2017-12-24 21:01:33 UTC

Be American , get raped by mexicans

2017-12-24 21:01:38 UTC

So how do you oppress people with guns?

2017-12-24 21:01:39 UTC

not if you have a wall

2017-12-24 21:01:53 UTC


2017-12-24 21:01:54 UTC


2017-12-24 21:02:02 UTC

remove high priority people.

2017-12-24 21:02:04 UTC


2017-12-24 21:02:11 UTC

quite simple really

2017-12-24 21:02:30 UTC

American gun masturbation is always amusing to me

2017-12-24 21:02:31 UTC

That's not oppression though that's just genocide

2017-12-24 21:02:51 UTC

if i had to bomb 1 state to get the other 50 odd to comply

2017-12-24 21:02:52 UTC

@franti thems fightin words

2017-12-24 21:02:53 UTC

id consider that a win

2017-12-24 21:03:18 UTC

hell id take anywhere up to and including 5 state and probably still take that as a win

2017-12-24 21:03:24 UTC

States don't work like that also you seriously underestimate how willing we are to wage war against the federal government

2017-12-24 21:03:25 UTC

One day I may get a gun just to show you we can have those here

2017-12-24 21:04:15 UTC

Yea and they are shit and have to be on a state registry so the Slav equivilent of the ATF can take them away when you get exposed as a wrongthinker

2017-12-24 21:04:33 UTC

Also the majority of people are too comfortable in their living standards so they will comply

2017-12-24 21:04:34 UTC

yeah its not impossible to get one here

2017-12-24 21:04:47 UTC

like not in 24hrs

2017-12-24 21:04:47 UTC

In the UK? yes it is, at least a useful one

2017-12-24 21:05:04 UTC

You're stuck with single shot everything and handguns are totally banned

2017-12-24 21:05:21 UTC

In the UK it takes months

2017-12-24 21:05:43 UTC

yeah but its like a driving licence

2017-12-24 21:05:44 UTC

Here you have to do some documentation, training and phychyatric evaluation

2017-12-24 21:05:56 UTC

They won't let you have anything that threatens their Monopoly of force

2017-12-24 21:05:57 UTC

you have to know what you are doing in order to have one

2017-12-24 21:06:09 UTC

Lol not at all

2017-12-24 21:06:26 UTC

no, but then we dont want retards going around shooting up schools

2017-12-24 21:06:27 UTC

It's a registry to make sure only good little slaves get their shitty guns

2017-12-24 21:06:56 UTC

getting stab is better

2017-12-24 21:06:56 UTC

What do a dozen insane people with typically stolen gun ha e to do with 360 million people?

2017-12-24 21:07:06 UTC

Let them bleed out in misary

2017-12-24 21:07:07 UTC

go round and shoot up a school

2017-12-24 21:07:23 UTC

Trucks of Peace anybody?

2017-12-24 21:07:30 UTC


2017-12-24 21:07:34 UTC

Sometimes bad things happen therefore let's just obliterate all freedoms

2017-12-24 21:07:58 UTC

@radeon you forget, speech is the most deadly weapon of them all

2017-12-24 21:07:58 UTC


2017-12-24 21:08:01 UTC

Just wait when muslims in America will get guns on masse

2017-12-24 21:08:12 UTC

let's rip out their tongues and sow their lips shut

2017-12-24 21:08:48 UTC

yeah, its much better to fight with words

2017-12-24 21:08:53 UTC

the only things that are hurt are feelings

2017-12-24 21:08:56 UTC

Muslims are less than 1% population herr

2017-12-24 21:08:58 UTC


2017-12-24 21:09:01 UTC

@Vertig0ne you forget

2017-12-24 21:09:08 UTC

Lots of internet though guys here

2017-12-24 21:09:09 UTC


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