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2018-03-03 12:24:57 UTC


2018-03-03 12:26:04 UTC

Yeah so if all someone knows lets say, abandonment by women starting with a mother, they will do all sorts of things like get into destructive relationships.etc

2018-03-03 12:26:11 UTC

Because that pain is unresolved

2018-03-03 12:26:37 UTC

and must be properly experienced

2018-03-03 12:26:48 UTC

I see.

2018-03-03 12:26:58 UTC

Now that might all sound a bit out there but its the basis for western marketing

2018-03-03 12:27:02 UTC

and still is

2018-03-03 12:27:13 UTC

And what if you were abandoned by society?

2018-03-03 12:27:31 UTC

well thats another construct

2018-03-03 12:27:36 UTC


2018-03-03 12:27:45 UTC

is just something you create like I said

2018-03-03 12:27:50 UTC

it reflects you not anything else

2018-03-03 12:28:08 UTC

Analytics psychology doesnt see humans as super rational

2018-03-03 12:28:12 UTC

and thats okay

2018-03-03 12:28:19 UTC

We aren't really.

2018-03-03 12:28:36 UTC

I meant society as in the people you know and meet.

2018-03-03 12:28:58 UTC

So if they were to abandon the person what would he do in that situation?

2018-03-03 12:29:17 UTC

so everyone you know abandons you

2018-03-03 12:29:22 UTC


2018-03-03 12:29:41 UTC

we often engineer our own rejection

2018-03-03 12:29:46 UTC


2018-03-03 12:30:03 UTC

society at the moment is primarily based around performance

2018-03-03 12:30:10 UTC

and spectacle

2018-03-03 12:30:45 UTC

So it can just be a case of not performing

2018-03-03 12:30:57 UTC

or even undermining other peoples reality

2018-03-03 12:31:05 UTC

Which can cause tremendous anxiety

2018-03-03 12:31:24 UTC

I see.

2018-03-03 12:31:27 UTC

Questioning peoples beliefs, especially a groups beliefs

2018-03-03 12:31:34 UTC

Can be very unsettling

2018-03-03 12:31:48 UTC

a good example of this is when you find yourself in a group sometimes

2018-03-03 12:31:50 UTC

you might feel anxiety

2018-03-03 12:31:55 UTC

General anxiety or just social anxiety?

2018-03-03 12:32:00 UTC

But try and imagine it as the groups anxiety

2018-03-03 12:32:03 UTC

Not yours

2018-03-03 12:32:20 UTC

good group therapists often use this concept

2018-03-03 12:32:38 UTC

well just anxiety i guess youd call it social

2018-03-03 12:32:46 UTC

Ah ok.

2018-03-03 12:33:01 UTC

Makes sense.

2018-03-03 12:33:46 UTC

so an analytic therapy

2018-03-03 12:33:56 UTC

would aim to erode defense mechanisms

2018-03-03 12:34:06 UTC

that we've learnt to manage pain

2018-03-03 12:34:11 UTC

but don't deal with it

2018-03-03 12:34:23 UTC

and they can be hard to let go of

2018-03-03 12:34:33 UTC

we all like to think we're special

2018-03-03 12:34:47 UTC

Some more than others haha

2018-03-03 12:35:06 UTC

but they are constraining to our happiness

2018-03-03 12:35:33 UTC

You seem very educated on this subject.

2018-03-03 12:35:40 UTC

How do you know so much?

2018-03-03 12:36:07 UTC

Oh just had to learn to live in this world I guess

2018-03-03 12:36:16 UTC


2018-03-03 12:36:26 UTC

I see. Interesting.

2018-03-03 12:36:27 UTC

Life just throws lessons at you

2018-03-03 12:36:32 UTC


2018-03-03 12:37:01 UTC

Thank you for the discussion. It was very enlightening and interesting. I'm going to go rest now so I'll see you soon.

