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2018-02-25 01:16:31 UTC

I just got my shit taken away and wasn't allowed dessert or occasionally only vegetables for dinner cause i loved my food

2018-02-25 01:17:10 UTC


2018-02-25 01:17:22 UTC

I am very white

2018-02-25 01:17:27 UTC

Or ya know, british.

2018-02-25 01:17:50 UTC

I've played crochet before

2018-02-25 01:17:57 UTC

And badminton

2018-02-25 01:18:01 UTC

sounds like a rich white hobby

2018-02-25 01:18:07 UTC

It's really not

2018-02-25 01:18:21 UTC

Also, am white, was also spanked.

2018-02-25 01:18:36 UTC

i was never spanked

2018-02-25 01:18:43 UTC

but i was beaten with a book once

2018-02-25 01:19:00 UTC

beyond my dad almost poisioning me with a dead lizard

2018-02-25 01:19:06 UTC

You get arches of wood and stick them in the ground, then have to knock a ball through the wooden arches with basically a wooden sledgehammer

2018-02-25 01:19:19 UTC

You could pick up a decent set for like $20

2018-02-25 01:22:48 UTC

It's only considered child abuse if you spank so hard you leave bruises that make it hurt to move. Like let's say a child got spanked for misbehaving and embarrassing the parents in public. If they are unable to sit down, then yes it's child abuse. Spanking is one thing, but making them unable to do everyday things is what makes it child abuse. When my parents split, my mom got a little easier but was still strict. My dad once spanked me so hard I was unable to sit down. My crime? I accidentally broke my brother's glasses while at dad's house. My mom was in the process of pressing charges after my teacher noticed what was going on.
A few smacks to the butt with a belt or a light smack in the face when they start badmouthing you is fine so long as it doesn't impair the child's ability to do everyday things.

2018-02-25 01:24:15 UTC

The problem for me is that spanking someone gets me off so i could never do it to my child or anyone's because i'd be thinking of the last time i did it my girlfriend ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-02-25 01:26:06 UTC

But like a clip around the head is fine, or a light slap to the face if they're being quite bad

2018-02-25 01:26:52 UTC

I once got told by a high school classmate that having rules and a curfew was child abuse. She was knocked up at 15, didn't have a dad and her mother was always drunk off her ass with her recent one night stand. Not spanked once and believes that having rules and regulations is child abuse.

2018-02-25 01:28:05 UTC

Well there's extremes in both ways, either you have the parents that wrap their children in bubble wrap and punish them for talking to a friend for too long, or those that allow them to come home with 18 people and wreck their house

2018-02-25 01:28:37 UTC

*wrap their children in bubble wrap* Jesus what verbal diarrhoea

2018-02-25 01:31:20 UTC

I don't believe in raising kids to believe they have the same rights as an adult because they don't. Reality check: They are too young to understand what rights are and if you TRY to teach them, they will get the wrong idea and try to abuse it. One of my childhood friends was entering her rebellious teenager phase and got so bad that she threatened to call the cops on her mom for spanking her one time. My mom's advice to her? Challenge her. Tell her "Go ahead! Call the cops. And when they answer, tell them WHY I spanked you." they will stop. It worked when I tried it(Despite having a strict mom because of the classmates I had who were raised with freedom) and it worked on her too. You NEVER raise kids on the same level as you. My mother always told me that when I have kids, to remember that I am their parent, NOT their friend so not to act like it.

2018-02-25 01:32:32 UTC


2018-02-25 01:32:36 UTC

i am infertile

2018-02-25 01:32:52 UTC

Bright side: All the unprotected sex you want

2018-02-25 01:32:54 UTC

See i just knew that whatever complaints i had about my parents that they are basically FWP's and really nothing to complain to anyone but my friends about it

2018-02-25 01:33:03 UTC

nah man there are still STDS

2018-02-25 01:33:08 UTC

Yeah true

2018-02-25 01:33:16 UTC

But if you know that they don't have them

2018-02-25 01:33:23 UTC

Unprotected seeeeeexxxxx

2018-02-25 01:33:27 UTC

Didn't say you had to be a ho. Find a man worthy of your time and fuck his brains out

2018-02-25 01:33:35 UTC


2018-02-25 01:34:10 UTC

if thats to me i uh

2018-02-25 01:34:27 UTC

Yeah do it

2018-02-25 01:34:30 UTC

cant change the fact my reproductive organs dont work like they should krelan

2018-02-25 01:34:32 UTC

Find true love

2018-02-25 01:34:51 UTC

No I meant the "fuck his brains out" quote.

2018-02-25 01:34:56 UTC


2018-02-25 01:34:59 UTC

That i find gross.

2018-02-25 01:34:59 UTC

Poor black and latino kids: ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

2018-02-25 01:35:40 UTC

the only time i have dessert is at a restaurant,

2018-02-25 01:35:46 UTC

Trini exactly, I knew that i really had nothing to complain about so i never threatened to call the police because my parents were actually decent

2018-02-25 01:35:53 UTC

granted we dont have a dining table and i eat at my bed but still

2018-02-25 01:36:10 UTC

Fucking hell songbird

2018-02-25 01:36:25 UTC

I'm sorry centrist but that is some weak ass parenting XD
Latinos and blacks get beat.

