
Discord ID: 644735944771108878

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2020-02-06 22:23:14 UTC

Got a lil bit frustrated

2020-02-29 06:30:40 UTC

Kings recently some close friends of mine have been going behind my back and Iโ€™m trying my hardest not to lay hands on them

2020-02-29 06:31:11 UTC

What's crackin?

2020-02-29 06:31:29 UTC

Sorry to hear that bud, what's the scoop?

2020-02-29 06:36:49 UTC

Basically I had a break up and my oldest friends started DMing her, which is not so bad but theyโ€™re trying to make her more of a fixture in our little circle of friends then she ever was when we were dating, and theyโ€™d all lied and said they hadnโ€™t been talking to her, and now my friend told me to just get used to it and told me about all the lying

2020-02-29 06:37:51 UTC

Id say that's a pretty shady circle tbh

2020-02-29 06:37:55 UTC

Well not to shit on your friends but fuck those guys. I can relate though and that is irritating.

2020-02-29 06:40:34 UTC

Are you innasmalltown King?

2020-02-29 06:43:08 UTC

No, not too small, but the bulk of us have known each other since Middle school so itโ€™s basically half my social group

2020-02-29 06:45:11 UTC

I feel that

2020-02-29 06:45:14 UTC

That sucks. . . it sounds like she's pretty integrated too...

2020-02-29 06:45:49 UTC

Unfortunately I found it easier in my personal situation just to branch out and distance myself from my old friends that were doin similar shit

2020-02-29 06:46:46 UTC

If they're lyin to you and can't be basically respectful to someone they've known for such a long time then it would appear to me they haven't grown as much as you did. You deserve good friends - and that doesn't sound like a high bar.

2020-02-29 06:52:30 UTC

Thanks king, Iโ€™m thinking of reaching out at the vet center at college and developing my friends there and just leaving them behind

2020-02-29 06:53:31 UTC

It sucks and doesn't feel good to do it but from my perspective it passes and gets better. Personally it helped me to move to a different state as well which I was looking to do for a while.

2020-02-29 07:04:20 UTC

Yeah, once Iโ€™m done with college Iโ€™m outie, I been living in Cali too long, especially now that Iโ€™ve seen the light about how kickass it is to live elsewhere

2020-02-29 07:05:14 UTC

I've only ever heard bad things about cali tbh

2020-02-29 07:06:04 UTC

Theyโ€™re probably not wrong, weather is nice, but not nice enough to deal with the other baggage

2020-02-29 07:28:06 UTC

I moved to Missouri (Kansas City right on the border with Kansas) and it was my best decision yet.

2020-02-29 07:28:15 UTC

I was from New Yorkistan.

2020-02-29 07:28:24 UTC

It's pretty fucked there too

2020-02-29 08:24:28 UTC

Yeah get the fuck outta Cali - consider Schad's comments on resetting your network

2020-02-29 08:24:32 UTC

I've found the same helps

2020-02-29 08:24:40 UTC

( was atta bar - mind me )

2020-02-29 08:26:12 UTC

I've had to cut ties with close friends because they became toxic. Longest friendship I cut was about 8 years or so. Just because they were there in the past dosent change what they're doing now. It the whole what have you done for me lately thing. I still want them to be well, but just not near me

2020-02-29 08:29:13 UTC

Ok, it seems Iโ€™ll just try and distance myself, got but 3 years left here till I can use my degree to GTFO

2020-02-29 08:31:20 UTC

@thedarkness05 To expand on what you've said: good friendship shouldn't be at your expense - in terms of mental/emotional health. It's kinda like hiring a guy to change your car tires and he just shits in your seat and hands you the keys.

2020-02-29 08:31:28 UTC

Just light his business on fir-

2020-02-29 08:31:30 UTC

I mean

2020-02-29 08:31:37 UTC

Find a new guy

2020-02-29 08:32:41 UTC

ha haha

2020-02-29 08:34:54 UTC

Pretty much yeah. Like I was putting all the effort in the friendship. So I told the 6 or 7 of em, we're still friends, but y'all gotta set things up, I'm done doing everything. Its been a year or so since we've even talked

2020-03-07 21:00:14 UTC

im a commie pussy magnet

2020-03-07 21:00:26 UTC

Why the fuck cant I find a decent woman?

2020-03-07 21:01:02 UTC

The commies are leftovers that nobody wants, hence the increased availability.

2020-03-07 21:01:16 UTC

Im not so sure they exist tbh

2020-03-07 21:03:16 UTC

@Schadraquetor makes sense

2020-03-07 21:03:23 UTC
2020-03-07 21:13:15 UTC

I haven't found any.

I also live in Indiana

2020-03-07 21:45:29 UTC

Hope you don't find one

2020-03-07 21:46:20 UTC

San Francisco, Portland, New York, you name it

2020-03-07 21:46:50 UTC

I mean I've found decent women in NY, the actual based kind

2020-03-07 21:47:02 UTC

NYC my bad

2020-03-07 21:47:48 UTC

There too

2020-03-09 09:46:18 UTC

@thedarkness05 Good for you. I don't think this any decent Women left in Seattle or Tacoma For that point.

2020-03-16 07:15:53 UTC

Remember to check under your mattress covers and mattress pads for mold folks. Don't let it sneak up on ya.

