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2019-11-17 16:17:26 UTC

It's not often I think Rose McGowan has something worth listening to, but this sounds about right...

2019-11-17 20:00:21 UTC

The knives are out for Nick

2019-11-17 20:01:27 UTC

2019-11-17 20:13:06 UTC

2019-11-17 20:47:23 UTC

lol. i had no idea there was a new charlie's angels reboot

2019-11-17 20:48:23 UTC

<:kekboi:417880491182653450> "you just don't go see women do action movies"

2019-11-17 20:48:25 UTC


2019-11-17 21:19:56 UTC

And more importantly, neither do women

2019-11-17 23:30:14 UTC

wish someone would end it all

2019-11-18 03:30:41 UTC

>18 year old football player at University of Toledo
>He kills himself December 2018
>parents raise $23K for funeral on gofundme
>at funeral their son's high school football coach is called a "bully" and told by parents to leave
>Catholic priest delivers homily that warns against the sin of suicide.
>"Please stop father!" parents beg during homily, but priest completes his message anyhow.
>Coach tweets that parents kicked him out and were unfairly blaming him for their son's problems.
>Irate parents demand that coach get fired - coach is fired.
>Then parents demand that priest also get fired -
>โ€œHe basically called our son a sinner, instead of rejoicing in his life,โ€ mom says. โ€œIf you canโ€™t count on a priest to have compassion in such a situation, who can you count on? He doesnโ€™t have the right to be a priest anymore.โ€
>"He wondered if he had repented enough to make it to heaven. He said 'suicide' upwards of six times," says dad.
>However, Church only demotes the the priest, and just issues an apology.
>Parents are not satisfied: They now file lawsuit against Archdioceses of Detroit for emotional distress based on priest's sermon at funeral that suggested their son was a "sinner" and the he might not make it to heaven.
>Mother later tried to speak with the bishop, he allegedly โ€œscolded her that she needed to โ€˜let it go,โ€™ โ€
>Attorneys at Charles E. Boyk Law Offices stated: โ€œAt a time of tragedy, the Hullibarger family turned to their church for peace and comfort but instead, Father LaCuestaโ€™s actions caused them irreparable harm and pain.โ€
>For centuries, suicide was considered an unforgivable sin by Catholic leaders, who denied funeral masses and Catholic burials in such cases
>the church recently softened its position and now finds that suicide can be forgiven if it was occasioned by extreme stress...

2019-11-18 03:32:14 UTC

Catholics giving more ground

2019-11-18 03:32:22 UTC

The parents are dipshits honestly

2019-11-18 03:32:33 UTC

Yeah donโ€™t bring your son to a fucking Catholic

2019-11-18 03:32:38 UTC

You know what they believe

2019-11-18 03:45:22 UTC

these parents should be ashamed of themselves

2019-11-18 03:45:34 UTC

weird family

2019-11-18 03:53:40 UTC

yea man lol wrong pick trad cath = no kys

2019-11-18 05:47:07 UTC

must be wypipo's fault

2019-11-18 05:48:02 UTC

it is

2019-11-18 05:48:36 UTC

who do you think runs college admissions and has college tuition costing an arm and a leg ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-11-18 16:48:00 UTC

Second article on the Malkin firing

2019-11-18 16:48:06 UTC

man those comments tell you all you need to know

2019-11-18 16:48:21 UTC

the only people cheering are Democrats happy to watch the Right-Wing civil war

2019-11-18 16:48:47 UTC

While they COMPLETELY ignore the Left-Wing civil war that is far more destructive....

2019-11-18 16:50:24 UTC

Washington Examiner has an article too. i just found it while googling 'YAF'

2019-11-18 16:50:38 UTC

i didn't realize it was a 50 y/o organization

2019-11-18 16:55:26 UTC

I had never heard of it before today

2019-11-18 16:56:43 UTC

i looked it up because i've seen ben shapiro speak at multiple YAF events, i thought maybe it was "his" org.

2019-11-18 17:01:08 UTC

It belongs to (((them))) Im sure. Nick is targeting all the college youth orgs. Good, these guys are the most effective gatekeepers. Scooping up and indoctrinating the youth at their most vulnerable time. Nick is going to have a SHIT TON of pressure and media attacks this week. I really hope I am wrong and he is ready for it

2019-11-18 18:07:49 UTC

Cuck cuck cuck cuck b-GUCK!

