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2018-07-13 23:19:56 UTC

2018-07-13 23:20:02 UTC


2018-07-13 23:20:11 UTC


2018-07-13 23:47:27 UTC

Jesus watching some of Sargon's videos about it and that weird trannie dancing half naked on stage was pure cringe

2018-07-13 23:48:14 UTC

One of the lyrics I think was "I'm a transsexual muslim and I love it in the rear"

2018-07-13 23:48:41 UTC

2018-07-13 23:50:04 UTC

Also someone pointed it out a bit ago but the second Trump announced he was running the news and left have only said all the phobias and how evil the West is and Trump is a big meanie while Trump is like "Here is this economic policy I have created to improve the country" and actually dealing with real problems the country is facing

2018-07-14 00:12:46 UTC

I prefer the FNC to the FAL

2018-07-14 00:13:14 UTC

Both are great weapons though.

2018-07-14 02:04:30 UTC

i can't stop laughing at the whole trump balloon thing

2018-07-14 02:04:50 UTC

it's so fucking appropriate it's hard to put into words

2018-07-14 02:05:00 UTC

anti-trump sentiment: imagined vs. real

2018-07-15 15:30:33 UTC


2018-07-15 15:31:17 UTC


2018-07-15 15:37:13 UTC

@Deleted User you Slav?

2018-07-15 15:37:26 UTC


2018-07-15 15:48:23 UTC

Hail Evropa

2018-07-15 16:06:25 UTC

2018-07-15 16:06:36 UTC

Kill them all. God will know his own.

2018-07-15 16:26:30 UTC

I read of that recently

2018-07-15 16:27:00 UTC

Hardcore churching going on it that battle.

2018-07-15 20:08:45 UTC

Women shouldn't have to works they should be housewives

2018-07-15 20:08:57 UTC

Venerate the housewife @everyone

2018-07-15 20:29:52 UTC

Nah they fucked themselves out of that one

2018-07-15 20:30:11 UTC

Sitting at home, cook and clean for 3 hours a day and live off the working man's 8-12 hour labor

2018-07-15 20:30:17 UTC

Who would want that

2018-07-15 22:58:53 UTC

women should be housewives but they should forsake feminist garbage ideology

2018-07-17 11:36:08 UTC

tfw no euro-siberian alliance for autarky of greater regions and breaking of americas homogeneity

2018-07-17 13:06:20 UTC

2018-07-17 13:06:26 UTC

German antifa posted this lol

2018-07-17 13:08:03 UTC


2018-07-17 13:08:24 UTC

Shame communisms is double sided

2018-07-17 13:09:25 UTC

Communist deserve helicopter rides

2018-07-17 13:09:28 UTC

@Ehzek agree?

2018-07-17 13:09:49 UTC


2018-07-17 13:10:13 UTC


2018-07-17 13:10:17 UTC

Fuel is expensive

2018-07-17 13:10:33 UTC

what @Ehzek said

2018-07-17 13:10:40 UTC

why waste good thing

2018-07-17 13:10:47 UTC

Crucifixion is the way

2018-07-17 13:11:00 UTC

Wood and nails are cheap

2018-07-17 13:11:04 UTC

it's an insult to Jesus

2018-07-17 13:11:11 UTC

Impaling then

2018-07-17 13:11:23 UTC

I'd say hang them

2018-07-17 13:11:27 UTC

Like everones favorite hero

2018-07-17 13:11:31 UTC

let's impale kebab instead

2018-07-17 13:11:35 UTC

Hanging is too fast

2018-07-17 13:11:51 UTC

Death by a thousand cut

2018-07-17 13:12:07 UTC

some sort of slow execution

2018-07-17 13:12:17 UTC

courtesy of China

2018-07-17 13:12:18 UTC


2018-07-17 13:12:56 UTC

Fire ant farm?

