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2019-10-27 14:16:50 UTC

@VukHR the update servers are overloaded <:impotentrage:552803856535257090>

2019-10-27 14:16:59 UTC

What you mean Angry?

2019-10-27 14:17:05 UTC

"a hot domestic terrorist"

2019-10-27 14:17:13 UTC

eft update is up but everyone is trying to download so it isnt up

2019-10-27 14:17:17 UTC

made me happy

2019-10-27 14:17:19 UTC

I want one of these.

2019-10-27 14:17:33 UTC

is that a gun based printer?

2019-10-27 14:17:39 UTC

resin is so much better

2019-10-27 14:17:48 UTC

It's a tiny CNC machine. Just big enough for AR lowers.

2019-10-27 14:17:54 UTC


2019-10-27 14:18:00 UTC

ye i do some snc

2019-10-27 14:18:03 UTC


2019-10-27 14:18:09 UTC

but on big machines

2019-10-27 14:18:25 UTC

I have seend lowers and uppers printed but there are still so many parts that need to be made from stronger materials.

2019-10-27 14:18:31 UTC


2019-10-27 14:18:38 UTC

u can get metal printers

2019-10-27 14:18:46 UTC

but they are expensive

2019-10-27 14:18:48 UTC

2019-10-27 14:18:52 UTC


2019-10-27 14:19:15 UTC

cnc machines work well or laser cutters for making the metal parts

2019-10-27 14:19:33 UTC

@Trommm Those are 80% lowers. I can drill the holes in my garage, no need for 500$ printer, lol.

2019-10-27 14:19:56 UTC

here is a missile piece i was milling it's super sharp <:basedmama:396156349676781569>

2019-10-27 14:20:06 UTC

just need something that can shoot this now

2019-10-27 14:20:11 UTC

@ALternativeToLife It is really delicate work to mill a bolt carrier for an AR.

2019-10-27 14:20:35 UTC

>be me

2019-10-27 14:20:40 UTC

@VukHR You could use this small CNC machine for anything, it just comes with programs for 80% lowers.

Also this machine would allow you to make a lot more than just a drill press would.

Drill presses will wear out faster, and be too tedious to do very many.

2019-10-27 14:20:50 UTC

>make weapons in school while all the kids are doing heir work

2019-10-27 14:21:04 UTC

it was funny

2019-10-27 14:21:12 UTC

i went around stabbing ppl in the ass with this

2019-10-27 14:21:13 UTC

Even if you would get it correct the tolerances are so tight that it would most likely be jamming.

2019-10-27 14:21:14 UTC

not too hard

2019-10-27 14:21:26 UTC

cause it was so sharp it could pierce very easily

2019-10-27 14:21:40 UTC


2019-10-27 14:21:41 UTC

@Trommm Yeah, this 3D gun printing thing is just a pipe dream. It sounds so easy when in reality it is not.

2019-10-27 14:21:52 UTC

im looking up the dimensions for the side grips on the 1911

2019-10-27 14:22:02 UTC

i will makse some if i can find these

2019-10-27 14:22:03 UTC

If you compare that with the other methods.

2019-10-27 14:22:20 UTC

imagine how sick you have to be to ask why you don't want your genes to go extinct

2019-10-27 14:22:20 UTC

3D printing is great for prototyping. And could even be good for some gun parts. But CNC will subtractive will always be better for something things.

2019-10-27 14:22:25 UTC

@ALternativeToLife Based, I have Sig 1911, not sure if they have different dimensions, I'll DM you the measurements tonight.

2019-10-27 14:22:41 UTC

@Trommm Absolutely.

2019-10-27 14:22:58 UTC

There's one company that combined a 3D printer with a CNC machine, so it can add and subtract as needed. That seems like the direction things will go eventually.

2019-10-27 14:23:48 UTC

Yeah, I can see the technology speeding up and streamlining production processes in the firearms industry.

2019-10-27 14:24:26 UTC

i can already make guns in my college all the machinery is there

2019-10-27 14:24:40 UTC

i can hand make springs also

2019-10-27 14:24:44 UTC

it's not too hard

2019-10-27 14:25:02 UTC

Oh yeah, well it is not hard to make a firing gun. It is always just a question of complexity.

2019-10-27 14:25:12 UTC

That is crazy, no idea how they make the springs usually?

2019-10-27 14:25:12 UTC


2019-10-27 14:25:15 UTC

Turning steel?