2019-11-18 18:08:03 UTC


2019-11-18 18:08:59 UTC

pussy cucks

2019-11-18 19:04:18 UTC

well fuck them off to popeyes

2019-11-18 19:04:22 UTC


2019-11-18 19:07:40 UTC


2019-11-18 19:28:22 UTC


2019-11-18 23:38:59 UTC

(((YouTube))) is fucked

2019-11-18 23:44:46 UTC

Good vid on the subject

2019-11-18 23:45:30 UTC

TL;DR Youtube violated Federal Law. Youtube is now pushing that legal responsibility onto the CONTENT MAKERS

2019-11-18 23:45:41 UTC

These fucks need to be taken down

2019-11-18 23:46:51 UTC

Bitchute NEEDS to jump on this and capitalize

2019-11-18 23:47:05 UTC

because they dont collect this data your toy vids are safe there

2019-11-18 23:47:06 UTC

for real

2019-11-18 23:47:58 UTC

although the optics on that might be bad

2019-11-18 23:48:13 UTC

toy vids side by side with nazi shit and infowars shit <:hemroyKek:580455398683705345>

2019-11-18 23:49:45 UTC

hehe, yeah. A man can dream

2019-11-18 23:50:03 UTC

No worse than what Youtube has/had

2019-11-18 23:50:35 UTC

i.e. child bondage videos

2019-11-18 23:50:43 UTC

in the kids app

2019-11-18 23:55:06 UTC

Nazism>Desmond is Amazing

2019-11-19 00:41:04 UTC

20 is still too much

2019-11-19 00:45:14 UTC

The refugees find out they actually need a skill set and a understanding of one of the hardest languages to learn to get in.

2019-11-19 00:46:24 UTC

Suprisingly if you challenge the country shoppers on their understanding of the country they want free stuff from they come out empty handed.

2019-11-19 01:10:03 UTC

A very old story. Imagine feds infiltrating your land and killing your family.

2019-11-19 01:13:59 UTC

btw same sniper worked wacko texas too

2019-11-19 01:14:09 UTC


2019-11-19 03:22:06 UTC

2019-11-19 03:22:23 UTC

*routine emergency surgery*

2019-11-19 03:22:35 UTC

<:steflol:561214382181318656> <:steflol:561214382181318656> <:steflol:561214382181318656> <:steflol:561214382181318656> <:steflol:561214382181318656> <:steflol:561214382181318656>

2019-11-19 04:31:40 UTC

Man, talk about some doublespeak

2019-11-19 04:39:47 UTC

die already, bitch!

2019-11-19 04:55:34 UTC

if Trump gets 4 more years and she makes it through all of them... lol

2019-11-19 04:55:41 UTC


2019-11-19 04:56:10 UTC

they have the immortal formula

2019-11-19 04:56:16 UTC

she will outlive

2019-11-19 04:56:44 UTC

I don't like to wish for other people's deaths tbh, but it's hard to feel sympathy for someone who has done and will continue to do so much damage.

2019-11-19 04:58:17 UTC


2019-11-19 05:01:50 UTC


2019-11-19 14:51:17 UTC

i thought they did that already?

2019-11-19 15:12:49 UTC

same here

2019-11-19 15:15:00 UTC

they'd re-opened it... was previously suspended, not dropped, but most dumb media outlets reported suspension as dropped.

2019-11-19 15:15:13 UTC

We'll tolerate you so long as you're not a Christian...

2019-11-19 19:27:12 UTC

@Jabba's Soapbox They dropped it shortly after the UN report about the whole thing

2019-11-19 19:29:16 UTC

Don't worry goy, we finally stopped the investigation, once it came out in public view how politically motivated it was, and after the man was practically in house arrest for however many years.

2019-11-19 19:30:44 UTC

British media therefore lied... imagine my shock - but he's still currently in maximum security for jumping bail, and now awaiting extradition request from USA.

2019-11-19 19:31:25 UTC

Oh I'm sure there's no way they would have cancelled the investigation against Assange if there was still a need from it

2019-11-19 19:31:40 UTC

But like you say, the UK has it covered now, until daddy US can put him in Guatanamo or some shit

2019-11-19 19:31:59 UTC

In the US if the case is dismissed you get released even if you skipped out on the original case....

2019-11-19 19:32:00 UTC

"muh russian hacking the US election" narrative hinges big time on assange never being able to testify in a court of law

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