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2017-05-10 02:55:22 UTC

@Firefly define right-wing

2017-05-10 02:55:41 UTC

@OF-8 this too

2017-05-10 02:56:39 UTC

Anyone on the first quadrant of the political compass

2017-05-10 02:56:57 UTC

Any republican or far right nationalist

2017-05-10 02:56:57 UTC

Play-Doh is now available in safe space room 105, prayer room section

2017-05-10 02:57:03 UTC

2017-05-10 02:57:22 UTC

So I'm guessing you think all leftists are the same?

2017-05-10 02:57:53 UTC

checkers believes we are all SJW, even though we told him multiple times we are anti-SJW in here.

2017-05-10 02:57:53 UTC

All leftists are required to believe in every tenet of intersectionalism and refusal means you're a fascist. in that sense, yes.

2017-05-10 02:58:00 UTC

Anyone got any jokes to lighten things up or are we gonna have to meme it up

2017-05-10 02:58:26 UTC

How come I don't think like that @checkers ?

2017-05-10 02:58:40 UTC

You're not a leftist then, you're a fascist sexis-racis

2017-05-10 02:58:59 UTC


2017-05-10 02:59:01 UTC


2017-05-10 02:59:03 UTC

I sure am, I'm what ever you tell me I am

2017-05-10 02:59:27 UTC

Memes pls

2017-05-10 02:59:31 UTC

Itโ€™s a waste of time, really.

2017-05-10 02:59:49 UTC

But seriously, you'll get driven out of any leftist group or association if you don't believe in even one little bit of intersectionalism. in fact, they may call the police and say you're a danger to them; they feel unsafe

2017-05-10 03:00:22 UTC

@Tenta that is why we have to have a nice and smart mod for German channel.

2017-05-10 03:00:41 UTC

That's why I choose not to be part of one, I think about establishing one myself or just sitting back and relaxing and wait for something interesting to pop up

2017-05-10 03:00:43 UTC

Freedom of speech is a far right extremist position

2017-05-10 03:01:14 UTC

@checkers , you have started repeating yourself. You are far less entertaining than a chat bot.

2017-05-10 03:01:31 UTC

I feel like there are certain things that shouldn't be allowed to be said, obviously not things like 2 genders or stupid shit like that

2017-05-10 03:01:31 UTC

You're free to refute my point

2017-05-10 03:01:39 UTC

Is it correct to say that Marxism and Dialectical Materialsim is amoral - that the subject/object will act according to its material state and that morality is subjective?

2017-05-10 03:01:50 UTC

I mean like racist or threatening talk

2017-05-10 03:02:11 UTC

@BofaFett Racis or sexis talk would be way too far. And transmisogynistic talk.

2017-05-10 03:02:18 UTC

Yes, like "kill all Jews" and "kill all whites".

2017-05-10 03:02:22 UTC

And people who don't check privilege

2017-05-10 03:02:56 UTC

I'm talking those Hitler Speeches or any Nationalist things checkeroni

2017-05-10 03:03:04 UTC

@Deleted User Diamat users may act according to the social, communal necessity, as well.

2017-05-10 03:03:13 UTC

Lets kill all black people

2017-05-10 03:03:19 UTC

The other day a white cis male held the door open for me. Can you believe the ultra extreme wordlwide cis white hegemonic conspiracy that was perpetrated against my personhood of colyr=

2017-05-10 03:03:21 UTC


2017-05-10 03:03:25 UTC

Aw cmon

2017-05-10 03:03:34 UTC

Fun fact: Hitler gets subtitled in German documentaries when the content is important, so that Germans can understand what he is ranting about. ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-05-10 03:03:39 UTC

B O I didn't lemme type fast enough

2017-05-10 03:04:09 UTC

@Firefly Necessity according to subjective and practical implementation of Marxist principals only?

2017-05-10 03:04:13 UTC

Checkers I thought I said shit like that wouldn't be censored

2017-05-10 03:04:32 UTC

Because it's funny to watch liberals cry

2017-05-10 03:04:38 UTC

@BofaFett , he is a troll. He posted SJW shit for ages earlier.

2017-05-10 03:04:54 UTC

He canโ€™t grasp that we are anti-SJW here.

2017-05-10 03:04:55 UTC

Racism and the other boogeymen are subjective, I'm making a good point and you know it if you stop and think

2017-05-10 03:04:58 UTC

Trolls get extra gulag time round these parts

2017-05-10 03:05:07 UTC

The idea that leftists can be anti-SJW goes over his head.

2017-05-10 03:05:09 UTC

@Deleted User please clarify the question. My English is not as good as yours.

2017-05-10 03:05:31 UTC

@tenta That makes you fascist according to the left itself

2017-05-10 03:05:42 UTC

I'm getting the feeling that you're trying to classify all leftists as liberals honestly

2017-05-10 03:05:45 UTC

@BofaFett , see?

2017-05-10 03:05:58 UTC

There's a difference between the 2

2017-05-10 03:06:24 UTC

Yes, thatโ€™s what he is doing, and this is his entire agenda. He takes pride in getting banned from servers, and I can see why. He does nothing but posting annoying SJW shit.