2018-03-03 12:38:39 UTC

yeah man

2018-03-03 12:38:40 UTC

nice talking

2018-03-03 16:44:10 UTC

@Offender he never payed his taxes, and always hided the foreign investments from the gouv u retard!

2018-03-03 16:44:45 UTC

he literally payed 0 for the sales of his book mein kampf

2018-03-03 16:44:51 UTC

2018-03-03 16:45:11 UTC

it's not a doubt, it's a fact

2018-03-03 16:45:26 UTC

2018-03-03 16:45:28 UTC

check out your historical facts you sheeples

2018-03-03 16:46:06 UTC

Pic related is you.

2018-03-03 16:53:10 UTC

for relating stupid facts about hitler ? kek i'm not even an anarchist u retard <a:sarcastickek:413104180090372116>

2018-03-03 16:59:22 UTC

oh rex \

2018-03-03 17:05:27 UTC


2018-03-03 19:06:02 UTC

This place is pretty dead for a Saturday.

2018-03-03 19:12:13 UTC


2018-03-03 19:21:16 UTC

@Deleted User Are you still cowering?

2018-03-03 19:28:27 UTC

Has anyone heard anything from the FBI in 36 hours?

2018-03-03 19:29:26 UTC

There's news about what the director is doing...but no public appearances...

2018-03-03 19:30:03 UTC

Are people aware that all news outlets are run by the 17 collective federal intelligence agencies?

2018-03-03 19:31:25 UTC

Once the FBI is finally replaced by military investigation and intelligence departments, we can finally have some sense of justice in the US.

2018-03-03 19:33:44 UTC

It will be awkward for the wealthy and connected to not have their cases buried and voided of a serious investigation...

2018-03-03 19:43:20 UTC

You'll pay for this, dearly.

2018-03-03 19:53:01 UTC

Who on Earth is powerful enough to make me pay?

2018-03-03 19:54:02 UTC

I didn't even bother filing taxes this year knowing that coming after me is an absolute death sentence.

2018-03-03 19:54:23 UTC

hi falangists

2018-03-03 19:54:41 UTC
2018-03-03 19:54:43 UTC

Besides, I have the 4th and 5th amendment to protect me from the IRS's unlawful tax process.

2018-03-03 19:54:58 UTC

is this an ancap i'm seeing rn?

2018-03-03 19:55:12 UTC

I would have to waive both of those rights willfully to be considered taxable by the federal government.

2018-03-03 19:55:50 UTC

@Deleted User You are seeing a troll.

2018-03-03 19:56:01 UTC

The feds forgot to mention to the people that taxation is a lawfully voluntary process.

2018-03-03 19:56:10 UTC

It must've slipped their rolling heads.

2018-03-03 19:57:24 UTC

From a legal standpoint, taxing people is fine...the problem is that there are too many stupid people who have no clue how the law works.

2018-03-03 19:57:47 UTC

It can't be considered tax evasion if you're upholding your legal rights.

2018-03-03 19:58:14 UTC

If they try to come after you, you can shut them all down with 18 USC SS 241.

2018-03-03 19:58:29 UTC

Then an entire IRS department will be tried for multiple felonies.

2018-03-03 19:58:56 UTC

I love the law.

2018-03-03 19:59:08 UTC

It's the most equalizing force on the planet.

2018-03-03 19:59:19 UTC

That explains why the FBI was never interested in upholding it.

2018-03-03 19:59:39 UTC

They've been too busy protecting the wealthy while persecuting the poor.

2018-03-03 19:59:42 UTC

Not anymore.

2018-03-03 19:59:59 UTC

@Deleted User What I'm trying to say is...I'm not paying for a fucking thing.

2018-03-03 20:00:44 UTC

Neither will anyone who has the brains and balls to know and uphold their civil rights.

2018-03-03 20:04:11 UTC

Criminal Justice Cuck.

2018-03-03 20:04:28 UTC

I prefer "law abiding citizen".

2018-03-03 20:04:54 UTC

That thing that the feds hate most...a citizen that understands the law.

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