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2018-12-17 07:29:41 UTC

What do you mean?

2018-12-17 07:29:59 UTC

The covenant with flesh Israel was transferred to the Church

2018-12-17 07:30:40 UTC

When the Jews rejected Christ

2018-12-17 07:30:59 UTC

i am an intellectual
one of the great academics
logic and reason are my 2 greatest strengths
i am also a skeptic of everything until we have completely objectively solid hardcore concrete evidence
i have been known to watch sargon of akkad videos until well into the early hours of the morning

2018-12-17 07:31:09 UTC

Remember, the parable of the wicked vinedressers?

2018-12-17 07:31:15 UTC

Rejection of one of the elements of the holy trinity is unforgivable sin.

2018-12-17 07:31:25 UTC

So is blasphemy of the spirit

2018-12-17 07:31:36 UTC

Yes, but the Jews didnโ€™t do that in the Old Testament period

2018-12-17 07:31:51 UTC

At least not all of them

2018-12-17 07:32:27 UTC

you don't want a yugo tho

2018-12-17 07:32:31 UTC

The Trinity is a thing in the Old Testament btw

2018-12-17 07:32:47 UTC

It doesn't matter to me when stuff happened or what percentage did it. At the end of the day, it was Jews who killed Christ, not some poor bulgarian. As such, my holy fury is directed towards the children of satan (jews!).

2018-12-17 07:33:00 UTC

Saying "not all jews" is similar to saying "not all muslims" when we all know the truth

2018-12-17 07:33:20 UTC

The Lord's wrath will forever be inflicted upon the group who rejected Christ.

2018-12-17 07:33:28 UTC

Yes I killed Jesus

2018-12-17 07:33:31 UTC

Yes, I know they killed Christ, but they were at one point the chosen people. Now we are. Get it?

2018-12-17 07:33:40 UTC

@American Knight go away Christfag

2018-12-17 07:33:42 UTC


2018-12-17 07:33:47 UTC

The children of Judah, not simply "jews"

2018-12-17 07:33:49 UTC

2018-12-17 07:33:56 UTC

Modern Jews are a far cry from the original children of Judah

2018-12-17 07:34:01 UTC

I know this

2018-12-17 07:34:11 UTC

No no

2018-12-17 07:34:14 UTC

But the Church is still the new Israel

2018-12-17 07:34:18 UTC


2018-12-17 07:34:21 UTC

Israel is the new Israel

2018-12-17 07:34:25 UTC

you said it was the same as saying "not all muslims"

2018-12-17 07:34:31 UTC

Israel is the new Israel

2018-12-17 07:34:33 UTC


2018-12-17 07:34:55 UTC

Because flesh Israel were the chosen people in the OT and now we are, get it?

2018-12-17 07:35:04 UTC

Have you read the Bible?

2018-12-17 07:35:16 UTC

Yes but how has that transferred to us?

2018-12-17 07:35:29 UTC

Because we are the chosen people

2018-12-17 07:35:44 UTC

Well yes, I'm aware you think that, but how so?

2018-12-17 07:36:06 UTC

Because Christians are Godโ€™s people

2018-12-17 07:36:14 UTC

The children of Judah are not simply "jews". As such it's fair to say Christians are the chosen people, but claiming that the Church is the new Israel doesn't make much sense

2018-12-17 07:36:15 UTC

Have you read the Bible?

2018-12-17 07:36:30 UTC

Paul said we are the new Israel

2018-12-17 07:36:34 UTC

Unless you're saying the flesh Israel is simply judah's children

2018-12-17 07:36:58 UTC

Flesh Israel is Jacobโ€™s children, not just Judahโ€™s

2018-12-17 07:37:11 UTC

christians are the new jews, old jews are so last century

2018-12-17 07:37:13 UTC

But most of the 10 lost tribes got cut off

2018-12-17 07:38:07 UTC

This feels far too much like identity politics in my opinion. Christianity to me is not about taking notes on which children are chosen and which aren't. Christianity is accepting the lord Lord's reign over us, and obeying scripture to the wholest of our abilities.

2018-12-17 07:38:12 UTC

Look up Galatians 6 16 and get back to me

2018-12-17 07:38:24 UTC

Instead of saying "w-well WE were the children of this guy, so God likes us more!"

2018-12-17 07:39:22 UTC

Being a Christian is pretty important

2018-12-17 07:40:19 UTC

Of course

2018-12-17 07:40:28 UTC

My faith is one of the most important things in the world to me.

2018-12-17 07:40:54 UTC

2018-12-17 07:41:01 UTC

1 Peter 2 9

2018-12-17 07:41:03 UTC


2018-12-17 07:41:36 UTC

So you think it was only that generation?

2018-12-17 07:41:43 UTC

Seems to be.

2018-12-17 07:41:53 UTC

He claims that it is a chosen generation, as such, it's referring only to that generation.