2020-03-28 21:53:57 UTC

There is a chick I like who is 2 years younger and is good friends with my sister (who showed me a vid of her on snap and I thought she was pretty nice) I met her once at an open house at my sister's tech school. We have similar tastes in music and I've been wanting to find someone since I broke up with my ex 3 yrs ago and havent had any success in the game since my ex. I wanna ask her out but with this whole Carona shit idk what to do and I kinda dont want to put it off till after this virus blows over because im leaving the area in about a half a year. Plz send advice and outside perspectives

2020-03-28 21:58:41 UTC

Um idk how well you know this person, if you're openly talking to her find a movie or show that you both like and ask her to come over and watch it with you because you're bored

2020-03-28 21:59:32 UTC

Even if nothing happens she'll probably laugh and have a good time, especially if alcohol is involved

2020-03-28 22:00:01 UTC

Laughter+alcohol+good entertainment+eye contact=wet panties

2020-03-28 22:00:06 UTC

Or just go for a walk in the park, keep it real simple and also doable among the Kung flu

2020-03-28 22:00:14 UTC

Yeah that too^

2020-03-28 22:00:39 UTC

Maybe enlist your sister's help

2020-03-28 22:00:47 UTC

If she's willing to set you up

2020-03-28 22:00:56 UTC

If she's working against you that might be an issue

2020-03-28 22:03:03 UTC

No my sister is bro this relationship and she's under 21 and I dont wanna get on her fam's bad side if i do have a chance

2020-03-28 22:04:41 UTC


2020-03-29 06:02:22 UTC

Idk you but I find girls the same age as mine fucking uninsteresting

2020-03-29 06:02:48 UTC

Can't have a good conversation

2020-03-29 06:03:24 UTC

And most girls who are interested in my are nulifidians

2020-03-29 06:03:54 UTC

Total airheads

2020-03-29 06:05:05 UTC

Feels like I have to lower 10 points of my IQ to talk to them

2020-03-29 06:14:03 UTC

Just talk to her... ask her how she is, find a common interest to chat about...she will talk if shes interested in you. Simply open the door and see where she takes you. Ladies prefer a friend type first. Dont get too pushy or sexual too fast ..just listen and go with her flow..โœŒ

2020-03-29 12:25:31 UTC

Well she likes the outdoors, likes the same kind of music I do and is studying to become a veternarian

2020-03-29 21:13:28 UTC

@hootenanny4569 there you go... starting points. Ask her about being a vet...hopefully she will talk a lot on that and give you openings

2020-03-29 21:17:53 UTC

Ive been about little stuff here and there. Im just hoping it goes well yaknow?

2020-03-29 21:19:31 UTC

Smart. Take it slow. If she is worth it the wait will be as well

2020-03-29 21:20:30 UTC

Thx brp

2020-03-29 21:20:36 UTC


2020-03-29 21:23:19 UTC


2020-03-29 21:37:46 UTC

Bro is a gender netural term, like dude

2020-03-29 21:38:01 UTC

At least in my book

2020-03-29 21:38:19 UTC

Cocaine and strippers are gender neutral

2020-03-29 21:38:28 UTC


2020-03-29 21:43:49 UTC

I am more a bro than not ๐Ÿ˜œ raised by strong military men I dont get along well with females. I'm a tomboy at but a tomboy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2020-03-29 21:44:35 UTC

Cars guns and woods are my passions. Well there is one more but we wont talk about that here ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

2020-03-29 21:52:29 UTC

I always cringe hearing girls say bro or bruh, it's just off

2020-03-29 21:52:41 UTC

Dude is universal

2020-03-29 21:53:12 UTC

Dude is universal....bro or bruh is not.

2020-03-29 21:54:22 UTC

I dont say bro. I'm a surfer chick- DUDE is the way โœŒ I appreciate the respect however... Just call me the creeper ๐Ÿ‘€

2020-03-29 21:55:54 UTC


2020-03-29 21:56:17 UTC

Thanks tho all

2020-03-29 21:56:26 UTC

Did you make an inroad m8?

2020-03-29 21:57:47 UTC

I made an in I just havent asked her to hangout yet cause of virus, lack of freetime and nerves

2020-03-29 21:58:32 UTC

Do it, the more you think about it the harder it will be.

2020-03-29 22:00:08 UTC

Make a joke of it. If you're talking regularly, just say something like "Hey, once the plague has passed the village, would you like to get together some time"

2020-03-29 22:00:36 UTC

^^^ being funny never hurts.

2020-03-29 22:00:55 UTC

But yeah, do it quick, don't overthink it

2020-03-29 22:01:14 UTC

Ask now to hang when this is over....drop that seed

2020-04-17 15:41:27 UTC

Any of you kings have a diet that worked well for you?

2020-04-17 15:43:45 UTC

Keto has been pretty successful for me, I used to switch 6-8 weeks on.
I hear the carnivore diet works well for some here, like Squid n Bard.
I kinda meal prep, but I usually only make rice, beans, and chicken. Enough to last me a week or two at a time. I've had great success as Im down 20-25lbs since the end of january

2020-04-17 16:02:25 UTC

^ Keto is the real deal.

2020-04-17 16:16:23 UTC

I eat and i shit, thats my diet, sorry not much help

2020-04-17 16:53:31 UTC

Nice I'll give those 2 a look.

2020-04-17 16:53:38 UTC

Thanks kings

2020-04-17 16:54:03 UTC

@hootenanny4569 I wish It was the easy but i gotta lose weight lol

2020-04-17 16:56:36 UTC

I feel you dude, but everyones different when it comes to weightloss. Just try out some things for a bit, like 6-8weeks at a time, and reevaluate its affect. You'll fimd something that works for you

2020-04-17 16:57:15 UTC

Will do my man. Thanks

2020-04-17 17:55:07 UTC

Best of luck

2020-04-18 02:50:26 UTC

Thanks man

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