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2018-10-22 14:08:37 UTC

At which age I meant

2018-10-22 14:08:41 UTC


2018-10-22 14:08:55 UTC

You do all your exams at 16

2018-10-22 14:09:22 UTC

is that guy fixing the chair, or hiding from a shooter?

2018-10-22 14:09:30 UTC

Second one

2018-10-22 14:09:36 UTC

I personally had about 40 exams in a period 5 weeks

2018-10-22 14:09:43 UTC

Including a week off

2018-10-22 14:09:43 UTC

And he's a teacher

2018-10-22 14:09:54 UTC

So about 10 exams a week

2018-10-22 14:11:42 UTC

when was this, what the hell is going on over there? @Ondsinet

2018-10-22 14:12:46 UTC

I could tell you he was hiding from a shooter

2018-10-22 14:13:13 UTC

He was actually hiding from the teacher that was about to enter class (female) because he wanted to flirt with her

2018-10-22 14:13:18 UTC

Which he proceeded to do

2018-10-22 14:13:23 UTC

2018-10-22 14:13:43 UTC


2018-10-22 14:13:48 UTC

It was last year

2018-10-22 14:13:51 UTC

did he smash tho

2018-10-22 14:14:10 UTC

Hope he did

2018-10-22 14:15:25 UTC

The worst bit about my school was the insane wealth divide. The town I live in used to have the greatest disparity in house prices in the U.K.. so you had people like me from the wealthy side and you had other people from other side on benefits in the same room. Simply put if you were from the wealthy side it was hell

2018-10-22 14:16:26 UTC

Yeah I'm fucking sure burguose scum

2018-10-22 14:17:20 UTC

You think people should go to different schools based on how much money they have?

2018-10-22 14:18:00 UTC

No, I think it was bad idea on the way they mixed the classes

2018-10-22 14:18:21 UTC

Itโ€™s weird

2018-10-22 14:20:24 UTC


2018-10-22 14:20:27 UTC

Have some chairs

2018-10-22 14:20:40 UTC

2018-10-22 14:20:55 UTC

Anyone know if this is real

2018-10-22 14:20:58 UTC

Probably is

2018-10-22 14:21:14 UTC

Probably is

2018-10-22 14:21:41 UTC

2018-10-22 14:21:55 UTC

2018-10-22 14:23:01 UTC

i dont get it

2018-10-22 14:23:16 UTC

2018-10-22 14:23:25 UTC

Yeah, right next to hundreds euro robot

2018-10-22 14:25:02 UTC

ya'll just need some paint

2018-10-22 14:25:07 UTC

good as new

2018-10-22 14:25:17 UTC

fucking shithole

2018-10-22 14:25:18 UTC

advanced shithole

2018-10-22 14:25:27 UTC

Shithole with good equipment

2018-10-22 14:25:32 UTC

Still a shithole though

2018-10-22 14:25:41 UTC

I think kurdish schools even look better

2018-10-22 14:25:45 UTC

Advanced shithole

2018-10-22 14:25:49 UTC


2018-10-22 14:25:55 UTC


2018-10-22 14:26:06 UTC

They weren't build by the dux thi

2018-10-22 14:26:09 UTC


2018-10-22 14:30:18 UTC

@Deleted User paint uh?

2018-10-22 14:30:23 UTC

2018-10-22 14:31:02 UTC

Someone made a paste breaking chalks and filled some holes

2018-10-22 14:31:05 UTC

During lesson

2018-10-22 14:31:11 UTC

This is anarky nan

2018-10-22 14:31:17 UTC

dude...what the hell

2018-10-22 14:31:19 UTC

True and crude

2018-10-22 14:31:28 UTC

I've seen better iraqi schools

2018-10-22 14:31:35 UTC

That's for sure

2018-10-22 14:31:37 UTC


2018-10-22 14:31:49 UTC

That's how you get the true human spirit to rise

2018-10-22 14:32:31 UTC

Unlike fucking liberal colleges, where people are just educated to listen and believe to teachers

2018-10-22 14:32:33 UTC


2018-10-22 14:32:46 UTC

looks like you're living after skynet took over

2018-10-22 14:33:05 UTC

Are you commiting a hate crime?

2018-10-22 14:33:13 UTC


2018-10-22 14:33:46 UTC

Here it doesn't matter if your are a nerd, a jock, or a teacher

2018-10-22 14:33:51 UTC

You fuck up

2018-10-22 14:33:56 UTC

You are fucked

2018-10-22 14:33:59 UTC

2018-10-22 14:34:21 UTC

The teacher gave him an 8/10

2018-10-22 14:34:23 UTC

@Deleted User Iโ€™ll tell you of the bat, iraqi schools ARE better lmao.

2018-10-22 14:34:29 UTC

Do you live in Africa? @Ondsinet

2018-10-22 14:34:33 UTC


2018-10-22 14:34:36 UTC


2018-10-22 14:34:37 UTC

Wtf is that class bruv?

2018-10-22 14:34:39 UTC

White africans

2018-10-22 14:34:44 UTC

it's like the Italian breakfast club up in there ๐Ÿ˜†

2018-10-22 14:34:45 UTC

Yh like S.A

2018-10-22 14:35:06 UTC

So the story is

2018-10-22 14:35:14 UTC

This was last year

2018-10-22 14:35:39 UTC

Last year we have a super exam on every thing we've done all 5years

2018-10-22 14:36:00 UTC

It's 4 phases, three written tests that are pretty much the same in every school

2018-10-22 14:36:31 UTC

And then an oral exam about a thesis your be written, and then every teacher asks you whatever they want

2018-10-22 14:36:47 UTC

And they are not your teachers, they are from other schools

2018-10-22 14:37:30 UTC

Italians aren't white fyi

2018-10-22 14:37:34 UTC

So this year the dude in the pic got lucky and, despite having barely passing grades in most subjects, managed to get an average of 9/10 in Italian

2018-10-22 14:37:53 UTC

@Deleted User Theyโ€™re arian.

2018-10-22 14:37:56 UTC

please don't associate glorious germanics and latins with these moors

2018-10-22 14:38:02 UTC


2018-10-22 14:38:14 UTC

And wanted the vote lowered

2018-10-22 14:38:24 UTC

Yeah, the Latins, not like it's us

2018-10-22 14:38:47 UTC

The Nordics are the fuckers that caused Rome to fall

2018-10-22 14:39:09 UTC

Othello was white

2018-10-22 14:39:12 UTC

Change my mind

2018-10-22 14:39:32 UTC

ancaps are pedophiles
change my mind

2018-10-22 14:39:47 UTC

All ancaps?

2018-10-22 14:39:53 UTC

Or the ideology itself?

2018-10-22 14:40:44 UTC

Btw last photo, it's the teacher hiding behind the chair from before

2018-10-22 14:40:49 UTC

Trying to smash

2018-10-22 14:40:53 UTC

2018-10-22 14:40:59 UTC


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