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2019-04-11 21:24:17 UTC

Anybody reading/read wheel of time?

2019-04-12 03:09:13 UTC

Never got into them

2019-04-12 03:12:02 UTC

I'm liking it

2019-04-12 03:12:05 UTC

on book 5

2019-04-12 03:12:25 UTC

I mean there's some annoying shit in it but it's not bad

2019-04-12 03:12:33 UTC

literary tics I guess

2019-04-12 03:12:33 UTC

Anybody here big into Chesterton, Lewis, Tolkein, or Church Fathers? Those guys are my go to reading these days?

2019-04-12 03:12:41 UTC

I'm reading Turtledove

2019-04-12 03:12:51 UTC

i have guns of the south

2019-04-12 03:12:51 UTC

My God he can't write sci-fi for shit

2019-04-12 03:12:58 UTC

been meaning to read it

2019-04-12 03:13:07 UTC

It's good

2019-04-12 03:13:15 UTC

i bought it just for the cover

2019-04-12 03:13:18 UTC


2019-04-12 03:13:23 UTC

Read the Southern Victory series

2019-04-12 03:13:29 UTC

Which is 5 books

2019-04-12 03:13:34 UTC

Who is this?

2019-04-12 03:13:45 UTC


2019-04-12 03:13:51 UTC

Harry Turtledove

2019-04-12 03:13:56 UTC


2019-04-12 03:15:19 UTC

@Quarantine_Zone I'm reading orthodoxy every now and then

2019-04-12 03:16:42 UTC

I (should be) am reading the 7 Ecumenical Councils

2019-04-12 03:16:51 UTC

It's a very detailed and dry book

2019-04-12 03:17:07 UTC

I'm slowly working through Orthodoxy

2019-04-12 03:17:17 UTC

I want to read "Heretics" next

2019-04-12 03:17:27 UTC

I never read Chesterton

2019-04-12 03:17:31 UTC

Then I'm going to move onto Tolkein and Lewis

2019-04-12 03:17:42 UTC

I have read Lewis

2019-04-12 03:17:47 UTC

He's essential to understanding Lewis and Tolkein on a deeper level

2019-04-12 03:17:55 UTC

Lewis is excellent

2019-04-12 03:18:12 UTC

And astoundingly eccumenical without compromising his Anglican beliefs

2019-04-12 03:18:12 UTC

>tfw have 65+ books

2019-04-12 03:18:31 UTC

He has an Eastern view of Sin

2019-04-12 03:18:35 UTC

In unread pile

2019-04-12 03:19:55 UTC

Not sure that is viewable to you guys or not. That's my book list rn

2019-04-12 03:20:30 UTC

I'll check it out on my PC

2019-04-12 03:20:58 UTC

Underlined books are unread or in progress. Books not underlined are books I've finished in the past year

2019-04-12 03:21:22 UTC

I should add my pile

2019-04-12 03:21:48 UTC

It's 65+ books of history
Military theory/history/memoir
And sci fi

2019-04-12 03:22:57 UTC

Should be able to view now

2019-04-12 03:23:04 UTC

I assume that was you that requested access

2019-04-12 03:23:39 UTC

It's connected to my school email which is weird sometimes when sharing Google docs

2019-04-12 03:26:48 UTC

I'm going to copy and paste to a different account and reshare

2019-04-12 03:27:31 UTC

@Arkona 92 If you want a really cool East book. Pratum Spirituale by Moschos is excellent

2019-04-12 03:28:46 UTC

John Wortley's edition is exceedingly thorough on footnotes too to explain context, translation choice, and manuscript choice.

2019-04-12 03:29:27 UTC

Moschos trained Patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem who was very important for the 5th council.

2019-04-12 06:06:02 UTC

Chesterton is peak just by virtue of how fun he is to read, idk what it is about his style but it just makes me smile

2019-04-12 06:07:29 UTC

I enjoyed Orthodoxy a lot, been a long time since I've read consistently so I don't remember most of it, but it's one of those books where I know it influenced my thinking a lot even if I can't name the specifics anymore

2019-04-12 10:47:24 UTC

@Quarantine_Zone it was me that requested access.
When I get off work, I'll compile a Google docs of all my unread, currently reading and what I want (if I have time for that)

2019-04-12 10:49:26 UTC

The only time I got exposed to Chesterton was in HS when a girl did "Man who was Thursday" and made the whole class read excerpts of it

2019-04-12 10:49:44 UTC

In that class, I made people turn away from Lord of the Flies

2019-04-12 11:01:36 UTC

I recently saw a production of The Surprise by a local theatre group.

2019-04-12 11:01:41 UTC

Was very good.

2019-04-14 04:49:38 UTC

Definitely recommend Chesterton, especially to Catholics (who he was writing for in the first place). Man had a way with words, especially in his theological work.

2019-04-14 05:45:23 UTC

Finished butchers crossing by john williams

2019-04-14 05:45:29 UTC

So damn good

2019-04-15 01:27:17 UTC

I'm especially involved in egalitarianism vs complimentarianism, so I just ordered "Women in the Church" by Andreas Korstenberger and other complimentarian theologians. Andreas in particular is great at responding to egalitarians so I recommend his stuff

2019-04-15 01:57:39 UTC

Prots should really get behind complimentarianism more, it's really frustrating seeing the woman heritics creeping in when the roles they exploit shouldn't even be open to them...

