
Discord ID: 385099551398166529

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2017-12-02 02:00:31 UTC

Agreed. That was an eye opening experience.

2017-12-02 02:38:29 UTC

Could you un mute me in the chat

2017-12-02 02:38:58 UTC

Iโ€™m still muted after you left and I think people are gonna hang around in voice for a bit

2017-12-02 03:39:17 UTC

One of the guys I was with got jumped on his way home by a bunch of Antifa and heโ€™s in pretty serious condition. We all broke up in separate ways because we were taking Uber or public transportation. MA PF is coming for sure.

2017-12-02 03:39:39 UTC

They followed him for like 2 miles

2017-12-02 03:48:33 UTC

Alright, you guys did this all wrong and didn't take the needed precautions. I would encourage y'all to not do anything like this again unless you've got some solid numbers and plans.

With the Houston op, we came in with groups, and overwhelming force, and left the same way, made sure to stick together, with around 8-10 guys per pickup, and made sure to lose any tails with the convoy until we made it to a parking garage with no security cameras, also known as somwhere some communists would not want to follow us, and then we headed somewhere else from there while staying in groups. Only then did people start heading off in smaller groups.

2017-12-02 03:48:47 UTC

I hope your friend is alright. How bad is his condition?

2017-12-02 04:22:40 UTC

His face is beat up pretty bad but heโ€™s fine otherwise. I got separated from the other 2 guys during the commotion of it and the guy separating me and the โ€œAfrican Americanโ€ was yelling at the librarian girl to call the cops. Agreed that it was a total shitshow, executed porely mainly due to being overwhelmingly outnumbered.

2017-12-02 04:25:47 UTC

Pick your battles. It's not worth it to fight on their turf unless there's a 100% chance of superior force.

2017-12-02 05:59:23 UTC

Y'all know about Kessler trying to get a permit for a utr anniversary event

2017-12-02 17:31:37 UTC

I do, and I don't know why he thinks it's a good idea.

2017-12-02 21:34:14 UTC

Hey All. Here is a non profit in San Diego who colludes with foreign invaders to enable the murder of Americans. If you would like to thank them or post on SM for others to send your gratitude

2017-12-02 21:36:33 UTC

"services" they go across the border and drop off water in the desert until the monkeys find a chance to cross,then help them steal tax dollars for breaking the law. Please send them Kate Steinles regards

2017-12-02 22:17:40 UTC

Once y'all get a group of solid activists of a certain size you may even be able to negate the effectiveness of their misguided altruism.

2017-12-02 22:34:20 UTC

I just reported them to ICE. I have my doubts but hopefully they'll look at it.

2017-12-02 22:34:54 UTC

Reporting folks to ICE doesn't do anything, unfortunately. We've got to do these things ourselves.

2017-12-02 22:35:55 UTC

There's a demonstration in orange county this weekend. I'm going to meet Dustin. And do my best. This is a mixed race cesspool like no where else.

2017-12-02 22:36:14 UTC

If the govt wanted to they would have actually deported a sizable chunk of these illegals already, but they don't. They only go after a few every now and then. ICE probably does it because they have so little funding and backing, or just to make it look like they're doing something.

2017-12-02 22:36:20 UTC

Meet Dustin, get that demo done safely, and work from there.

2017-12-02 22:37:04 UTC

I know these things. They do some PR and do some damage control to quell normies.

2017-12-03 13:06:41 UTC

Made a video about the black on white violence epidemic

2017-12-03 22:00:18 UTC

Infuriating. Quality vid. I'm sharing to SM.

2017-12-03 22:22:10 UTC

I assume that's not your full name, Josh?

2017-12-03 22:34:25 UTC

It is not

2017-12-03 23:53:06 UTC

Smart man ^^^

2017-12-03 23:53:13 UTC

@here How is everyone doing?

2017-12-04 00:05:27 UTC


2017-12-04 01:22:17 UTC

Great. Getting some posters done at Staples tomorrow after work and gonna do some postering tomorrow night.

2017-12-04 01:40:19 UTC

Going to UCSD to put some posters up now.

2017-12-04 02:10:42 UTC

Doing good. Printing some new posters and stickers tuesday.

2017-12-04 02:29:18 UTC

2017-12-04 02:29:51 UTC

2017-12-04 02:30:29 UTC

The one on the pillar I put over a kwanza celebration poster.

2017-12-04 02:32:00 UTC

The little booths are where people pick up student newspapers free. Too bad this school is like 50% chinese. Pretty sure whites are a minority in this mongrel cesspool

2017-12-04 02:43:11 UTC

Goy you are suppose to use blue painters tape!!

2017-12-04 02:57:33 UTC

@Magnus Great work.

2017-12-04 02:57:51 UTC

University of California at San Diego?

2017-12-04 02:58:13 UTC


2017-12-04 03:07:44 UTC

Lol @Josh OH I taped that poster on there so tight that any passer by who wants to rip it down will give up or run out of time before they get it off

2017-12-04 03:08:27 UTC


2017-12-04 03:10:31 UTC

The local civic nationalists have asked me to stop attending events and rallies and such because Iโ€™m in PF ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-12-04 03:10:48 UTC

I even threaded the tape haha

2017-12-04 03:13:53 UTC

@Chris MA What are their thoughts on us?

2017-12-04 03:14:45 UTC

@Chris MA I saw your friend in the daily pundit. Not a good look for us in my opinion.

2017-12-04 03:15:31 UTC

@Magnus Send a link

2017-12-04 03:16:02 UTC

Theyโ€™re petrified of the manifesto

2017-12-04 03:16:22 UTC

I bet they are

2017-12-04 03:17:52 UTC

Yeah it was. @Magnus we were lead to believe way more people were coming.

2017-12-04 03:18:18 UTC

Naturally everyone suddenly had to โ€œworkโ€ at 7pm at night

2017-12-04 03:21:19 UTC

"if fascism that killed six million people is worse than communist fascism which has"

"communist fascism"

*"communist fascism"*
**"communist fascism"**
***"communist fascism"***

2017-12-04 03:22:25 UTC

I think people think fascism just means authoritarian

2017-12-04 03:22:59 UTC

Matthias disavowed Fascists and they still called him a Nazi and kicked the shit out of him. What an interesting turn of events. It's almost as if cucking doesn't get you anything from these people.

2017-12-04 03:24:04 UTC

People are fighting a PR war when they should be fighting an actual one.

2017-12-04 03:25:30 UTC

I was under the impression for a while that they followed him home, but I guess he hung out at the event for a while after. Not smart.

2017-12-04 03:26:22 UTC

No, it's not smart at all. We should show them how it's done. So recruiting is important, as always.

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