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2019-02-03 10:51:06 UTC

you still carry the fucking fuck and give it our to anyone else not yet gotten that strain of flu/common cold

2019-02-03 10:51:27 UTC

Good <:turt:443131018950606878>

2019-02-03 10:52:23 UTC

Doctors here basically give you the week off. my company is very cool with it, aswell

2019-02-03 10:52:53 UTC

Have you tried benzos?

2019-02-03 10:53:14 UTC

but good checkup on the brand names ``` Brand Names: Chlor Trimeton Nasal Decongestant, Contac Cold, Drixoral Decongestant Non-Drowsy, Elixsure Decongestant, Entex, Genaphed, Kid Kare Drops, Nasofed, Seudotabs, Silfedrine, Sudafed, Sudodrin, SudoGest, SudoGest 12 Hour, Suphedrin, Triaminic Softchews Allergy Congestion, Unifed ```

2019-02-03 10:54:03 UTC

are you a pharmacist or a junkie?

2019-02-03 10:54:22 UTC

@Sdeck37 I live in germany, fren, no benzos here unless you really need them

2019-02-03 10:55:53 UTC

neither i just know my reference sites :P

2019-02-03 10:56:50 UTC

Can anyone tell me what grooming means in this case? I still don't get it

2019-02-03 10:56:58 UTC

Nah, you get Benzos from every not weed selling fuck

2019-02-03 10:57:02 UTC

@Sdeck37 welcome back btw

2019-02-03 10:57:15 UTC

Thanks, nice to see you too

2019-02-03 11:03:39 UTC

2019-02-03 11:03:41 UTC


2019-02-03 11:04:18 UTC


2019-02-03 11:05:15 UTC

Pornhub uses PHP

2019-02-03 11:05:23 UTC

And it works, so all your further arguments are therefore invalid

2019-02-03 11:06:57 UTC


2019-02-03 11:07:00 UTC


2019-02-03 11:08:52 UTC

I've just started learning PHP and it seems kind of cool, why do people hate it so much

2019-02-03 11:13:21 UTC

Probably hate boner and/or was shit in past therefore it cannot be improved at all so it must still be shit

2019-02-03 11:15:18 UTC

lack of consistency, lack of predictability, bad performance, tied to request scope, silent type conversion, requirement of insane boilerplate error checking, bad implementation of dynamic capabilties etc etc etc there's much more

2019-02-03 11:15:45 UTC

you can build working products with it but there's no reason to use it anymore

2019-02-03 11:16:29 UTC

it used to be the most accessible tools back when servers weren't affordable and the world ran on shared-hosting services. But since this is no longer the case, you can use any more-sane language that can be as-easy-as php to use, but with far less flaws

2019-02-03 11:17:55 UTC

most decisions of large enterprises to use PHP are based on the fact, that PHP workforce is among the cheapest

2019-02-03 11:20:03 UTC

and while PHP is improving in the past years, they have a history of legacy behaviour to maintain, that is almost guaranteeing, that PHP will never reach the level of sanity of any related or similar language

2019-02-03 11:20:16 UTC

I'd go that far and say almost everything else is a better choice than PHP when starting a new project

2019-02-03 11:37:17 UTC

php bad

2019-02-03 11:38:23 UTC

I'm pretty sure your meme and your whole 6 months of development experience just made you win that argument. I don't think there's a point in discussing with you, you've proven your resistance to learning and to advice more than once. I was answering to @Adam W

2019-02-03 11:42:34 UTC

Because I will believe an argument once I see it with my own two eyes or check how it affects my work, yet so far none of points made that PHP is bad that you said, even with that blogpost, during all the time I spent with this language, none really affected the work to the point where it would be better to scrap the whole thing and go for something else. The only point I could say is true is that debug part of it is shite, which I'm not even sure was covered by someone else. Since right now it sounds more and more to me like bitter talk of "this language isn't the same as the one I like therefore it's shit" type of talk.

2019-02-03 11:46:15 UTC

>all the time I've spent with that language
>learned to program in July
>this language isn't the same as the one I like
I made absolutely clear arguments on the downsides of PHP

continue using it, you'll probably go far. Wikipedia, Facebook, Pornhub, 4chan etc use PHP. Nontheless I guarantee that you will some day face a problem of a complexity that can't be solved in PHP due to PHP's limitations. I'm not hating on anything

2019-02-03 11:47:29 UTC

I've spent about 9 years in that business now, I've used a lot of languages that I like and even more that I don't like. Once you reach a certain bandwith of various languages you'll see that my points are not at all opinionated. Nontheless, it's a working tool. Just, there are better ones. You don't want to take me serious? Don't. It's not a loss for me

2019-02-03 11:48:13 UTC

this is why I wasn't even answering to you in the first place. You've made it pretty clear that you want to stick with PHP, so do it

2019-02-03 12:03:12 UTC

>want to stick with PHP
Except not really. I want to stick with what gives me money and work and right where I am, currently PHP is the best choice. All in all my point and the main point is that PHP **isn't bad**. Rather I would be alright with just the term **flawed** since I'm not so "resistant" as you said, some points in said blogpost I could say are okay, but I still haven't felt them to the point it would make me want to leave PHP behind and start furiously searching for a new job. My issue is that the way you worded it, sounded like using PHP instantly gives you a fuckton of code debt that would be solved by switching to other language. But then again I am not the best person to argue about it that much since at the end of the day I don't really care enough about a language to defend it since every language serves some use

2019-02-03 12:03:22 UTC

I'm only seeing Porco making actual statements and points and sum saying "B-But I like it..."