2019-04-15 02:20:05 UTC


2019-04-15 02:34:50 UTC

I mean, primarily yeah, but also I don't like minimizing the importance of the wife's support role. A lot to be said about a Godly, supportive wife who can mother your kids while you're off working and fighting the good fight.

2019-04-15 02:44:10 UTC

Patriarchy doesn't minimize the wife's role. It simply organizes the economy of marriage properly

2019-04-15 03:14:44 UTC

Yeah, man is definitely the head either way

2019-04-15 03:15:57 UTC

I finally got around to writing my book list

2019-04-15 03:16:07 UTC

I'll post it either tonight or tomorrow after work

2019-04-15 03:16:11 UTC

It's huge

2019-04-15 03:16:16 UTC

91 books

2019-04-15 03:58:53 UTC

Complimentarianism is a broader term for generally male headshep and women support in family and/or church. Patriarchy is the most sensible, consistent, and effective form

2019-04-15 03:59:25 UTC

And definitely @SMV, unfortunately even our conservative denominations have been cucked into egalitarianism

2019-04-15 03:59:39 UTC

My Bible college being a perfect example

2019-04-15 04:11:06 UTC

Egalitarianism is cancer, and such a hard one to train out. It took some serious butting of heads with my girlfriend to get her to understand how genuinely important headship is, it's so engrained into our culture people just don't question it. It's almost akin to suggesting the return of slavery in a lot of respects to the average joe.

2019-04-15 05:34:16 UTC

Good on you for working on that one.

2019-04-15 11:51:22 UTC

Big oath. Im in Pentecostal circles so the air of hostility towards complimentarianism is VERY thick, even in the very conservative sections. I'm almost totally alone in my views but hope to get them out as I trek through academia (studying theology). Hope to do some talks and release books on the subject.

2019-04-15 12:16:54 UTC

@SUPER MALE VITALITYโ„ข As a matter of useful information for the rest of us, how did you do It?

2019-04-15 12:25:32 UTC

Mostly just a matter of being comfortable speaking my mind, and confronting the emotional fallout it can cause. It used to upset her a lot how anti-egalitarian I am, but over the years I've held firm and let her challenge me on things that haven't sat right with her, and I've sat her down and worked out the reasoning for everything in terms she can understand. Ultimately she's still not as on board as I'd wish, but she now affirms the same views on gender roles and male headship in general terms the same mind. A lot of it is just deprogramming so basic concepts stop sounding radical, once you can divest the emotional gut feeling from the actual ideas it's a lot easier to show how much better things are the right way.

2019-04-15 12:35:02 UTC

Perfect way lad, thats exactly how tou change a mind

2019-04-15 16:39:40 UTC

@Based Chav I redpilled my GF from weak complementarianism patriarchy. We went through scripture on the subject and discussed views in the church fathers. I think the biggest thing though was just showing how horrible egalitarianism was for society and the church. It came naturally with other redpills. I recently started redpilling her on the exaggeration and misrepresentation of the holohoax. These days she sees through most of the propaganda put out pretty easily.

2019-04-16 00:13:45 UTC
Here's my book list, if anyone of you is interested (or not)

2019-04-18 10:30:14 UTC

I requested access to see your book list, my email starts with duded, you should see a notification

2019-04-18 12:58:04 UTC

@The Other Paul you should be able to see it now

2019-04-18 20:20:01 UTC

Siq got the invite

2019-04-18 20:21:16 UTC

But OOOO BB my big order just arrived

2019-04-18 20:21:26 UTC

2019-04-18 20:23:03 UTC

If you wanna learn about the Dominionist theological movement with some Reformed material therein, or you just wanna bash antinomianists, get these 800+ page tome

2019-04-18 20:23:17 UTC

*get this

2019-04-18 22:00:12 UTC

I've got more tomes in my backlog and it keeps on growing and growing

2019-04-18 22:00:35 UTC

Problem is that I can only get like 50 or so per year and actually have to read and finish it

2019-04-18 22:14:13 UTC

Idk who requested view of my doc, but I just made a public one

2019-04-18 22:15:36 UTC

When was it?

2019-04-19 00:08:23 UTC

6 PM today

2019-04-19 00:08:43 UTC

That one there is the new one for public access

2019-04-19 01:22:37 UTC

I see

2019-04-23 16:49:47 UTC

I recommend to all of you Monsignor's Alfred Gilbey's *We Believe*. He was the longest serving Catholic chaplain in Cambridge University (1932 - 1965), until he left during the Second Vatican Council after refusing to admit females to the chaplaincy. He celebrated exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass until his death in 1998, and continued to oppose allowing female entry into university throughout his entire life.

2019-04-23 16:50:35 UTC

Monsignor Gilbey boasted a 100% conversion rate for any Protestant student at Cambridge who read his book.

2019-04-23 22:26:08 UTC

Oh shit. This actually sounds really good. Thanks man

2019-04-23 23:12:18 UTC

I still have to read Peter Gillquist's *Becoming Orthodox* after it was recommended to me

2019-04-28 10:43:33 UTC

Okay, another book from another extraordinary Victorian priest in London.

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