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The West is ruining itself. It is decadent and in need of spiritual purification through holy war.

I am pro-Muslim migration for accelerationist purposes.

Stop being cucks for decadence.

2018-12-16 23:16:33 UTC

Inb4 the west just takes it up the ass and accepts the status as minority in their own nation

2018-12-16 23:17:01 UTC

I think brits already did that

2018-12-16 23:17:08 UTC

The west is in a cultural revolution

2018-12-16 23:17:14 UTC


2018-12-16 23:17:19 UTC

by getting it into the idea of westerners that national identity doesnt matter

2018-12-16 23:17:25 UTC

here u go

2018-12-16 23:17:34 UTC

they can surrender their rights willingly to a singular EU government

2018-12-16 23:17:35 UTC

Londonstan already has more immigrants than natives

2018-12-16 23:17:43 UTC

why else are they making a unified European army

2018-12-16 23:18:19 UTC

Pretty bad

2018-12-16 23:18:28 UTC

sweden is totally based

2018-12-16 23:18:37 UTC

removing migrants left and right

2018-12-16 23:18:39 UTC

Theyve done some acts of terrorism a number of times apparently

2018-12-16 23:18:47 UTC

And Swedes still welcome them

2018-12-16 23:18:51 UTC

who knows that casper guy that kept saying this

2018-12-16 23:18:57 UTC

Though, the Sweden democrats have suggested that Sweden should start deporting most if not all "refugees"

2018-12-16 23:19:01 UTC

sweden totally based guys

2018-12-16 23:19:08 UTC

Will they actually do it if they get into power? who knows

2018-12-16 23:19:50 UTC

The western media would label those politicians as bigoted racists

2018-12-16 23:19:59 UTC

They have

2018-12-16 23:20:26 UTC

But only the brainlet normies still believe everything the media spews out

2018-12-16 23:20:31 UTC


2018-12-16 23:20:35 UTC

The problem is its working

2018-12-16 23:20:35 UTC


2018-12-16 23:20:41 UTC

Only partly

2018-12-16 23:20:54 UTC

It failed in France

2018-12-16 23:21:07 UTC

*Send Merkel to the Muslims

2018-12-16 23:21:12 UTC


2018-12-16 23:21:14 UTC

It was a setback, but it hasn't failed

2018-12-16 23:21:25 UTC

Le Pen would have a very good shot at winning a general election right now

2018-12-16 23:21:32 UTC


2018-12-16 23:21:33 UTC

It didn't fail in France.

2018-12-16 23:21:44 UTC

le pen is jewed

2018-12-16 23:22:00 UTC

Yellow vests do not have a nationalistc background.

2018-12-16 23:22:12 UTC

She isn't the ideal candidate but she'd be much better than Macron

2018-12-16 23:22:25 UTC

Yellow vests are kinda a symbol of nationalism in a way

2018-12-16 23:22:31 UTC

macron is the ideal for accelerationism

2018-12-16 23:22:35 UTC

Its a protest against unregulated immigration

2018-12-16 23:23:26 UTC

Not entirely

2018-12-16 23:23:33 UTC

It's a protest against averything, more directly Macron and the EU

2018-12-16 23:23:35 UTC

Its just a protest against the deep state

2018-12-16 23:23:36 UTC

There are some nationalist groups that try to incorporate it ( and it is a good strategy tbh ) but the origins of it are not nationalistic so there is no guarantee how it will work out.

2018-12-16 23:23:48 UTC

I honestly thought, while macaroni was saying the stupid shit throught-out the years, that nothing will come out of it.

2018-12-16 23:24:39 UTC

Well if it doesnt work out theres always one solution

2018-12-16 23:25:12 UTC

2018-12-16 23:25:15 UTC

What's your ideal form a government?

2018-12-16 23:25:18 UTC

What happened to Jupiter

2018-12-16 23:25:28 UTC

He was supposed to conquer the world and make everyone french

2018-12-16 23:25:47 UTC

why won't you listen <:ree:520000441036046336>

2018-12-16 23:26:49 UTC

ehm @Spookaswa who are you adressing?

2018-12-16 23:27:24 UTC

@Spookaswa theocracy

2018-12-16 23:27:30 UTC

Everyone in general

2018-12-16 23:28:52 UTC

Well I would say it is a limited democracy.... but I am not sure if it is a correct way of phrasing it.

2018-12-16 23:28:55 UTC

2018-12-16 23:29:23 UTC

Illiberal Democracy?

2018-12-16 23:30:53 UTC
2018-12-16 23:31:18 UTC

I would propose a system where the strength of your vote and the limits of your political career (if you decide to undertake one) are limited by the amount of incentive you have towards benefiting your nation.

2018-12-16 23:32:46 UTC

For example having kids predisposes you to caring about the future of the nation.... so it gives you a credit.

2018-12-16 23:33:04 UTC

Participating in the military service gives you another one etc.

2018-12-16 23:33:45 UTC

Ah I see

2018-12-16 23:34:02 UTC

That would be the general outline.

2018-12-16 23:45:58 UTC

Staff positions are about to open

2018-12-16 23:52:06 UTC

Third and Fourth Positons

2018-12-16 23:55:09 UTC

Up my tight ass

2018-12-16 23:55:29 UTC


2018-12-16 23:57:51 UTC

2018-12-16 23:58:02 UTC

@Stalin welcome!

2018-12-16 23:58:25 UTC

I was considering trying to be staff here but its rather constricting.

2018-12-16 23:58:38 UTC

@Josh42A it won't be for you

2018-12-16 23:58:44 UTC

Since I know you've owned servers

2018-12-16 23:58:51 UTC

Only restricting thing is the Merc role

2018-12-16 23:59:03 UTC

since that is reserved for people I don't know

2018-12-16 23:59:04 UTC

2018-12-16 23:59:24 UTC

The merc role is more of a vetting role, except for staff

2018-12-16 23:59:44 UTC


2018-12-16 23:59:49 UTC

to avoid some of the problems the right cafe had in the past with staff applicants

2018-12-16 23:59:54 UTC

@Meme Police Welcome!

2018-12-17 00:00:16 UTC

hahaha I have stories about TRC

2018-12-17 00:00:42 UTC

What is โ€œThe Right Cafeโ€?

2018-12-17 00:00:53 UTC

a dumpster fire

2018-12-17 00:00:55 UTC

If you can monitor the chat, you're okay, since I know you from other servers and you used to be in the right cafe, so

2018-12-17 00:01:11 UTC

I was head mod in TRC for awhile

2018-12-17 00:01:31 UTC

I was admin for a short time

2018-12-17 00:01:34 UTC

I resigned

2018-12-17 00:01:46 UTC

did you change your username?

2018-12-17 00:01:50 UTC


2018-12-17 00:01:54 UTC

I used to be lazydaze

2018-12-17 00:02:11 UTC

hmm I saw you a few times are Vangurd your admins?

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