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Again, as long as they can kill terrorists, let them

2019-02-23 22:54:03 UTC

Why does the percentage of a certain amount of people's sexualities provide any factual and/or logical defense to this conversation? You're delusional and bigoted and quite frankly, irrelevant to this entire discussion.

2019-02-23 22:54:08 UTC

they are already ruining the military

2019-02-23 22:54:13 UTC

in a time where military recruiters are having tough time recruiting peeps into the military?

2019-02-23 22:54:16 UTC

They aren't actually but whatever

They're ruining the military by making it larger!


2019-02-23 22:54:36 UTC

A good country relies on a powerful country, and you cant have that when your soldiers are having gay sex on the battlefield

2019-02-23 22:54:43 UTC

Wait....does 1+1 not equal 0?

2019-02-23 22:54:46 UTC

2 gays is better anyday than a man and a woman, as one of them will be raped and pregnated

2019-02-23 22:55:04 UTC

@shimmy why are you not answering my question? and trying to avoid it?

If you hate gays so much, let them join the army

Raises the risk of them dying

2019-02-23 22:55:20 UTC

Bitch what was the question because I'm blind

2019-02-23 22:55:38 UTC

so now please tell me why are there are 4.5% of them and rest of the country are straight, clearly its weird right?

2019-02-23 22:55:41 UTC

I'm not avoiding shit, I scim over your messages because, like I said, they're irrelevant to politics

2019-02-23 22:56:08 UTC

No, it's not weird. 7% of dogs are golden retrievers, so we should ban them?

2019-02-23 22:56:18 UTC

@Deleted User so please tell my why US military budget is larger than the next G7 countries combined, weird right?

2019-02-23 22:56:20 UTC

(not an actual statistic)

2019-02-23 22:56:48 UTC

why are you comparing animals to human that is irrelevant

2019-02-23 22:56:54 UTC

not really

2019-02-23 22:57:09 UTC

as they both have causes for their %

2019-02-23 22:57:14 UTC

You probably think we should ban blacks too because they're only 12.1% of the population too, right? Logic!

2019-02-23 22:57:26 UTC

or whites for that matter

2019-02-23 22:57:33 UTC

Sarcasm btw, which you seem to be immune to.

2019-02-23 22:58:05 UTC

no because they are a race and homosexuality is not a race, I dont hate blacks so stop putting words in my mouth

2019-02-23 22:58:26 UTC

Once again, you missed the entire point of what I had to say.

2019-02-23 22:58:57 UTC

Blacks being a race and dogs being dogs was not the point I was trying to make. The point is that a percentage does not make something weird nor radical.

2019-02-23 22:59:29 UTC

it does did you learn statistics and percentages in school, but it seems to me you didnt

2019-02-23 22:59:38 UTC

You're making no sense

2019-02-23 22:59:47 UTC

if homosexuality was natural dont you think there would be more of them then there are?

2019-02-23 22:59:54 UTC


2019-02-23 23:00:13 UTC

It's not natural, what's your point?

2019-02-23 23:00:22 UTC

Doesn't make it invalid

2019-02-23 23:00:26 UTC

It's a sexual preference

2019-02-23 23:00:30 UTC

when leftists say this all the time ^

2019-02-23 23:00:38 UTC

Its a mental illness

2019-02-23 23:00:39 UTC

@Deleted User it actually is kinda natural, its just that some of your nerves n shit are fucked up

2019-02-23 23:00:50 UTC

thats what I have heard

2019-02-23 23:00:51 UTC


2019-02-23 23:00:52 UTC


2019-02-23 23:01:02 UTC

its not natural

2019-02-23 23:01:16 UTC

I'm gay and I could potentially see myself liking girls if I like wanted to. It may not be natural but why does that harm you?

2019-02-23 23:01:33 UTC

I could be in the military and do just as good as anyone else.

Wasn't Alan Turing gay?

2019-02-23 23:02:05 UTC

Well only 3% of the population are genetically originated to be attracted to only the same sex. While the rest of queer population are just degen freaks who want to get their assholes pozed.

2019-02-23 23:02:05 UTC

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 10!

2019-02-23 23:02:18 UTC


2019-02-23 23:02:18 UTC

GG @shimmy, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-02-23 23:02:44 UTC

@Deleted User anal sex isnt linked that much to homosexuality tho

So the Milo Yiannopolous thing?

2019-02-23 23:04:43 UTC

Anyways this is way off topic. The point is that gay people on the military isn't a problem and you're making uneducated and bigoted statements in a debate on politics. You quite frankly don't understand the nature of statistics and analytics and you seem like a 12 year old brainwashed yeehaw. Can we move on?

2019-02-23 23:06:12 UTC

@McBacoon anal sex isnโ€™t linked to homosexuality? This lad๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I understand what youโ€™re trying to say, but you failed into Infur what I was trying to say from my joke. @shimmy regardless of 3% not having a choice in the matter. It is still a genetic divergence, and while it may occur through a natural process, a mutation is that a bastardisation of the process. Making it in effect natural.