2019-02-03 12:04:13 UTC

just because you like it doesn't mean it isn't shit

2019-02-03 12:04:50 UTC

People also say pineapple on pizza is shit

2019-02-03 12:04:59 UTC

Yet it is not <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2019-02-03 12:05:46 UTC

Lmao no

2019-02-03 12:05:52 UTC

Looks cool though

2019-02-03 12:06:04 UTC


2019-02-03 12:06:16 UTC

found that when i was searching if ali had any high-cri rgb(w) leds (just leds or strips for makeup mirror)

2019-02-03 12:06:22 UTC

Have.u considered java

2019-02-03 12:06:44 UTC

High cri red light :^)

2019-02-03 12:07:07 UTC

if one just wants to go for Money, Java is a good choice actually

2019-02-03 12:07:12 UTC


2019-02-03 12:07:25 UTC

you'll hit up 6-figure salaries within 3 years of experience in most of Europe

2019-02-03 12:07:28 UTC

Normally pays the most out of the widely used languages

2019-02-03 12:07:33 UTC

but then, I'd rather be homeless than do java

2019-02-03 12:07:41 UTC


2019-02-03 12:07:43 UTC

Yeah, what Oracle is doing to Java is kinda scary

2019-02-03 12:07:48 UTC

Tho in London scala pays more and isnt that hard to find

2019-02-03 12:08:02 UTC

tfw not in the CS meme field

2019-02-03 12:08:08 UTC

isn't Scala just Java with some syntactic sugar?

2019-02-03 12:08:14 UTC

i'm just a pharmafag <:pepeturt:499291994649133067>

2019-02-03 12:08:19 UTC

There's not enough soul selling to justify using java

2019-02-03 12:08:25 UTC


2019-02-03 12:08:32 UTC

Alot of synatic sugar

2019-02-03 12:08:34 UTC

it is one of the most widely used languages though

2019-02-03 12:08:45 UTC

why do you think streetshitters love it so much

2019-02-03 12:08:45 UTC

You can write Haskell style FP in it if you want to

2019-02-03 12:08:50 UTC


2019-02-03 12:08:51 UTC

To normal java style code

2019-02-03 12:10:44 UTC

@sum eh openjdk is still free

2019-02-03 12:39:58 UTC

okay if i accept that php bad lol, what should i learn for server-side things instead? my employer uses .net but i've just no interest in it, otherwise i'd just learn that through work

2019-02-03 12:41:32 UTC


2019-02-03 12:41:34 UTC


2019-02-03 12:41:59 UTC

Your employer uses .NET? learn c# or f#

2019-02-03 12:42:32 UTC

Rust it is

2019-02-03 12:43:13 UTC

what's your problem with .NET? @Adam W

2019-02-03 12:45:56 UTC

i'm not sure, i just didn't like the feel of it when i tried learning it when work offered me some training in it. visual studio was very slow and cumbersome. but i didn't give it much of a go, i guess. i'd try it again if that turned out to be the most sensible option.

2019-02-03 12:46:26 UTC

Personally I use dotnet core a lot as opposed to the "old" classic NET

2019-02-03 12:46:38 UTC

I don't know about visual studio but I heard it's slow yes

2019-02-03 12:46:45 UTC

right, i hear that's much leaner. i'd be more interested in core i think

2019-02-03 12:46:48 UTC

Maybe give Jetbrains Rider a try?

2019-02-03 12:47:29 UTC

2019-02-03 12:47:40 UTC

Here's a dotnet core project I'm working on

2019-02-03 12:47:54 UTC


2019-02-03 12:48:00 UTC


2019-02-03 12:48:59 UTC

@Adam W java spring though it's no better than ASP

2019-02-03 12:49:12 UTC

if you just want jobs

2019-02-03 12:49:15 UTC

i want my first project to be a simple file browser, and whenever i look into using .net it always seems so heavy-duty when you just want to do simple things

2019-02-03 12:49:48 UTC

first i was reading the name as up1

2019-02-03 12:49:50 UTC
2019-02-03 12:50:27 UTC

that's because .NET forces you to follow certain principles while PHP doesn't. Inevitably this will result in writing more code for the same thing. In the end, these principles will make your project more maintainable and extensible

2019-02-03 12:50:42 UTC

oh, like java spring?

2019-02-03 12:50:45 UTC

Spring for instance forces you to follow these principles to a much bigger extend

2019-02-03 12:51:08 UTC

I find .NET Core to be a good compromise between writing somewhat pragmatic code and making it "enterprisey"

2019-02-03 12:51:33 UTC

If you just want to hack something quickly honestly just use node

2019-02-03 12:51:33 UTC

once you grow accustomed to SOLID, MVC etc it will be very intuitive instead of a hassle and you will see the benefits

2019-02-03 12:51:38 UTC

Due to the libs

2019-02-03 12:51:55 UTC

yes if you want to make something hacky use Javascript, or at least TypeScript for less magic

2019-02-03 12:51:55 UTC

Maybe python

2019-02-03 12:52:14 UTC

(or Bython if you want braces)

2019-02-03 12:52:18 UTC

Bython is cool

2019-02-03 12:52:21 UTC


2019-02-03 12:52:31 UTC

thats a thing?

2019-02-03 12:52:53 UTC

yes, Bython is Python with braces

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