2018-02-25 01:36:33 UTC

i mean??

2018-02-25 01:36:36 UTC

You'd kill yourself if you lived in our households

2018-02-25 01:36:40 UTC

i havent had a dining table for like...

2018-02-25 01:36:44 UTC

over 10 years now

2018-02-25 01:36:51 UTC

so i forgot what its like

2018-02-25 01:36:56 UTC

i doubt im missing much

2018-02-25 01:37:21 UTC

I think it's like a desk you put a computer or laptop on... but it's like... bigger.

2018-02-25 01:37:39 UTC

Lmao same. We have a dining table but we don't give a fuck. We eat in our rooms.

2018-02-25 01:37:57 UTC

Though my mom always told me to not act that way in someone else's household

2018-02-25 01:37:59 UTC

Ahahaha, my best friend, girlfriend, my brothers ex, and most of my friends said that they'd kill themselves/start cutting/run away/fall into depression because apparently my parents are bullies and scary but i never understood that

2018-02-25 01:38:15 UTC


2018-02-25 01:38:16 UTC

probably got asked to do the dishes one time

2018-02-25 01:38:26 UTC

with my friends mom

2018-02-25 01:38:29 UTC

I mean no

2018-02-25 01:38:30 UTC

i can understand

2018-02-25 01:38:50 UTC

because like her mom is the type of mom to hit you for something like....

2018-02-25 01:39:03 UTC

not putting enough potatoes to boil for mashed potatoes

2018-02-25 01:39:16 UTC

It's more my parents screaming at me about how much of a fucking disappointment I am and how they wish they had a different son

2018-02-25 01:39:39 UTC

Or an abortion

2018-02-25 01:39:41 UTC

No, that's just worthy of some hardcore scolding with a voice so loud your ears will bleed because we latinos are loud

2018-02-25 01:40:07 UTC

Trini my parents are very loud and so am I, my raised voice sounds like someone shouting

2018-02-25 01:40:27 UTC

I bet my mom's side is louder

2018-02-25 01:40:36 UTC

My raised voice makes me sound like i'm about to cry.

2018-02-25 01:40:39 UTC

Why are we trying to outdo how much of an arseholes our parents are?

2018-02-25 01:40:44 UTC

i cant raise my voice

2018-02-25 01:40:58 UTC


2018-02-25 01:41:07 UTC

i spent so much of my childhood being silent that i think it effected my vocal chordss

2018-02-25 01:41:08 UTC

Actual quote from Trini there ^^

2018-02-25 01:41:25 UTC

so woohoo i guess

2018-02-25 01:41:37 UTC

My voice makes me sound like I'm yelling or shouting or screaming and on top of that I have a resting bitch face

2018-02-25 01:42:09 UTC


2018-02-25 01:42:14 UTC


2018-02-25 01:42:30 UTC

I would be going to a barbecue with my mom and I would be minding my own business listening to music and people will ask my mom "Hey.. is your daughter pissed off or something?" She'd be like "No that's just her face! XD"

2018-02-25 01:42:32 UTC

Doesn't help that I look kinda school shooty.

2018-02-25 01:42:43 UTC

I just look like I have a constant 'I told you so' face.

2018-02-25 01:42:54 UTC

Send nudes

2018-02-25 01:43:05 UTC

Don't take those

2018-02-25 01:43:07 UTC

All of you

2018-02-25 01:43:14 UTC


2018-02-25 01:43:25 UTC

Hang on, i need a microscope to find my dick, wait

2018-02-25 01:43:38 UTC

@Trini Dayana Rivera Even if you don't use your voice, you still sound edgy in text. I once debated with an asshole alt-righter and even in text form, he still gave me mental anguish. My issue is not the information he presented, it is the attitude he used.

2018-02-25 01:43:41 UTC


2018-02-25 01:43:47 UTC

Sorry, don't want the nsa to see my peen.

2018-02-25 01:44:00 UTC

Wtf How do I sound edgy?

2018-02-25 01:44:17 UTC

Wait Trini you don't sound screamy or shouty

2018-02-25 01:44:23 UTC

I don't know how to describe it.

2018-02-25 01:44:25 UTC

You sound like you're fucking 16

2018-02-25 01:44:45 UTC

i wonder how i sound like??

2018-02-25 01:44:46 UTC

Your voice is REALLY high pitched

2018-02-25 01:44:48 UTC

Because itโ€™s always the weeb who ends up shooting the school

2018-02-25 01:44:49 UTC

do i sound stupid

2018-02-25 01:44:51 UTC


2018-02-25 01:45:03 UTC

One day we may know

2018-02-25 01:45:07 UTC

I probably sound pretentious.

2018-02-25 01:45:29 UTC

I sound like a condescending jackass.... because I am

2018-02-25 01:45:30 UTC


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