2018-07-17 13:13:18 UTC

We don't have those in Europe, but it should work

2018-07-17 13:13:29 UTC

slow and painful

2018-07-17 13:13:30 UTC

Nothing says you fucked up like fire ants eating you from the inside as you scream

2018-07-17 13:13:44 UTC

And choke on your on blood and closing throat

2018-07-17 13:14:28 UTC

Bullet or rope are cheapers

2018-07-17 13:14:30 UTC


2018-07-17 13:14:34 UTC

and rope works for many people

2018-07-17 13:14:39 UTC

Or do it like Hitler

2018-07-17 13:14:53 UTC


2018-07-17 13:16:39 UTC

You can reuse the impaling steaks

2018-07-17 13:17:46 UTC

If you want to go really cheap rip their arms and legs off then fashion the bones into sharp tools

2018-07-17 13:17:56 UTC

Repeat as needed

2018-07-17 15:01:38 UTC

No need to kill them.

2018-07-17 15:03:09 UTC

Hire psychologists who wasted their degrees, and teach them to brainwash.

2018-07-17 15:03:39 UTC

Then brainwash commies into dutiful, hard working citizens who love their country.

2018-07-17 18:59:37 UTC

>when theresa may fails brexit

2018-07-18 08:39:25 UTC

so sweden is about to have an election soon.
what do you guys think of our socialist government? what's your opinion on our new party Sverigedemokraterna?

2018-07-18 08:41:55 UTC

I remember a couple of years ago, one swemalian bundle of sticks went apeshit over the party.

2018-07-18 08:42:25 UTC

and there was a stupid SatW(Scandinavia and the World) strip bout it being waycysst

2018-07-18 08:42:30 UTC

or something.

2018-07-18 08:43:32 UTC

so with libturds losing their mind, I guess it's a good thing.

2018-07-18 08:44:09 UTC

If they win, they've got their work cut out for them. May I suggest you just carpet bomb Malmo into oblivion?

2018-07-18 21:59:32 UTC

Seriously how did a great country that was ruled by vikings evolve into a libtard 3rd world communist shit hole full of dindus and ayrabs?!?!?

2018-07-18 22:17:04 UTC

voice chat

2018-07-21 16:31:06 UTC

Brexit ?

2018-07-22 11:57:25 UTC

They are already on their way to full redpill* because of the migrant crisis and other assorted bullshit

2018-07-22 15:13:15 UTC

European Liberation War

2018-07-22 15:23:00 UTC

Was having a great conversation with a Caucasian English girl for about a week, was going great. The conversation shifted to Islam.. She said I'm intolerant. Long story short, we don't talk anymore :(
Asian girls here I come

2018-07-22 15:28:12 UTC

@Deleted User I feel you man. I've met few Canadian girls that aren't lefties in my area

2018-07-22 15:39:14 UTC

@Deleted User that's what happened to me

2018-07-22 15:42:57 UTC

I feel like the women that have the same views as me and are of the same age range, or at least are open to changing their minds are less than 10โ„…

2018-07-22 15:43:22 UTC

In the UK it's easy to see how they are brainwashed by the mainstream tv shows and ads

2018-07-22 15:43:29 UTC

It's just sad

2018-07-22 15:44:27 UTC

How old are you?

2018-07-22 15:44:31 UTC


2018-07-22 15:44:43 UTC

Most women on the same pages as me are 40+

2018-07-22 15:45:17 UTC

Likely because they witnessed the country back when how it was the country it should be now

2018-07-22 15:45:35 UTC

I lucked out man, mine is a foreigner. We started dating when she was a foreign student here, English wasn't too good either

2018-07-22 15:45:35 UTC

Now tolerance is our culture

2018-07-22 15:45:45 UTC

Thats great brother

2018-07-22 15:46:01 UTC

I'm 23

2018-07-22 15:46:28 UTC

She comes from an ultraconservative country where tens of millions were killed by Communists. It's still ruled by them. Usually those are the kinds of people who are furthest to the right.

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