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2018-02-18 03:01:22 UTC

I have never seen one of his videos... but that sounds horrible

2018-02-18 04:13:42 UTC

i don't regret defending him during the Reza Aslann situation, but he's dismissive of conservative arugements at times

2018-02-18 04:14:34 UTC

"Communism is a right wing perversion of socialism" - David Pakman

2018-02-18 04:14:47 UTC


2018-02-18 04:15:16 UTC

everything bad is right, everything good is left, now give the nice "moderate" your cash

2018-02-18 04:17:33 UTC

I'm progressionism and that's good. Conservatives are bad news for all of us

2018-02-18 04:18:13 UTC

How dare people like things I dont like, amirite comrade?

2018-02-18 04:18:29 UTC

To the gulags with you!

2018-02-18 04:20:00 UTC

david pakman misquotes are the only redeeming factor, and it doesnt redeem much of anything really

2018-02-18 04:26:58 UTC

On a serious note, conservatism is just the worst name for people to have used...

2018-02-18 04:27:16 UTC

how do you figure?

2018-02-18 04:29:55 UTC

because it is defined withholding something, where is liberalism, is freeing something, progressivism, to advance something. A freeing or advancing expressions is normally seen as better than a constrictive expression.

2018-02-18 04:30:23 UTC

how would you redefine holding to current or traditional values?

2018-02-18 04:31:30 UTC

or rather what term would you use for it, because redefine implies a change in composition rather than label

2018-02-18 04:31:49 UTC

I would never describe it that way, it is not about holding but creating the vision of our forefathers.

2018-02-18 04:32:16 UTC

thats a bit of a semantic nitpick isnt it?

2018-02-18 04:32:57 UTC

and I dont see Liberalism as the counter to Conservatism in the original sense, just in the modern corruption of the terms

2018-02-18 04:33:26 UTC

where Liberal now just means leftist, and what was Liberal now falls under the wide Libertarian umbrella

2018-02-18 04:33:39 UTC

but when you get down to it most classical liberals and conservatives fall down to semantics. dave rubin with anyone kinda proves this

2018-02-18 04:36:59 UTC

I've always thought of progressive/conservative as a different discussion to classical liberal vs leftist/socialist

2018-02-18 04:37:45 UTC

so maybe that's why I'm not seeing much of an issue

2018-02-18 04:44:59 UTC

so the question will really be now that Classical liberal possibly might shift into liberalist, will it have a defined effect on those who identify themselves by those titles. while the Strong forceful name of Liberalist be change them or will they still be seen as the old guard of the past

2018-02-18 04:45:17 UTC

liberalist is just a meme movement

2018-02-18 04:45:43 UTC

I dont really see it going anywhere but I dont mind that people are getting more politically active

2018-02-18 04:45:44 UTC

So was Republican, we can never tell when things start if it will change the world.

2018-02-19 14:27:01 UTC

The State of Delaware is allowing anyone to identify as any gender or race...?

`7.4 All students enrolled in a Delaware public school may self-identify gender or race which is maintained in eSchoolPLUS.`

2018-02-19 15:52:12 UTC

Step 1. Everyone identifies as a genderfluid person of colour
Step 2. Everyone acts like the biggest "privileged shitlord" they can
Step 3. When called out as "fakes", each shitlord must point out that race is a "social construct", so there are no inherent "white" traits and that their accuser is a racist
Won't change much, but it would be funny to watch people squirm over it

2018-02-19 15:53:36 UTC

i would tick ALL the boxes.

2018-02-19 16:07:02 UTC

You madman

2018-02-19 16:12:01 UTC

have you just assumed that i have a gender? ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-02-19 16:12:49 UTC

well... i would have ALL the genders ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-02-21 19:48:25 UTC

this forced integration program should be scrapped entirely but at least it's being delayed

2018-02-21 20:40:19 UTC

Leaked Audio of NRA Shill Matt 'Christian-values'

2018-02-23 14:26:42 UTC

"No true Scotsman fallacy: Well obviously, HE wasn't a good enough guy, so we need more."
Well obviously since **this** armed individual did nothing useful, none of them would, *right?!* ๐Ÿคฆ

2018-02-23 14:28:46 UTC

"Heroes are celebrated for a reason. They are the exception to the rule not the norm. You can't expect a hero in every bad situation. That really seems to be what people expect anymore and that's just not how real life happens. **There will not always be a hero no matter how many guns are handed out.**"

AND THERE WILL DEFINITELY BE ZERO FUCKING HEROES IN GUN FREE ZONES, YOU MORON. He's arguing as if the NRA believes arming teachers would eliminate school shootings overnight 100%. It would ***help***, people would be ***safer*** for fuck sake.