2019-02-23 23:07:32 UTC

```While the rest of queer population are just degen freaks who want to get their assholes pozed.```

2019-02-23 23:07:45 UTC


2019-02-23 23:07:46 UTC

Well, sure. Whether it's natural or not doesn't really matter, that's all I was trying to say. But tbh, I don't get a boner from vagina and whether you label that as a mental disorder or not doesn't matter. The only matter here is that them being in the military does not "corrupt" it.

2019-02-23 23:08:08 UTC

He was saying that the 3% ARE gay, while the others just wanna try anal lmao

Let gays kill terrorists!

That's worse for the terrorists

2019-02-23 23:08:50 UTC

The issue is that these yeehaws don't care about terrorists, they want to claim false epidemics.

2019-02-23 23:12:05 UTC

@shimmy I donโ€™t call it a mental disorder, itโ€™s a bio-psychiatric malfunction, the same kind of genetic mutation transgender people suffer from. I donโ€™t believe in giving a group of people access to a job thatโ€™s prone to extreme levels of mental stress, with that community already predisposed to high rates of mental illness and suicide, higher than their straight counter parts.

2019-02-23 23:13:37 UTC

Therapy and/or mental testing. If they don't meet mental requirements to be in the military then don't let them, it's simple.

2019-02-23 23:13:51 UTC

I wish I could remove the + from my role

2019-02-23 23:14:00 UTC

Also, the reason why homosexuals suffer from higher rates of mental illness and suicide isnโ€™t because of bullying. Why? Explain why homosexuals in the most pro-gay country in the world, Amsterdam. Suffer from remarkably similar rates of mental illness and suicide than their US counter parts.

The people who don't want to do anything about the suicide rate aren't gay people. They're rich straight white people who are acting as if they care

Patronising people are the worst

2019-02-23 23:16:38 UTC

It's definitely not because of bullying. I could care less of other people's opinions, but I can't speak for everyone else. If I were to kill myself, with a counterpart being my homosexuality, I'd have to blame it on how differently I'm treated. Relationships when you're gay aren't fun. But maybe it's because of religious beliefs. People believe they aren't true followers of their God because it goes against the word.

2019-02-23 23:17:06 UTC

I can't pinpoint why the suicide rate is higher tho

2019-02-23 23:17:09 UTC

Thatโ€™s pre-deployment though, most problems will occur during and after deployment. Unless you want them to be tested by psychiatrists on the field. In that case, why? The amount of resources put into programs similar to that would drain more resources than the increased soldier supply would affect results on the battle field.

2019-02-23 23:17:57 UTC

If the government doesn't care about the mental aftermaths of their non-trans military members, why worry about the ones who are trans. They want to be equal anyways

2019-02-23 23:19:19 UTC

But Trump isn't trying to ban trans from the military because "they might kill themselves"

2019-02-23 23:19:29 UTC

Equality is a lie. The government should care, but their straight counter parts are less dependent on medical resources. It would be a waste of money just to peruse your ideological falsehood.

2019-02-23 23:20:18 UTC

They might. Thereโ€™s nothing linguistically wrong with that. And they will do so at a higher rate. Iโ€™m not pro-Trump FYI.

2019-02-23 23:21:35 UTC

I got that. You seem very centrist. But you're taking things out of proportion. How many people are even in the military, better yet, how many are trans? Very few. Even so, the military gets an absurd amount of funding, it wouldn't hurt.

2019-02-23 23:22:28 UTC

The issue is that, to people on the outside, this seems like an attack on their rights and an anti-progressive thing to do

2019-02-23 23:25:01 UTC

Millions and millions for both. I want to defund the military, because Iโ€™m an isolationist. I donโ€™t want to allocate resources just so some freaks can play soldier. And it hurts me and every single tax payer, the higher cost of a transgender soldier could go into social welfare programs and grants for couples to buy houses. Iโ€™m not progressive and I donโ€™t really care about the rights of transgender people.

2019-02-23 23:25:20 UTC

Well since Iโ€™m a third positionist, Iโ€™m technically a radical centrist.

2019-02-23 23:27:04 UTC

I'm not against banning transgender people from the military completely, then. But Mr.Blue said something about banning gays? Yeah fuck that

2019-02-23 23:29:17 UTC

Well they both suffer from a predisposition of mental illness and suicide. So I donโ€™t see why Iโ€™d permit them into a military I want to decrease spending in.

2019-02-23 23:29:56 UTC

Whatโ€™s the point?

2019-02-23 23:30:15 UTC

I'm pretty sure most gay adults aren't the ones commiting suicide.

2019-02-23 23:30:47 UTC

It's mostly teens right? And they aren't the ones in the military. Teens have the stress of highschool and parents who don't support them.

2019-02-23 23:30:47 UTC

GG @shimmy, you just advanced to level 4!

Teens are idiots

2019-02-23 23:31:14 UTC

like you

Ooh! Nice comeback!

2019-02-23 23:31:25 UTC

Oh you got him there

2019-02-23 23:31:31 UTC


2019-02-23 23:31:57 UTC


2019-02-23 23:32:36 UTC

I'm 15, I think that means I'm irrelevant to politics tho

2019-02-23 23:32:41 UTC


2019-02-23 23:32:49 UTC

you are 15 and you like dick

2019-02-23 23:32:52 UTC

doesent add up

2019-02-23 23:32:56 UTC

get some pussy

2019-02-23 23:33:03 UTC

I was supposed to this weekend tbh

2019-02-23 23:33:15 UTC

dont care

2019-02-23 23:33:17 UTC

get pussy

2019-02-23 23:33:20 UTC

or you fake gay

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