
Discord ID: 678530619621507073

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2020-02-17 21:01:01 UTC

Having citizenship in American and being American are two different things.

2020-02-17 21:01:24 UTC


2020-02-17 21:01:48 UTC

That implies we have one ethnicity that makes up the overwhelming majority of our population, which we do not.

2020-02-17 21:02:07 UTC

Take into consideration the sheer geographical size of America.

there are some differences based on race but they donโ€™t fuckin matter

2020-02-17 21:02:49 UTC

the fuck are you on about with ethnicity

2020-02-17 21:03:06 UTC

either youre a US national, or you aren't thats all there is to it

2020-02-17 21:03:16 UTC

Iโ€™ll be fair, you can consider โ€˜Americanโ€™ to be an ethnicity - but only if your list is based on a very small handful of countries and continents.

2020-02-17 21:03:24 UTC

ethnic group?

2020-02-17 21:03:27 UTC

its a nationality

The argument seems to be that texas has a different main ethnicity than california

2020-02-17 21:03:40 UTC


2020-02-17 21:03:43 UTC


2020-02-17 21:03:49 UTC


2020-02-17 21:04:03 UTC

Not even debatable.

2020-02-17 21:04:20 UTC

2020-02-17 21:04:26 UTC

the US lacks cultural homogeny to have an overarching ethicity

honestly Iโ€™m not sure on that one. There are big similarities and big differences

2020-02-17 21:04:41 UTC

So it doesn't matter what your background is at all? You just need American papers and everything is just fine and you're an American no problemo

2020-02-17 21:04:47 UTC

Itโ€™s a bitch to pull up statistics on mobile, but check the demographic makeup of each state. Theyโ€™re profound.

2020-02-17 21:04:54 UTC

@Ares it is by law.

america does have an overarching culture

Can an ethnicity have sub-ethnicities?

2020-02-17 21:05:24 UTC

And slavery was legal by law 150 years ago. Doesn't make it correct


2020-02-17 21:05:44 UTC

Doesn't make it incorrect either.

2020-02-17 21:05:59 UTC

Yeah, and not correct either

2020-02-17 21:06:04 UTC

So what's your point

you have now proven that law does not dictate morality

well done

2020-02-17 21:06:34 UTC

If Trump decided tomorrow to pull strings and get me citizenship, that wouldn't make me an American

this is progress

2020-02-17 21:06:41 UTC

By law being an American is simply a document that you have. This is proof of citizenship.

2020-02-17 21:06:44 UTC

slavery gives people purpose

2020-02-17 21:06:56 UTC

ofc not

2020-02-17 21:07:13 UTC

being American means you must approve of personally-owned battle cannons

2020-02-17 21:07:15 UTC

if you cant do that

2020-02-17 21:07:16 UTC


2020-02-17 21:07:25 UTC

I approve of that : D

i do not approve of that

2020-02-17 21:07:37 UTC

then kys

no fuck off cunt

2020-02-17 21:07:46 UTC


2020-02-17 21:07:48 UTC

That is literally part of how I define it.


2020-02-17 21:07:55 UTC



2020-02-17 21:08:05 UTC


2020-02-17 21:08:10 UTC

I even agree with American laws, 1A, 2A, etc. But I'm not an American. It's not just an ideology or a set of papers

i already called you a cunt

2020-02-17 21:08:16 UTC


2020-02-17 21:08:17 UTC


2020-02-17 21:08:28 UTC

@Ares it literally is.

2020-02-17 21:08:30 UTC

only nerds call others nerds

2020-02-17 21:08:31 UTC


2020-02-17 21:08:44 UTC

no1 uses geek anymore

2020-02-17 21:08:47 UTC


2020-02-17 21:08:48 UTC

But right now it's just papers.

2020-02-17 21:08:52 UTC



2020-02-17 21:08:54 UTC

Which is the problem

2020-02-17 21:08:54 UTC

Okay so there's the core of the issue

2020-02-17 21:08:58 UTC

you admitted to being a nobody

2020-02-17 21:09:16 UTC

You believe that nationality is what makes a person of a place

2020-02-17 21:09:29 UTC

modern Brits are fags

2020-02-17 21:09:33 UTC

Conformity is/should be required.

2020-02-17 21:09:33 UTC

they can stay in their island

@Coolitic **draws sword**

2020-02-17 21:09:54 UTC

until the Boris-wave changes them back into chads, we should close borders with Britain

2020-02-17 21:09:59 UTC


No fuckin tea for you cunt

2020-02-17 21:10:19 UTC

I get my tea from the asians

2020-02-17 21:10:22 UTC

so get fucked

oh wait thatโ€™s right you canโ€™t make the stuff for shit

2020-02-17 21:10:53 UTC

Conformity to what, though? If you have the papers what else matters?

2020-02-17 21:10:54 UTC

Imagine thinking real Americans drink tea instead of coffee.

the most successful revolution in history was also the most unnecessary

2020-02-17 21:11:02 UTC

I feel like there are far more actual racists in Europe than in the US

2020-02-17 21:11:07 UTC

but somehow, the US gets all the flak

2020-02-17 21:11:16 UTC

It's a shame what the Brits did to themselves, honestly.

2020-02-17 21:11:34 UTC

@Ares by law nothing. By what I think we should do, American identity.

2020-02-17 21:11:40 UTC

If you just have the papers showing you're an American, then according to you you're an American. Is there nothing else required? If so, then what is it?

2020-02-17 21:11:56 UTC

And what is American Identity?

*taxes tea*

2020-02-17 21:11:57 UTC

that's different

2020-02-17 21:12:05 UTC

American identity is freedom

2020-02-17 21:12:06 UTC

I'm saying reality VS ideal

2020-02-17 21:12:08 UTC

trademark registered

2020-02-17 21:12:09 UTC


in the end taxes are the greatest motivator

2020-02-17 21:12:24 UTC

It was the *idea* behind the tea, not the tea itself.

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