2019-10-27 14:25:28 UTC

AL needs to become master of this craft

2019-10-27 14:25:31 UTC


2019-10-27 14:25:38 UTC

just turn it over a pipe

2019-10-27 14:26:24 UTC

In the 90s when the war started the (((UN))) employed a weapon embargo so the Croatian military could not get firearms into the country.

2019-10-27 14:26:34 UTC

A lot of people made homemade weaponry.

2019-10-27 14:26:40 UTC

drill hole in pipe of desired spring size and stick steel rod in hole then twist the steel rod around the pipe

2019-10-27 14:26:58 UTC

@VukHR Liberators are pretty easy to make. Same idea, single shot, easy for untraceable self-defence.

2019-10-27 14:27:31 UTC

@Weaboo Kempeitai Liberators are a big larp.

2019-10-27 14:27:32 UTC

lol, this guy doesn't know you're gonna become brazil

2019-10-27 14:28:07 UTC


2019-10-27 14:28:14 UTC

I think the general problem is to get ammunition and not the weapons for self defence for people who live in restrictive countries.

2019-10-27 14:28:16 UTC

i think i might do this full time

2019-10-27 14:28:26 UTC

just 3D print grips etc,

2019-10-27 14:28:30 UTC

looks like fun tbh

2019-10-27 14:29:02 UTC

and as far as i can see no one else is making custom grips at least not cheaply

2019-10-27 14:29:08 UTC

@VukHR Not really, they're cheap, easy to make, just extremely inaccurate, and single-shot. That's not the point. They're essentially a modern rendition of the Liberators of WW2. They serve the same purpose.

2019-10-27 14:29:14 UTC

This is just one company combining additive and subtractive. I want a desktop version.

2019-10-27 14:29:24 UTC

The people who source illegal firearms in restrictive countries are those who have connections to the various organized crime gangs who just smuggle guns from eastern europe in the west.

2019-10-27 14:29:41 UTC

@Weaboo Kempeitai That is why this thing is LARPing.

2019-10-27 14:30:01 UTC

2019-10-27 14:30:01 UTC

>innacurate >single shot

2019-10-27 14:30:08 UTC

i can ezily make grips like this

2019-10-27 14:30:39 UTC

I'll send you measurements from my model.

2019-10-27 14:30:50 UTC

I don't think you understand the point of the Liberator. During WW2, the Liberator served as a form of psychological warfare.

2019-10-27 14:30:52 UTC

I do not think those airsoft replicas are true.

2019-10-27 14:31:08 UTC

something like this, would require injection molds, but maybe it is possible with resin printers, i hope so

2019-10-27 14:31:10 UTC

@Weaboo Kempeitai I do, I know exactly what they were employed for.

2019-10-27 14:31:23 UTC

The problem is you have no idea about armed self defence.

2019-10-27 14:31:26 UTC


2019-10-27 14:31:40 UTC

It wasn't a good gun, but it was something. The Liberator is totally untraceable, and can be made by anyone with a 3D printer. Just because it's a shit gun dosen't make it useless.

2019-10-27 14:31:55 UTC

It is not useful that is the point.

2019-10-27 14:31:59 UTC

It is.

2019-10-27 14:32:11 UTC

>Buy nerf guns
>replace darts with bullets
>instant reliable killing machine
why are you guys so fucking stupid? Just do this

2019-10-27 14:32:22 UTC


2019-10-27 14:32:26 UTC

u forgot

2019-10-27 14:32:36 UTC

put pins on head of nerf bullets

2019-10-27 14:32:46 UTC

pew pew

2019-10-27 14:32:47 UTC

How is it useful?

2019-10-27 14:33:22 UTC

if it kills at range it has use ngl

2019-10-27 14:33:27 UTC

Single shot, no ammunition, need a 3d printer, no idea if it will blow up in your hand, etc etc

2019-10-27 14:33:34 UTC

There are a million reasons why this thing is shit.

2019-10-27 14:33:41 UTC

even if it's garbage

2019-10-27 14:33:49 UTC

If you are really concerned about your safety you would go for something else, that is why this thing is peak LARP.

2019-10-27 14:33:50 UTC

Same reason why the WW2 Liberator was useful.

2019-10-27 14:33:54 UTC

2019-10-27 14:34:23 UTC

We were talking about modern day rendition for self defence, not the WW2 adaption which was a pure fail.

2019-10-27 14:34:33 UTC

It wasn't tho

2019-10-27 14:34:53 UTC

Lets stay at the original topic.

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