2018-02-23 16:00:45 UTC


2018-02-23 16:02:08 UTC

"We need to do **anything** to make people safer"
"How about having people be armed and trained to deal with spree killers?"
"No, not that thing"

2018-02-23 16:23:37 UTC

How can these people not realize that the 'good guy with a gun' bit doesn't include cops, because cops are the ones people die waiting for.

2018-02-23 16:32:43 UTC

Because they don't do the math

2018-02-23 16:33:22 UTC

t- guy who lives in a country where even blatant self defense can be considered illegal

2018-02-25 02:44:25 UTC

please sub to Sinatra 3rd channel, help him to get that 1k sub

2018-02-26 19:09:46 UTC


2018-02-27 23:35:13 UTC

elon musk is a saint of patience

2018-02-28 22:20:38 UTC
2018-03-01 02:17:04 UTC

Old Man Trump, from what I've seen.

2018-03-01 18:15:32 UTC business caves to social media pressure. Lefties insist they're listening to their customers even though I KNOW MEC members who were never consulted

2018-03-02 21:11:04 UTC
2018-03-05 04:08:16 UTC

Really important petitions for white South African farmers you guys should sign:

2018-03-07 04:55:15 UTC

that song single handedly just got me into country music

2018-03-07 09:42:35 UTC
2018-03-07 14:56:33 UTC

***It's a parody account*** never mind

2018-03-07 20:32:54 UTC Wow. Surprise #1. Cassie Jaye made it onto the state propaganda rag. Surprise #2. She didn't get called an evil sexist fake feminist MRA. Interviewer is still full of shit though

2018-03-08 01:21:50 UTC

@Jimjam I identify that account as not being a parody

2018-03-08 01:47:35 UTC

@Beemann Are you also Canadian? I've not read/watched anything from CBC for a couple of years now

2018-03-08 01:56:23 UTC

I am indeed. BC resident. I just headline skim to see what people are talking about, and the CBC is usually the first link to any Canadian story. I read through to make sure it isn't too bullshit (unless bullshit is exactly what I want to put on display)

2018-03-08 02:18:10 UTC


2018-03-08 02:18:22 UTC

Ontario here, but raised on PEI, miss that East Coast man

2018-03-08 19:50:31 UTC

Commies started International Women's Day

2018-03-10 18:43:43 UTC

The conservative hears the progressiveโ€™s latest demands and says, โ€œI can see how you might come to that conclusion, but I think youโ€™ve overlooked the followingโ€ฆโ€ In contrast, the progressive hears the conservative and thinks, โ€œI have no idea why you would believe that. Youโ€™re probably a racist.โ€

2018-03-13 15:25:40 UTC

thatโ€™s the feminist perspective. The incel reaction isnโ€™t any less funny

2018-03-13 16:20:27 UTC

I want those two subreddits to fight in the arena. 84 husks enter, 1 leaves ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-03-13 20:53:46 UTC

How the fโ€˜k is a black square considered art in the first place?!

2018-03-13 21:22:51 UTC

It's "Abstract"

2018-03-13 21:23:14 UTC

Just like how our govt paid a boatload of cash for two red lines with a white line between em

2018-03-13 21:38:38 UTC

Yeah... abstract... or a black square. I mean... its neither creative nor challenging to paint a black square... at lest with a black circle youโ€˜d have to make it round... ๐Ÿ˜

2018-03-13 22:00:14 UTC

Someone on Twitter once got butthurt over me saying PBS shouldn't get government money, and tried to spin that into asking my thoughts on the national endowment for the arts.

2018-03-13 22:00:35 UTC

I wish I had known of a story like that when it came up.

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