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2019-03-20 19:53:42 UTC

then their native Muslim population would be lower

2019-03-20 19:54:07 UTC

well you know how those italians are, always worshipping mohammed

2019-03-20 19:54:16 UTC

2019-03-20 19:54:23 UTC

i mean they should, considering they have so much turkish in them

2019-03-20 19:54:43 UTC

wait what?

2019-03-20 19:54:54 UTC

you might be mixing stereotypes here

2019-03-20 19:55:18 UTC

auto deleted by dyno

2019-03-20 19:55:42 UTC

lol read the comment in dyno log

2019-03-20 19:55:48 UTC

"us italians never had sex with little boys back in rome, by the way, have i mentioned that we wuz romans yet?"

2019-03-20 19:55:53 UTC

bro celts preferred their boys over their women

2019-03-20 19:56:11 UTC


2019-03-20 19:56:12 UTC

Rome made sodomy illegal except for slaves since they were seen as property

2019-03-20 19:56:16 UTC


2019-03-20 19:56:17 UTC

Not true for some

2019-03-20 19:56:24 UTC

shut up ked

2019-03-20 19:56:28 UTC

Welsh Celts were Spanish Settlers, which is where their religion came from

2019-03-20 19:56:32 UTC

med more like achmed

2019-03-20 19:56:34 UTC

Scots maybe

2019-03-20 19:57:13 UTC

Original Pagan religions that spread to Wales still exist in some form in Andalucia today

2019-03-20 19:57:21 UTC

im repeating statements that Romans made of celts

2019-03-20 19:57:33 UTC

med gibson
med gibson

2019-03-20 19:57:40 UTC

Most likely refering to Scots

2019-03-20 19:57:53 UTC

everything that the romans said was definitely true of course

2019-03-20 19:58:31 UTC

im pretty sure it was concerning the gauls

2019-03-20 19:58:35 UTC

something like

2019-03-20 19:58:46 UTC

"their women are beautiful but they prefer their boys"

2019-03-20 19:59:01 UTC

>modern day scots and irish are gauls

2019-03-20 19:59:11 UTC

that moor iq hard at work

2019-03-20 19:59:42 UTC

never said that, you referenced romans so we were both concerned with history

2019-03-20 20:00:18 UTC


2019-03-20 20:01:14 UTC

hey guys vinny chenzenada here welcome to my olive garden

2019-03-20 20:08:44 UTC

holy hell

2019-03-20 20:08:50 UTC

is it happening?

2019-03-20 20:09:15 UTC

@Teddy accelerationism might occur in france

2019-03-20 20:09:37 UTC

Siege France lmao

2019-03-20 20:10:04 UTC

france is med

2019-03-20 20:10:06 UTC

i dont care

2019-03-20 20:17:23 UTC


2019-03-20 21:23:34 UTC


2019-03-20 21:23:36 UTC

dead server

2019-03-20 21:23:39 UTC


2019-03-20 21:45:47 UTC

Yeah I posted that earlier

2019-03-20 21:45:54 UTC

I bet it doesn't get much news coverage though

2019-03-20 21:55:43 UTC


2019-03-21 16:43:27 UTC

nah bernie all the way chaps

2019-03-21 17:38:34 UTC

any legit flat earthers here?

2019-03-21 18:17:13 UTC

piss earth

2019-03-21 18:43:05 UTC

@aura informant banned

2019-03-21 18:45:55 UTC

Brother instant. @WhiteTrashWorkhorse

2019-03-21 18:49:10 UTC

coffee instant

2019-03-21 21:21:25 UTC

ReasonTV might be a bit bias but this short documentary illustrates the main reason why those on the progressive left have and will continue to cause economic hardship and suffering like the illiterate monkeys they are. Imagine being so fucking stuck up your own ass that you actually refuse the ability of property owners to literally just create a greater supply of housing.

2019-03-22 09:40:04 UTC

What for?

2019-03-22 10:46:03 UTC

Is anyone here in a server called Redpill Repository?

2019-03-22 10:46:16 UTC

Could I get the invite to it?

2019-03-22 13:46:03 UTC

alright I was banned off discord for almost a week

2019-03-22 13:46:10 UTC

which is why I was inactive

2019-03-22 13:46:22 UTC

I still can't figure out why the heck I was banned

2019-03-22 14:19:19 UTC

They send you an email when they do it

2019-03-22 20:57:18 UTC

i need to use clearnet

2019-03-22 21:36:31 UTC

pffffttttttttttttt blllllllllcnnnnnnnn nnnuhhhhhh NUUHHHHH NGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH URRRRGHHHHHHH heh.. heh... breaths heavily heee heeee... funy munky wumpy gumpy WEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOO BLLLLLLLFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT me ikely bido... b-b-ido b- b- b- licks lips inahles exhales b- b- b- b- bid- bid- bido- b- bido g- g-

2019-03-22 21:44:33 UTC
2019-03-22 21:44:44 UTC

@spongebobfan yang's UBI is dumb

2019-03-22 21:45:09 UTC

the entire excuse for ubi over negative income tax is literally just administrative cost

2019-03-22 21:45:59 UTC

but im fairly certain that the cost of administration is lower than the cost of just giving a net income to those who dont require it

2019-03-22 22:51:09 UTC

get yangpilled nierd

2019-03-22 23:00:22 UTC
2019-03-22 23:00:32 UTC


2019-03-22 23:01:47 UTC

la ilaha illallah

2019-03-22 23:01:50 UTC

Trump is most likely not going to be impeached as no charges were even pressed

2019-03-22 23:01:54 UTC

ok so your choice is
jews or jews and you get $1000

2019-03-22 23:02:06 UTC

mmm grayosn

2019-03-22 23:02:07 UTC


2019-03-22 23:04:32 UTC

Jews with at least fiscally right wing economics or Jews with Chinese take over of the economy

2019-03-22 23:05:58 UTC

2019-03-22 23:06:06 UTC

this was literally all they sent me

2019-03-22 23:08:24 UTC

well now thats surprising

2019-03-22 23:08:43 UTC

it seems that the only thing they can target trump on is tax invasion

2019-03-22 23:21:27 UTC

@Deleted User thats how they got capone

2019-03-22 23:21:35 UTC


2019-03-22 23:24:26 UTC

i see

2019-03-22 23:27:16 UTC

The French police are trying to censor this video that shows a Muslim man targeting a young girl in a children's playground

2019-03-23 00:43:32 UTC


2019-03-23 02:43:24 UTC


2019-03-23 04:51:29 UTC

Hello scum.

2019-03-23 06:21:53 UTC
2019-03-23 06:54:23 UTC

I was expecting a deeper voice with that mask on. @Deleted User

2019-03-23 06:54:46 UTC

Philosophy and nationalism? Not a delightful tonic imo.

2019-03-23 06:55:02 UTC

But if YouTube is taking you down, there must be something worth watching.

2019-03-23 06:55:03 UTC

Read Hegel bro

2019-03-23 06:55:17 UTC

Itโ€™s because I advocate accelerationism

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