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2019-09-11 05:19:36 UTC


2019-09-11 05:19:37 UTC

uh, yes there are.

2019-09-11 05:19:50 UTC

I mean...we haven't, DESPITE him, not because of him

2019-09-11 05:20:10 UTC

Unless you go the whole "unstable madman" narrative, that countries don't want to mess with an actual crazy person

2019-09-11 05:20:14 UTC


2019-09-11 05:20:18 UTC

i love that word

2019-09-11 05:20:20 UTC

Which maybe had a little merit, but not anymore I think

2019-09-11 05:20:23 UTC

well no, Japan and the Philippines are because they like Trump..

2019-09-11 05:20:32 UTC


2019-09-11 05:20:42 UTC

I think Japan, at least.

2019-09-11 05:21:08 UTC

I mean, I guess I haven't researched those specifically, with regards to how much they "like" Trump or if matters with those countries are better because of him

2019-09-11 05:21:24 UTC

ye research is something you lack

2019-09-11 05:21:26 UTC


2019-09-11 05:21:30 UTC


2019-09-11 05:21:31 UTC


2019-09-11 05:21:39 UTC


2019-09-11 05:21:46 UTC

But, I don't think either of those are particular "hot spots" with regards to our international relation goals

2019-09-11 05:21:48 UTC

soybeans come from brazil, cheap crap from vietnam

2019-09-11 05:21:59 UTC


2019-09-11 05:22:02 UTC

tariffs fuck both us and china

2019-09-11 05:22:05 UTC


2019-09-11 05:22:06 UTC

Lots of citations needed from you guys, if you are claiming Trump made things better with any of those places

2019-09-11 05:22:11 UTC

Trump has definitely soured some relations, nobodies going to deny that, but the idea that he hasn't improved any relations is entirely false.

2019-09-11 05:22:11 UTC

Because I don't believe it.

2019-09-11 05:22:13 UTC

who the hell are you representing?

2019-09-11 05:22:42 UTC

Wait, you have a problem with a US Citizen referring to the relations of MY country with others?

2019-09-11 05:22:44 UTC


2019-09-11 05:22:44 UTC

You goals are different than others

2019-09-11 05:22:47 UTC

You also lack citations with much that you say.

2019-09-11 05:22:55 UTC

Now you're just being plain autistic I think

2019-09-11 05:23:21 UTC

your relations goals are different than mine

2019-09-11 05:23:34 UTC

why do YOU get to represent ME?

2019-09-11 05:23:36 UTC

I don't make bold claims that need backing up. I did you a favor and backed up my "not so bold" (and pretty easily proven) claims - but you dismissed all of it, based on the URL of the links I posted...

2019-09-11 05:23:48 UTC

You're being a retard.

2019-09-11 05:23:51 UTC


2019-09-11 05:23:54 UTC

About the whole "our" thing

2019-09-11 05:23:58 UTC

well those were you quote unquote facts

2019-09-11 05:23:59 UTC

You just stated that Trump has ruined all foreign relations.

2019-09-11 05:24:00 UTC

internationalism and common goals are a bit effy

2019-09-11 05:24:07 UTC

That *is* a bold claim.

2019-09-11 05:24:09 UTC


2019-09-11 05:24:20 UTC

I stated that I don't believe Trump made international relations better

2019-09-11 05:24:33 UTC

You're giving me examples of all these countries that we are better with now

2019-09-11 05:24:38 UTC

damn disagreeing makes me a retard

2019-09-11 05:24:39 UTC

Proof of burden is on you

2019-09-11 05:24:41 UTC

well shiiit

2019-09-11 05:24:47 UTC

Mis-remembered that, but that is still a bold claim.

2019-09-11 05:25:01 UTC

That is also on you to support.

2019-09-11 05:25:07 UTC

No, you're very specifically a retard if you don't think it's absolutely common to say "our" when referring to the actions of your country.

