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2018-12-10 22:48:23 UTC


2018-12-10 22:48:25 UTC

2018-12-10 22:48:35 UTC

no V

2018-12-10 22:48:44 UTC

it actually regresses ur brain

2018-12-10 22:48:46 UTC

By simple math I just mean problems that you can solve almost instantly without having a doctorate

2018-12-10 22:48:48 UTC

@Mairon welcome!

2018-12-10 22:48:49 UTC

On a large scale? It doesn't. Moreover, the same point is to be made about lesser people doing lesser things

2018-12-10 22:49:06 UTC

Like maybe if a fucking 9 year old smokes pot

2018-12-10 22:49:06 UTC

if maryland legalizes recreational weed

2018-12-10 22:49:12 UTC

she will 100% start smoking it

2018-12-10 22:49:15 UTC

Yeah hey and bye i saw the lyceum its superior

2018-12-10 22:49:31 UTC

But I don't think a 9 year old is gonna become a pot-head of any sort

2018-12-10 22:49:31 UTC


Lyceum is a shithole.


2018-12-10 22:49:40 UTC

hell maybe she already has, given the people she hangs out with

2018-12-10 22:49:49 UTC

@Deleted User shes in sophmore year of highschool

2018-12-10 22:49:50 UTC

not 9

2018-12-10 22:49:54 UTC

I know

2018-12-10 22:49:59 UTC

but I need a direct correlation

2018-12-10 22:50:02 UTC

Mairon#2068 *** was banned.***

2018-12-10 22:50:03 UTC

or it falls under the same issue

2018-12-10 22:50:06 UTC


2018-12-10 22:50:09 UTC


2018-12-10 22:50:13 UTC

Only time ill ban someone for that

2018-12-10 22:50:15 UTC

I promise

2018-12-10 22:50:16 UTC


2018-12-10 22:50:21 UTC

what for?

2018-12-10 22:50:28 UTC

No reason, he elft

2018-12-10 22:50:29 UTC


2018-12-10 22:50:38 UTC

who is he again?

2018-12-10 22:50:42 UTC

No idea

2018-12-10 22:50:50 UTC

came in, said something gay, then left

2018-12-10 22:51:05 UTC

He just came in and asked to be banned

2018-12-10 22:51:09 UTC


2018-12-10 22:51:14 UTC

came from a different server, was looking for the Lyceum

2018-12-10 22:51:26 UTC

only time im doing that

2018-12-10 22:51:27 UTC


2018-12-10 22:51:29 UTC

carry on

2018-12-10 22:51:39 UTC

slippery slope

miguel "im not mad i just want gamer girl pee" proves he isnt mad by pinging me in every channel in lyceum

2018-12-10 22:51:47 UTC

Nah, I'm a leniant admin

thank u miguel!

very cool

2018-12-10 22:51:55 UTC

next thing you'll come for the slavs

2018-12-10 22:51:59 UTC


2018-12-10 22:51:59 UTC

2018-12-10 22:52:05 UTC


I would never use my mod powers to abuse a child.

2018-12-10 22:52:21 UTC


2018-12-10 22:52:23 UTC

No, but dont ban anyone for that

2018-12-10 22:53:00 UTC

irma is such an ugly name

I can smell your fingers sweating Miguel.

2018-12-10 22:53:08 UTC

>swings ban hammer
>I'm a forgiving mod

2018-12-10 22:53:19 UTC


2018-12-10 22:53:20 UTC

Not wrong <:30yoboomer:521380551316209668>

2018-12-10 22:53:28 UTC

if I knew someone IRL whose name was irma

2018-12-10 22:53:33 UTC

i'd probably make fun of them

Aren't you a Mexican

2018-12-10 22:53:41 UTC

not really

Mexican got it

2018-12-10 22:53:46 UTC


2018-12-10 22:53:56 UTC

ar eyou fucking

Settle down there big fella

2018-12-10 22:54:02 UTC


2018-12-10 22:54:10 UTC

lol a copypasta got n-banned

2018-12-10 22:54:12 UTC

@PunishedMuskovy I just saw that wall of text

2018-12-10 22:54:14 UTC

I was expecting Muskovy to have a 10 page essay tbh

2018-12-10 22:54:14 UTC

I unbanned him

2018-12-10 22:54:23 UTC

what is lyceum

2018-12-10 22:54:28 UTC

@PunishedMuskovy sounds like a normie American teen

2018-12-10 22:54:57 UTC

pretty disgusting, but it's not so uncommon

2018-12-10 22:55:48 UTC

2018-12-10 22:56:11 UTC

marijuana does seem standard normie stuff now

2018-12-10 22:56:28 UTC


Kill your local drug dealer.

2018-12-10 22:56:34 UTC


2018-12-10 22:56:45 UTC

She vapes almost constantly
She always takes some loud ass speaker into the bathroom while showering
She never uses headphones, insists on listening to shitty youtubers or The Office full volume with her door open

2018-12-10 22:56:55 UTC


2018-12-10 22:57:06 UTC

Kill and substitute your local drug dealer so that you can kill addicts as well

2018-12-10 22:57:07 UTC

Yeah, sounds like a typical American girl living the privileged life

2018-12-10 22:57:11 UTC

ur mailman is ur local drug dealer

2018-12-10 22:57:18 UTC

why do normies like the office

2018-12-10 22:57:27 UTC

I tried watching it but it was kinda boring

2018-12-10 22:57:33 UTC

@Bearer Of The Curse So kill the source and the victims?

2018-12-10 22:57:37 UTC

its a post irony show

2018-12-10 22:57:43 UTC

*kill the terrorists and the hostages*

2018-12-10 22:57:44 UTC

She can't do basic arithmetic in her head despite being in highschool, She listens to rap and whatever is hip and cool, She reeks of Dunning Kruger effect

2018-12-10 22:57:58 UTC

2018-12-10 22:57:59 UTC

Kill the terrorist and the child army, silly nigboy

2018-12-10 22:58:04 UTC

Bam im back

2018-12-10 22:58:07 UTC

I thought you were banned

2018-12-10 22:58:09 UTC

She always drinks shit like Mikes hard lemonade or some cocktails with peach vodka when she brings her friends over, Said friends always end up throwing her under the bus, she has a hissyfit and stressful breakdown and then continues to talk with said friends not learning from her mistake

2018-12-10 22:58:15 UTC

@PunishedMuskovy is she blonde

2018-12-10 22:58:18 UTC

wHiTeR tHaN yOu

2018-12-10 22:58:20 UTC

so thats what got that removed

2018-12-10 22:58:36 UTC

I didn't understand any of it cause I was not present

2018-12-10 22:58:43 UTC

@Huff I was joking

2018-12-10 22:59:01 UTC

nobody is banned for leaving

2018-12-10 22:59:12 UTC

I didn't know that cause I was not present during the non-ban ban that was a joke and not a ban

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