2018-12-17 07:42:39 UTC

So what are Christians if not the people of God?

2018-12-17 07:42:48 UTC

I never once said otherwise.

2018-12-17 07:43:23 UTC

Right, we are the people of God, where flesh Israel once was, hence the new Israel

2018-12-17 07:44:04 UTC

That seems a little bit of a reach. Simply saying that the church is the chosen people of God is probably a far less confusing way of saying it. Claiming we're the new Israel is a little overboard.

2018-12-17 07:44:15 UTC

So we are the real Jews.

2018-12-17 07:44:40 UTC

Itโ€™s the same thing

2018-12-17 07:46:33 UTC

Saying you're the new Israel has an awful lot of connotations. Not to mention, not really. Israel is simply a region/country in the common vernacular. Simply claiming that we are the chosen people of God is a much better way of putting it.

2018-12-17 07:47:08 UTC

I mean in reference to Old Testament Israel, not the modern state

2018-12-17 07:47:34 UTC

I'm aware, but you see how it could be rather misleading to just about anyone who's not intimately familiar with scripture, no?

2018-12-17 07:47:57 UTC

Doesnโ€™t matter, I donโ€™t base my linguistic choices on manโ€™s concerns

2018-12-17 07:48:17 UTC

To spread the word of our Lord, we want to not repulse people. That's our goal in life, after all.

2018-12-17 07:48:47 UTC

If people are repulsed by the Old Covenant thatโ€™s their problem

2018-12-17 07:48:58 UTC

Most people don't even know what's in the OT

2018-12-17 07:49:08 UTC

Hence why they'll think you're just calling Christians Jews

2018-12-17 07:49:46 UTC

When we show them the light of the Lord, they'll be okay with it, but if they don't know, they'll think we're attempting to claim to be Jewish in roots.

2018-12-17 07:50:35 UTC

We are Jews, in a spiritual sense. And we are Jewish in roots. Thatโ€™s why Jesus says the synagogue of Satan *calls themselves Jews and are not*, because modern Jews are not Jews in the sense that the Bible uses

2018-12-17 07:50:56 UTC

"We are jews"

2018-12-17 07:51:00 UTC

I think this conversation has concluded.

2018-12-17 07:51:25 UTC

If you have an issue with the Bible thatโ€™s not my problem

2018-12-17 07:51:35 UTC

I don't, however, others do.

2018-12-17 07:51:41 UTC

2018-12-17 07:52:26 UTC

Obviously modern Jews are wicked, but when I say Christians are spiritual Jews Iโ€™m not referring to Talmudists

2018-12-17 07:53:00 UTC

Yes, but those who are unfamiliar with us don't know what we're talking about. It's just a poor way to spread the light in my opinion.

2018-12-17 07:53:32 UTC

Iโ€™m not going to water down the message of Truth to suit manโ€™s sensibilities

2018-12-17 07:54:02 UTC

2018-12-17 07:54:39 UTC

It's not watering it down, it's simply using modern vernacular. It serves no purpose for us to distort the average person's perception of Christ's followers.

2018-12-17 07:55:43 UTC

I donโ€™t care what the modern Jews call themselves, or what modern people think. Modern people think mutilating children to turn them trans is ok

2018-12-17 07:55:52 UTC

I care what God thinks

2018-12-17 07:57:17 UTC

Yes, that's why it's more important than ever to spread the Lord's word in whatever way we can. By alienating people, all we do is push them away from the truth. I can't possibly know what He would want, but it would make sense that God would rather have followers that were brought into this due to a simplified message, than to have His word lost to history because we've repelled the people away from His message.

2018-12-17 08:00:39 UTC

Do you at least see what I'm saying?

2018-12-17 08:02:46 UTC

Even if not, this was a nice conversation. It's good to talk to somebody about this.

2018-12-17 08:15:44 UTC

How long until America (as we know it) ceases to exist?

2018-12-17 08:28:23 UTC

all empires whittle away

2018-12-17 08:31:33 UTC

Of course, but the question is, how long will it take for the American empire to fully collapse?

2018-12-17 08:33:20 UTC

long time, I'd say 3-4 centuries

2018-12-17 08:33:25 UTC

not in our lifetime

2018-12-17 08:57:53 UTC

in our lifetime

2018-12-17 08:58:32 UTC

probably not

2018-12-17 08:58:51 UTC

the economic war with china will probably extend its lifetime

2018-12-17 08:59:11 UTC

He's right

2018-12-17 08:59:19 UTC

Humans actually live for multiple centuries

2018-12-17 08:59:30 UTC

(((they))) just try to cover it up

2018-12-17 09:00:34 UTC

order brain force and buy my water filters

2018-12-17 09:01:07 UTC

America will probably fall within our lifetime

2018-12-17 09:01:16 UTC

American Whites are starting to wake up

2018-12-17 09:01:29 UTC

lets hope they dont wake up

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