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2018-12-13 09:40:20 UTC

I go to this japanese buffet... omg.... it's so fucking good

2018-12-13 09:40:24 UTC

Taiwanese are all Chinese

2018-12-13 09:40:26 UTC

also from my experience, Taiwanese are very, very strictly non-Chinese in their identification, as it comes to the younger generation. They don't consider themselves Chinese, although they recognise the influence of Chinese culture on their character

2018-12-13 09:40:26 UTC


2018-12-13 09:40:34 UTC

Native taiwanese aren't Han

2018-12-13 09:40:38 UTC


2018-12-13 09:40:38 UTC

no, they aren't

2018-12-13 09:40:58 UTC

Japan is dead now,it will either be mixed into extinction or disappear

2018-12-13 09:41:04 UTC


2018-12-13 09:41:22 UTC

Taiwanese populations have many different influences, the Southern or min/fujian whatever, Hakka and such, and also quite a bit of intermingling with the Plains Aboriginals

2018-12-13 09:41:23 UTC

i hope they eventually deport the migrants :(

2018-12-13 09:41:32 UTC

>people who actually support japanese nationalism thinking it can be great again

2018-12-13 09:41:41 UTC

lul ^

2018-12-13 09:41:49 UTC

y not ๐Ÿ˜ 

2018-12-13 09:41:51 UTC

Japan is pretty fucked tbh

2018-12-13 09:41:53 UTC


2018-12-13 09:41:56 UTC

at so many levels

2018-12-13 09:42:04 UTC

culturally they're fucked

2018-12-13 09:42:16 UTC

but they can be revived don't you think?

2018-12-13 09:42:19 UTC

Japan needs to get their own constitution first btw, and not an American one

2018-12-13 09:42:23 UTC

there's the population crisis, there's....I mean, I don't usually use the word degenerate but it does actually apply there, and there's economic problems, etc. etc.

2018-12-13 09:42:34 UTC


2018-12-13 09:42:46 UTC

population crisis doesn't really matter

2018-12-13 09:42:49 UTC

all asians are degenerate

2018-12-13 09:42:53 UTC


2018-12-13 09:42:55 UTC

in a capitalist system

2018-12-13 09:42:59 UTC

> population crisis doesn't matter

**H o t T a k e**

2018-12-13 09:43:00 UTC

Iberian master race is only pure race

2018-12-13 09:43:12 UTC

i mean natural population declines

2018-12-13 09:43:14 UTC

population crisis shouldn't matter*

2018-12-13 09:43:20 UTC


2018-12-13 09:43:20 UTC

> Iberian
> master rays

pick one

2018-12-13 09:43:26 UTC


2018-12-13 09:43:27 UTC


2018-12-13 09:43:29 UTC


2018-12-13 09:43:45 UTC


2018-12-13 09:43:47 UTC

real aryans are the tamils, indo european gang strong

2018-12-13 09:44:08 UTC

thing is, people who are highly reproductive in Japan and their descendants will replace all the degenerates with every generation.. eventually the birth rate will become static and then begin to rise.. but that takes time..

2018-12-13 09:44:18 UTC


You are a Finn

2018-12-13 09:44:28 UTC

Tamils are the Semi Superior Race ๐Ÿ˜ณ

2018-12-13 09:44:36 UTC



2018-12-13 09:44:43 UTC

You are mleccha

2018-12-13 09:44:45 UTC

Turanism is the most retarded Ideology ever

2018-12-13 09:44:50 UTC

nah, it's funny and cute

2018-12-13 09:45:01 UTC

like it's a pretty big stretch

2018-12-13 09:45:03 UTC

and pretty gay

2018-12-13 09:45:05 UTC

but it's cute

2018-12-13 09:45:09 UTC

like Turks and Japanese have nothing in common

2018-12-13 09:45:24 UTC

they don't, but Turkic people, Koreans and Finns do

2018-12-13 09:45:32 UTC

linguistically atleast apparently

2018-12-13 09:45:39 UTC

but I swear Korean is a language isolate

2018-12-13 09:45:46 UTC

Turan Federation will rule over all with the ULUS FINGOLIA at the helm

2018-12-13 09:46:09 UTC

tremble, ye plebs

2018-12-13 09:46:34 UTC

know your future overlords

2018-12-13 09:46:39 UTC

Ibero-Moorish Empire > Turan larp gang

2018-12-13 09:46:58 UTC

2018-12-13 09:47:05 UTC

tremble b4 us fam

2018-12-13 09:47:12 UTC

> Turan
> larp

more like

*the inevitable, historical-materialistically substantiated incoming Turanic win streak*

