
Discord ID: 335603006794104833

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2017-09-24 03:18:19 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-3:

2017-09-24 03:18:19 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-4:

2017-09-24 03:18:20 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-3:

2017-09-24 03:18:37 UTC

Fuck you, Chalin. :ok_hand::skin-tone-5:

2017-09-24 03:19:03 UTC

@Sheckles has a bot

2017-09-24 03:19:09 UTC

Sorry for that ping

2017-09-24 03:19:28 UTC

TFW no stalin to purge revisionists/spammers

2017-09-24 03:19:34 UTC

What the fuck is this Kuffar shit?

2017-09-24 03:19:46 UTC


2017-09-24 03:20:08 UTC

wich 2hu

2017-09-24 03:20:24 UTC

I hate degenerates

2017-09-24 03:20:26 UTC

All of these pictures are Touhou

2017-09-24 03:20:29 UTC

Like this spammer

2017-09-24 03:21:18 UTC

wich 2hu wud u fuq

2017-09-24 03:22:06 UTC

And once it's stopped being Touhou it stopped being interesting

2017-09-24 03:22:20 UTC

@Deleted User Lel I uploaded that Esdeath Ohayou to the booru

2017-09-24 03:24:39 UTC

Wtf is this gay shit

2017-09-24 03:27:17 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-4:

2017-09-24 03:27:18 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-4:

2017-09-24 03:27:19 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-4:

2017-09-24 03:27:20 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-2:

2017-09-24 03:27:21 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-4:

2017-09-24 03:27:21 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-5:

2017-09-24 03:27:22 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-4:

2017-09-24 03:27:22 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-2:

2017-09-24 03:27:23 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-2:

2017-09-24 03:27:24 UTC

Fuck you, Monster Girl-Chan. :ok_hand::skin-tone-1:

2017-09-24 03:29:53 UTC

@Monster Girl-Chan#6230 stop posting weeb shit you degenerate

2017-09-24 03:30:09 UTC


2017-09-24 03:31:07 UTC

2017-09-24 03:31:20 UTC

that is all

2017-09-24 03:31:23 UTC

Woah fucking Estonia

2017-09-24 03:31:34 UTC

2017-09-24 03:31:39 UTC

@Monster Girl-Chan#6230 2d is worstd

2017-09-24 03:31:47 UTC


2017-09-24 03:33:01 UTC

whos david camreon

2017-09-24 03:33:16 UTC

Cameroon, is he named after an African country or something

2017-09-24 03:33:22 UTC

Like all those Chads

2017-09-24 03:33:26 UTC

2017-09-24 03:34:11 UTC

I hate white people for this reason

2017-09-24 03:35:06 UTC

Why she looks so much like Alice

2017-09-24 03:35:35 UTC

2017-09-24 03:36:09 UTC

<#335603006794104833> is the new <#321410754765127680> and <#313606549543190528> channel

2017-09-24 03:36:47 UTC

2017-09-24 03:37:12 UTC

2017-09-24 03:37:30 UTC

im banned from omegle

2017-09-24 03:37:38 UTC

Why, for writing nigger?

2017-09-24 03:37:52 UTC

no for being "sexual" in a "non sexual chat"

2017-09-24 03:37:59 UTC

Tcw you will never be a futa nigger

2017-09-24 03:38:00 UTC

the non sexual chat was called anal so im rather confused

2017-09-24 03:38:55 UTC

They called non sexual chat anal? I wonder what it would refer to.

2017-09-24 03:41:48 UTC

I wonder why most of the stuff was dumped in serbian out of all channels ๐Ÿค”

2017-09-24 03:42:15 UTC

Fug, there must be a big Yugo diaspora here then

2017-09-24 03:44:51 UTC

@Deleted User the fuck are you doing here

2017-09-24 03:44:59 UTC

@Chalin im a centrist

2017-09-24 03:45:04 UTC

not relaly

2017-09-24 03:45:18 UTC

I legit cant reach the bottom of the channep

2017-09-24 03:45:22 UTC


2017-09-24 03:45:22 UTC

im a socdem and i come here to shitpost

2017-09-24 03:45:36 UTC

@Mosin Nagant it's called the block button

2017-09-24 03:45:59 UTC

@Deleted User are you old enough to vote in Korea?

2017-09-24 03:46:26 UTC

@Deleted User Did you knew one of the three ruling North Korean parties is socdem too.

2017-09-24 03:46:32 UTC


2017-09-24 03:46:34 UTC

i thought there was one

2017-09-24 03:46:43 UTC

@Chalin yes but i dont vote because its a similar situation to america

2017-09-24 03:47:03 UTC

dab skill =/= actual difference in how they govERN

2017-09-24 03:47:20 UTC

Why would I block this beauty

2017-09-24 03:47:24 UTC


2017-09-24 03:47:27 UTC

2017-09-24 03:47:30 UTC

I ate dinner once with the guy who owns Cass

2017-09-24 03:47:32 UTC

Best raider we've had so far

2017-09-24 03:47:38 UTC


2017-09-24 03:47:39 UTC

@Mosin Nagant would you like to purchase a tito body pillow

2017-09-24 03:47:49 UTC

Actually I don't think it was Cass

2017-09-24 03:47:53 UTC

@Deleted User Woah fucking politicians runining dab, unbelievable

2017-09-24 03:47:58 UTC

It was one of the big Soju companies

2017-09-24 03:48:04 UTC

@Deleted User **YES YES YES GIB GIB**

2017-09-24 03:48:15 UTC

O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity.

2017-09-24 03:48:18 UTC

The Korean business men like kissing the asses of us military officers

2017-09-24 03:48:27 UTC

To get access to the golf course on base

2017-09-24 03:48:35 UTC

My father was an officer

2017-09-24 03:48:38 UTC


2017-09-24 03:48:43 UTC

golf is retarded

2017-09-24 03:48:49 UTC


2017-09-24 03:48:56 UTC

why would ou even play golf

2017-09-24 03:48:59 UTC

Businessmen love it

2017-09-24 03:49:06 UTC

why hit the ball into the hole when you can just pick it the fuck up and carry it

2017-09-24 03:49:06 UTC

It's some sort of status thing

2017-09-24 03:49:14 UTC

i mean youre obviously not stuck out of time

2017-09-24 03:49:35 UTC

@Monster Girl-Chan#6230 how much terabytes do you have of this

2017-09-24 03:49:45 UTC

@Deleted User do you know this guy?

2017-09-24 03:49:50 UTC

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

2017-09-24 03:49:53 UTC

Its all touhou too

2017-09-24 03:49:54 UTC

The guy who's spamming??

2017-09-24 03:50:01 UTC

@Chalin hes just some weeb idk

2017-09-24 03:50:02 UTC

Yeah the guy who is spamming

2017-09-24 03:50:06 UTC


2017-09-24 03:50:15 UTC

@Chalin Are there any scandals with us military like there was in Japan, about the rapings in Hokkaido?

2017-09-24 03:50:34 UTC


2017-09-24 03:50:34 UTC


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