2019-09-11 05:25:08 UTC

ye i bet the betterment of these countries is from Hillary isn't it

2019-09-11 05:25:39 UTC

here let me quote you

2019-09-11 05:25:41 UTC

Still no proof of "betterment"

2019-09-11 05:25:51 UTC

Especially any that can be credited to Trump

2019-09-11 05:26:11 UTC

But, I don't think either of those are particular "hot spots" with regards to our international relation goals

2019-09-11 05:26:18 UTC

You really don't get how it works does it? You claimed that Trump made international matters better. I said, I don't think it did. You started listing off countries where you think it did.

2019-09-11 05:26:19 UTC


2019-09-11 05:26:42 UTC

And yes, the countries you DID end up listing are not "hot spots" of international relations

2019-09-11 05:26:55 UTC

define hotspots

2019-09-11 05:26:56 UTC

And you claimed that trump has not made any relations better prior to that

2019-09-11 05:27:02 UTC

Wtf? Vietnam? Yeah, Vietnam is way more important than NK, Iran, China, Russia, etc

2019-09-11 05:27:13 UTC

cause personally, as a US citizen, i f'ing love japan

2019-09-11 05:27:13 UTC

ESPECIALLY when you were just talking about him not bringing us into a war!

2019-09-11 05:27:24 UTC

Yeah, Vietnam War 2.0 averted thanks to Trump!

2019-09-11 05:27:27 UTC

Stop acting like you don't have to abide by your own standards

2019-09-11 05:27:36 UTC


2019-09-11 05:27:45 UTC

Show me where I'm not abiding by them

2019-09-11 05:27:59 UTC

By not supporting your claim.

2019-09-11 05:28:10 UTC

(last time I challenged you to show me where I said something, you couldn't do it, btw)

2019-09-11 05:28:20 UTC

Just did<:lol:583236542580129825>

2019-09-11 05:28:41 UTC

(last time i challenged you to show me where i said something, you brushed it off, btw)

2019-09-11 05:28:51 UTC


2019-09-11 05:28:52 UTC

You guys are so stupid

2019-09-11 05:28:58 UTC

I wonder if you'll look back when you're older and cringe

2019-09-11 05:28:59 UTC


2019-09-11 05:29:08 UTC

Or if you're gonna get into a terrible off-road accident

2019-09-11 05:29:11 UTC

I can say you're also not especially bright either.

2019-09-11 05:29:14 UTC

sorry my opinions got in the way

2019-09-11 05:29:15 UTC

On your 4x4 chugging Nattys

2019-09-11 05:29:42 UTC

sorry you're asshurt

2019-09-11 05:29:43 UTC

GG @Solicitor, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-09-11 05:29:43 UTC

I have shat all over your opinions, and you can't find a single piece of toilet paper to wipe it off

2019-09-11 05:29:53 UTC

No you haven't?

2019-09-11 05:30:06 UTC

I use paper towels

2019-09-11 05:30:08 UTC

You still haven't supported much of your claims

2019-09-11 05:30:13 UTC

can't wait to see you on twitter trying to bring down someone who doesn't agree with you

2019-09-11 05:30:19 UTC

i use wet wipes

2019-09-11 05:30:22 UTC

The best you can do is try your best to gang up on me (ironically, while complaining about my ad hom attacks like the brain damaged snowflakes you are)

2019-09-11 05:30:25 UTC


2019-09-11 05:30:30 UTC

I dont disagree with you btw

2019-09-11 05:30:31 UTC

You have no facts

2019-09-11 05:30:33 UTC

No evidence

2019-09-11 05:30:38 UTC

Dismiss my evidence based on URL

2019-09-11 05:30:44 UTC

Im not sure what your saying tho

2019-09-11 05:30:56 UTC

I'm not talking to you @3v6en8

2019-09-11 05:31:01 UTC


2019-09-11 05:31:19 UTC

We aren't even entirely in disagreement

2019-09-11 05:31:19 UTC

GG @Cobra Commander, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-09-11 05:31:26 UTC

You may have noticed that you entered a discussion. Or rather me, alone, talking to bags of shit that I've hallucinated

2019-09-11 05:31:27 UTC

That's the confusing part.

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