2018-12-13 09:47:28 UTC


2018-12-13 09:47:34 UTC

I'm not sure I dare argue with that image

2018-12-13 09:47:38 UTC

it is compelling

2018-12-13 09:47:43 UTC

I'm gonna go masturbate now

2018-12-13 09:47:46 UTC

Nah, you can larp all you want, but you'll be under our empire

2018-12-13 09:48:06 UTC

i didn't know there were moor memes lol

2018-12-13 09:48:08 UTC

ngl... i don't know why, but memes aren't that funny to me anymore

2018-12-13 09:48:16 UTC

there are some good moorish memes

2018-12-13 09:48:16 UTC

```I'm gonna go masturbate now```
- Storm, unsolicited, 2018

2018-12-13 09:48:55 UTC

2018-12-13 09:49:02 UTC

this, but unironically

2018-12-13 09:49:12 UTC

were moors really ever that black?

2018-12-13 09:49:14 UTC

BUT... I'm not against the CNT FAI

2018-12-13 09:49:23 UTC

what's a CNT FAI

2018-12-13 09:49:25 UTC

> Nah, you can larp all you want, but you'll be under our empire

It'll be a battle to the death, then. Finno-Ugric Khanate vs neo-Moorish Empire


2018-12-13 09:49:27 UTC

@AdorableStormtrooper they were north african, so... probably not

2018-12-13 09:49:48 UTC

CNT FAI was the joining of 2 syndicates and made a political party on anarcho-syndicalism, it's pretty retarded and gay, BUT.... they wanted an Iberian Union

2018-12-13 09:49:52 UTC

so... i'd vote 4 them

2018-12-13 09:49:53 UTC


2018-12-13 09:49:58 UTC

> BUT... I'm not against the CNT FAI

very woke

2018-12-13 09:50:13 UTC

the only problem with them is that they are anarchists

2018-12-13 09:50:19 UTC

they should embrace Sovietism

2018-12-13 09:50:24 UTC

^ yup, retarded ideology, and they hated Stalin

2018-12-13 09:50:34 UTC


2018-12-13 09:50:36 UTC

Why is anarchism so strong in Spain

2018-12-13 09:50:37 UTC

Iberian Union

2018-12-13 09:50:42 UTC

because Catalonia

2018-12-13 09:50:43 UTC


2018-12-13 09:50:46 UTC


2018-12-13 09:50:48 UTC

civil war began in Catalonia

2018-12-13 09:50:52 UTC

anarchism is literally obsolete

2018-12-13 09:50:54 UTC

like, it literally is

2018-12-13 09:51:10 UTC

Catalonia in it's Spirit really belongs to the French

2018-12-13 09:51:11 UTC

CNT FAI started in Valencia my city ( ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) but it was most popular in Catalonia

2018-12-13 09:51:26 UTC

>Catalonia in it's Spirit really belongs to the French

nice bait, but why?

2018-12-13 09:51:42 UTC

@Xinyue Spain has usually been very localist, the people have atleast

2018-12-13 09:51:46 UTC

I see. I'm just very bitter about anarchism being popular these days, considering it has literally no solutions to anything in 21st century

2018-12-13 09:51:48 UTC

all that revolutionary fervor that results in nothing

2018-12-13 09:52:02 UTC

it has no solution, but it's mostly just an idealistic romanticised dream world

2018-12-13 09:52:15 UTC

@AdorableStormtrooper ah okay, yeah lol

2018-12-13 09:52:17 UTC

it's a mind virus

2018-12-13 09:52:54 UTC

like I was arguing with this one person, an anarchist, about what the hell is global logistics going to look like in anarchism. how is any kind of planning going to be done? space exploration, god forbid interplanetary logistics? what is going to be an alternative to police, if any? what are the anarchist solutions to the problems presented by nanotech and AI?

this person had no solutions, none

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