2017-05-10 03:06:28 UTC

Let me be clear. ALL leftist organizations, parties, groups will ban and expel you if you're antiSJW

2017-05-10 03:06:36 UTC

Antifa aren't even Leftists honestly, they look right imo

2017-05-10 03:06:46 UTC

Iโ€™m in several large anti-SJW leftist groups.

2017-05-10 03:07:02 UTC

@Firefly You said, "social and community necessity". Do you mean, necessity to implement Marxist thought? Is there any other aims, does Marxism have any inherent morality or is it scientific and non-moral?

2017-05-10 03:07:04 UTC

No you're not. Holy shit man, burden of proof, fantastical claims, etc

2017-05-10 03:07:07 UTC

@checkers Not this one. I'm banned on half of the internet myself.

2017-05-10 03:07:35 UTC

Checkers what kinds of things do u post online

2017-05-10 03:07:36 UTC

Antifa doesnโ€™t have a political agenda. They fight anyone they label as fascist, and some just fight for fun like football / soccer hooligans.

2017-05-10 03:07:37 UTC

And don't say 8chan, that's an anon site for literal zoophiles

2017-05-10 03:08:10 UTC

All anarchists are 1st to go to the Gulag

2017-05-10 03:08:20 UTC

Liberals are first to be shot

2017-05-10 03:08:38 UTC

Educating is much better.

2017-05-10 03:08:46 UTC

Checkers I bet you horde grain ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

2017-05-10 03:08:48 UTC

lmao you won't be shooting anybody with your 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of pure enough leftists.... The SJW left holds all the power

2017-05-10 03:09:41 UTC

I wonder when the downfall of America will be honestly I just want us to suffer

2017-05-10 03:09:57 UTC


2017-05-10 03:10:41 UTC

God Damn type slower

2017-05-10 03:10:47 UTC

All the leftists will be eaten by their congoloid comrades on day 3

2017-05-10 03:11:19 UTC

Nah there's gonna be a giant civil war between all leftists

2017-05-10 03:11:26 UTC

Winner will be in charge

2017-05-10 03:11:37 UTC

@Deleted User If Marxism operates on something else but science it is not Marxism. Lenin defines Marxism in one word as "materialism". I personally disagree with Lenin on the possibility of the use of the morals and idealism. Idealism is to be used by Marxists in my opinion. In the same time while using idealism Marxism stays true to the science.

2017-05-10 03:12:09 UTC

SJW are regularly fighting against each other, and the alt-right does the same because they are also deep into identity politics. They are on different sections of identity politics. Itโ€™s best to let them fight each other.

2017-05-10 03:12:21 UTC

@BofaFett Do you realize major catastrophe in USA would kill leftism over night? Rural people would be fine with the farms and smaller communities full of trade skills

2017-05-10 03:12:39 UTC

They don't take kindly to yer kind, gnomsayin

2017-05-10 03:13:06 UTC

@checkers , did you just propose loosely connected farming collectives like Bakunin favoured?

2017-05-10 03:13:08 UTC

@Firefly That makes sense. What does this Marxist morality and idealism look like? Do you have examples?

2017-05-10 03:13:15 UTC

@Tenta LOL

2017-05-10 03:13:38 UTC

Leftism in the west is exclusively cosmopolitan

2017-05-10 03:13:51 UTC

rich kids in major population areas

2017-05-10 03:13:53 UTC

I stem from the Eastern bloc.

2017-05-10 03:14:08 UTC

I live on minimum wage.

2017-05-10 03:14:25 UTC

We've already established you aren't a leftist so it's a bit of a moot point

2017-05-10 03:14:50 UTC

@Deleted User Lunacharski is the best example. He tried to create a current of Orthodox-Christian Communists. Got confronted by Lenin on theoretical level, backed up and got into the Ministry of Enlightenment of USSR.

2017-05-10 03:14:51 UTC

You need 6 iphones and a twitter spewing the latest SJW cause

2017-05-10 03:15:16 UTC

@Deleted User I personally don't like Lunacharski that much. But he had interesting thoughts.

2017-05-10 03:15:36 UTC

I donโ€™t even have a smartphone, just an old Nokia brick.

2017-05-10 03:15:56 UTC

I have a $50 thing that can only do SMS

2017-05-10 03:17:23 UTC

@checkers what if I told u I am a suburb kind of fella with a right family

2017-05-10 03:17:36 UTC

I'd be shot by own family lmao

2017-05-10 03:17:40 UTC

I want to accelerate SJWism, it's often hilarious, other times enraging and sends people fleeing to the right

2017-05-10 03:17:45 UTC

@BofaFett , he will tell you to "self crit". ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-05-10 03:18:01 UTC

I can't afford iPhones, plus I like androids better

2017-05-10 03:18:09 UTC

Especially the ones I make

2017-05-10 03:20:27 UTC

Checkers thats also why I hate rightists, I've seen it with the left too honestly, but you both spew shit and pose as the <insert left or right here> to make people "convert"

2017-05-10 03:20:27 UTC
2017-05-10 03:20:32 UTC

I think identifying the most lunatic SJWs and boosting them with twitter bots could be worth a shot

2017-05-10 03:20:53 UTC

Hell I'd like to see it

2017-05-10 03:21:21 UTC

Or spam pictures of the meninst stuff instead

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